Nifty Hourly Charts
Nifty and Bank Nifty hourly charts are in sell mode since 6th November and also both the indices closes negatively on the 7th consecutive trading session.Currently resistance zone is at 6201 and 11090 respectively. One should reverse your position to positional longs if the resistance zone breaks on the hourly charts.
Bank Nifty Hourly Charts
Nifty Open Interest Charts
Currently 6300CE holds the higher open interest among all the November Options Strike Prices. And on the put side 6000PE holds the higher open interest among the puts strike price which indicates probably this expiry could be a tight range bound season ranging between 6000 – 6300.
Nifty Spread Chart
The above Chart shows the spread difference between Nifty novemeber futures and Nifty spot and the value is quite higher i.e above 50. Whats on your mind for the reason for higher spread difference in nifty put your thoughts and observations here!
I am Mr. sahu, thank you for advicing in futures and following continoue to you