For NSE/BSE EOD data we simply rely on Getbhavcopy software when it comes to downloading MCX EOD data , Data Downloader a unique software which performs incredible data updates from various sources.
Data Downloader downloads Intraday stock quotes and EOD stock quotes from different free sources. Currently Data Downloader supports data from the following sources:
Google Intraday Stock Quotes Backfill
Data Downloader is perhaps the first software to download one minute intraday stock quotes from Google. Google supports a whole lot of exchanges from NSE to FTSE to NYSE and many more. The data integity of google stock data is extemely good and should be the first choice for your stock data requirement.
Yahoo Intraday Stock Quotes Backfill
Data Downloader downloads Intraday stock quotes from Yahoo too. Yahoo supports exchanges from Brazil to Japan and more than 50 exchanges in between. So be sure to check for the foreign exchanges you want to track.
MCX EOD Futures Data
You won’t find many softwares downloading data for MCX. With Data Downloader you can download Bhavcopies from MCX. Currently Data Downloader appends data for the Near Month contracts.
NSE EOD Stock Data (Bhavcopy and Indices)
Data Downloader also downloads the Bhavcopy and the Indices stock quotes from National Stock Exchange (NSE).
There are many software’s which downloads the bhavcopy from NSE. But what makes Data Downloader special is, it appends only what is relevant and discards all redundant data. Data Downloader downloads only the EQ and BE series data and if both EQ and BE series data for a particular script is present, then Data Downloader appends only the EQ series data. This is where other software fails to deliver. Besides Data Downloader also calculates and appends the Advance Decline data. This data is very helpful as the same is not readily available.
NSE Futures and Options Data
Download NSE Futures and Options data with Data Downloader. Data for the Near Month and the Next Month contracts are appended only. Each NSE Futures Bhavcopies are in excess of 1 MB in size so do take care while downloading data for multiple days.
The data downloaded by Data Downloader can be extensively customized and thus can be fed virtually to any charting software from MetaStock to AmiBroker to NinjaTrader to FCharts and the list goes on. Data Downloader is extremely user-friendly and users will find no difficulty at all running the software. The best part, it’s free.
Download the Data Downloader from Volume Digger
Configuring Data Downloader
Configuring the Data Downloader contains just three simple steps
1) Update the file path where the MCX EOD data need to be stored
Dear Rajandran,
Thanks for your extremely useful posts. Is there a way to feed yahoo intraday data from data downloader directly to amibroker?
Also, there is considerable delay in yahoo data, what is the possibility to get it realtime (or almost realtime with a slight delay)?
Regards – Shree
@Shrinivas – Yahoo is recommended only for beginners to learn the market with intraday technicals. For Exact realtime data you have to move to a sophisticated platform.
dear sir how can i import the downloaded data to amibroker.
so any one cant trade accurately with yahoo data,isnt it?
100% uptime is not guarenteed in case of yahoo. And outage is common in yahoo…. the question is not about the accuracy but about the outage
One small request! Continuing with your generosity to upload stock data, can you upload latest IEOD data in ASCII form (a year long will do)… the last one u uploaded is too old and Investbulls as alltogether stopped providing updations!
Thanks in advance – Shree
dear sir,
since last 29/10/10 downloader failed to download data from nse . pl inform me regarding this why it is happening .
looking for ur reply
Can anyone please post a tutorial to download google intraday data into meta stock using data downloader with the required settings.
Can i download EOD data International market , ^DJI ,N225 etc …..
Dear Rajendran,
What data source is reliable and cost effective for nse intrady. Speciallly for amibroker.
Is there any way to download the EOD data for the e-series from NSEL? Please advise.
Dear Rajendran,
what is the symbol code for PX1,ftse in data downloader.
ex: we have .NSEI,nse like this for px1 and ftse .
Thanks for the post, this data downloaded provides yahoo, Google Intraday feed and downloads faster than Get Bhav copy & easily convert-able.
Data Downloader , is not working for MCX , getting error..The magic number in GZip header is not correct. Make sure you are passing in a GZip stream..
any clue?
Sir, How can I mix Download the Data Downloader from Volume Digger with MCX EOD database downlod from here. When try to import amibroker shows error. Please help me about this matter.
Hello Sir,
After downloading the NSE Futures Data @ Volume Digger as shown below:
ACC-II,20130215,1246.65,1266.65,1227,1260.65,2325,720750 (Expiry-Feb, 2013)
ACC-II,20130215,1231,1256,1218,1251.9,170,114250 (Expiry-March, 2013) and so on..
When I Convert the same in Metastock 10.1@ The Downloader it only converts (Expiry-March, 2013) data.. why front month i.e (Expiry-Feb, 2013) data is not converted in metastock format.. kindly pl. help me to sort this problem.. Regards
After downloading the MCX Data by Volume Digger , data is not converted in amibroker format.
Showing some error, Please help me to solve the problem.
sir, data downloader works very fine with google at one place but same gives problems at other place and not downloading data… what can be the problem? suresh shah
sir mcx edo datadoenlodar is not working pls help
sir, i have downloaded data downloader today on 6 jun 2013, and trying to download data of the last few years, but failed because data downloader only downloading the current year data of 2013.
so I kindly request you to please zip your mcx database and mail it to me.
data downloader is not downloading data of current day .
are you facing same issue?
Try it out after the market hours. Data will be updated only after market hours
Rajandran R
hello sir ,
how to data import in ninja trader 7. or data downloader for ninja trader.plz slove the problem
mcx eod is not working .do we need to change some setting.
data downloader is not downloading data of MCX EOD and NSE Future EOD .Also yahoo Intraday data is not downloading after 15th October.kindly fix the problem.
Data downloader not able to download MCX data
i cannot download data from data downloader since 4-5 days.
it always gives the error”could not validate data,try gain later”
can u pls help me in this case
i cannot download data from data downloader . it always gives the error could not validate data, try gain later, can u please help me
Rajendran – Thanks a ton for this downloader. Being able to download data from MCX is a big big help !
Severus which downloader are you talking about. Actually data downloader is not downloading MCX data since last one year, so tell all of us , which downloader you have found that is downloading MCX data.
Eagerly waiting for your response.
Rajendran Sir, have you know any other data downloader that downloades MCX eod data .
is there any other site where we can find mcx eod charts .. or any other tool to download the mcx eod data
it stoped working downloading current year data getbhavcopy also only for nse urrt is also for nse only so
for mcx which one is left if any one have any idea please share with us also it will be helpfull
Data Downloader MCX EOD data could not validate data .please try later. why ?
Probably the very old software is no more compatible anymore to download MCX EOD data.
Can you suggest any other tool to help download EOD bhavcopy from the websites?
Hi Rajendra,
How to download Options contract EOD intraday data in 1 min using this data downloader? Is it possible using this software? If not, could you please let me know where can we get EOD intraday 1 min Options contract data.
Please share your thoughts. Thanks
it is not downloading the data of current year 2015…please do something ….it is very nice software but not working …
I have a data downloader software. I am able to download NSE EOD prices. But is unable to download the MCX EOD from last 2 yrs. Please help.
Thank You
Download the Data Downloader from Volume Digger not working. How to historical data download .
How to use mcx eod in amibroker
Hi Rajandran R
can you guide me as my data downloader from Volume Digger is not working since last 6 month.
Its not able to download EOD data of NSE