Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

OptionsORACLE – Stock Options Analysis Tool

36 sec read

OptionsOracle is a free tool for stock options strategy analysis. It is a powerful tool that allows testing of different options strategies using real-time options & stock-market information. The tool provides an easy interface to build a stock/options position, and then test it using graphs and analytic analysis tools.

OptionsOracle is simple to use tool, that includes build in tutorial. After entering the stock symbol the software will automatically download the real-time information of the stock and its options. Next, using either the wizard with the pre-configured template, or using the manual setting, the tested position is built. Last the analysis tools will provide information about the position gain/loss given the stock price and time, enabling you to better understand the position.

It is simply the best free options analysis tool, that gives you all you need – options strategies analysis, options screener, volatility analyzer, greeks calculator, and portfolio manager

Download Working solution for Options Oracle here



Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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57 Replies to “OptionsORACLE – Stock Options Analysis Tool”

  1. Hi,

    Can anyone confirm that this tool works for Nifty options?

    Thanks & Regards,

  2. Hi,

    I downloaded the tool and changed the plugin to NSE but when I enter the name of the stock eg: UNITECH, it does not download any data saying that it could not find the Stock. Did you face any issues related to this.

    Many Thanks in advance.


  3. i have downloaded the option oracle but it doesn’t work for indian stock option but it works only for nifty option. will it work for stock option also?

  4. sir
    i downloaded option oracle software but not downloading data for nifty.
    kindly help me. i am a option trader in nifty.

    Thanking You


  6. Sir…I have been trying to install Option oracle, but it installs without any error, but when i open it, i see this alert

    “Current Configured Preferred Server is Not Available. Using ‘Plugin Server US (CBOE)’ Instead. ” i click Ok……then I go to Config, in the place of “Online Servers & Stock Exchange Selection” dont have anything there to select.

    i need help.

  7. Hello, I was having the same problem… that is it says that “Current configured Preferred server….. not available.” However, it was working fine on a friends machine. I noticed that some .xml files that have not been installed on my machine. I copied these files on my machine and its working ok now.
    To check if you have the same problem….. 0n a Windows system open a command prompt and enter CD %APPDATA%\OptionsOracle and in this directory check you would be missing the file plugin.xml. All you need is to copy this file into the folder and it will work fine.
    I am not able to attach the file here and so am not providing it. In case anyone wants it you may leave your mail id in reply and I shall mail it to you.
    Only thing is that it doesn’t download the data for NIFTY. All other index and stocks its working ok, provided one enters the name correctly. I have a feeling its because the name is not getting resolved. I have tried all combinations but have not succeeded. In case anyone has a clue on how to handle this please post.

      1. Hello,
        Please see my trailing mail and download the file from the link provided there.
        Do confirm that its working for you’ll since I have one person who reported to the contrary.
        Also note that it doesnt work for NIFTY. I have not been able to understand why. I have tried all combinations like NSENIFTY, S&PNIFTY, CNXNIFTY etc, but its not working. In case anyone has been able to get this working please do post.
        Looking forward for the feedback.
        Happy trading,

    1. Please email me the plugin.xml file, I am getting the same error message. Thanks!

  8. Hello all,
    All who are facing the problem “Current configured Preferred server….. not available.” You may see my previous post….
    I have uploaded the file plugin.xml at this link…http://www.4shared.com/document/bV4qYDjP/plugin.html
    Just place the file in the %APPDATA%\OptionsOracle folder and it should be working fine.

    1. Thanks Praveen. plugin file solved the problem but it still does not download data for nifty.

  9. I am not able to download NSE nifty index data. i got error After copying plugin.html.

    1. Hello,
      I hope you have downloaded the .xml file from the link and placed it in the correct folder.. If that is done and you are getting the data for other symbols like say TCS, ^BANKNIFTY etc it means it is working fine.
      There is some error due to which ^NIFTY is not working. I suspect it is because the name is not getting resolved… maybe there is some change done in the NSE site.
      In case it is working for anyone using optionsoracle, please share as to what is the name that is being used.

  10. Thanks Praveen.

    After downloading & placing pugin.xml from your link, I could get NSE server in config. Now other stocks – UNITECH, Banknifty works. But NIFTY does not work. It gives error – un recognised symbol.

    About a year back I had used Options Oracle and at that time either NIFTY or ^NIFTY as symbol used to work. Now not working.

    Again, if NIFTY works for some and for others don’t than there has to be other issue rather than name resolution at NSE server end.

    Will appreciate any further help to resolve problem on NIFTY.

    Thanks & regards,


  11. Hi Praveen,

    I am not able to download the file, can you please send me the plugin.xml file to my email id.

  12. sir
    i have downloaded option oracle i have problem downloading nifty option data

    please tell me how to solve the problem

  13. Hello Praveen S,

    As per your instructions, I have done the configuration, however nifty and banknifty is not working.
    Please help me on the same.

    1. I fully agree with you ..all options data under NSE are getting retrieved except Nifty and BankNifty…
      Kindly help me if you guys found any solution

  14. Hi Praveen,

    I have copied the suggested file in the folder but still it is not working.

    Any idea what can be the reason.

    Vikas Kapoor

  15. hi

    I have downloaded the plunin.xml file and even then the same error ” current configuration server is not available.using ‘plugin server us (cboe)’ instead. ” is being displayed
    help me out


  16. Hi All

    i have download option oracle it works now after plugin.xml but nifty doesn’t work in the said software anyone got this solution please intimate to all.

  17. Hello,

    I have installed OptionsOracle application. But I am able to run. I am getting an error message “OptionsOracle has stopped working”. Please help me.

  18. I have tried each of the solutions with the obvious outcome that options oracle is not downloading NIFTY data anymore. Other symbols are good for nothing due to low liquidity in options. I will be very thankful if any genius can fix it and make this wonderful software usable. I will be thankful if anybody knows about any such paid software (fetching data automatically and strategy integration)
    Thanks in advance

  19. i have downloaded the software and installed xml plugin it started working.i even installed plugin for india but it says not listed.I have tried NIFTY,RCOM,DLF,ACC LTD . Kindly help on this

  20. Oh Still not working today, this is useful software for small trader but unfortunately symbol updation it not taking place.

  21. This software no option chain or analysis the error is server ‘PlugIn Server India (NSE) v1.8.3 — Version′ does not have a valid samoasky trust certificate

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