Nifty is trading around All time high. October Futures is more of one-sided movement with an approximate swing of 500+ points swing. The trading sentiment is holding positive across the timeframes (Daily, Weekly, Monthly). No weakness yet from the market internals perspective. Trading Positional Shorts could be still not a profitable one unless you understand the inventory conditions of the market participants.
Put writers continue to be aggressive at 10000PE strikes and moderately active at 10200PE and 10300PE strikes. Ultimate November expiry support for November series comes around 10000 level. Call writers are not aggressive yet for this series though they are moderately active at 10600CE and 10700CE strikes. Given the trading conditions, nifty could bring a mix of trendier and sideways action for this series.
Nifty November Series Open Interest
One should have a flexible mindset to trade in a sideways compressed market followed by a trending market or a trending market followed by a compressed market. As the market dynamics changes every month you cannot expect the same trading performance. In such a scenario preparing for your trading helps a lot. Probably as a trader you need to spend more time on the screen and monitoring for continuation as the sudden intraday surprise factor might bring a lot of attention towards the price action to make short-term and intraday traders to take exactly the wrong decision.
Volatility remains subdued below 12 levels. Though in the near term banknifty is underperforming Nifty to a greater extent no major bearishness are expected in Nifty at current scenario. Choose your trades for this series wisely and selectively.
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