This Streamlit application is designed for backtesting trading strategies using the VectorBT library in Python. It provides a user-friendly interface to input various parameters for the trading strategy, such as symbols, dates, EMA periods, and more. Users can perform backtests and view detailed results including backtesting statistics, trades list, equity curve, drawdown, and portfolio plots.
- Interactive interface for strategy parameter input.
- Integration with VectorBT for sophisticated backtesting.
- Visualizations for equity curve, drawdown, and overall portfolio performance.

To run this app locally, you need the following:
- Python 3.x
- Streamlit
- vectorbt
- pandas
- numpy
- plotly
- pytz
Access the VectorBT Streamlit Cloud App
Explore the app directly: VectorBT Streamlit App.
Download the GitHub Code
Get the source code here: VectorBT-Streamlit GitHub Repository.
What is Streamlit?
Streamlit is an open-source Python library that turns data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes. It’s designed for users who need to rapidly prototype and deploy data applications. The beauty of Streamlit lies in its simplicity and interactivity, making it an ideal tool for building trading dashboards and applications.
VectorBT: A Powerful Tool for Traders
VectorBT (Vector BackTesting) is an analytics engine for Python used in trading strategies backtesting. It’s built on top of pandas, NumPy, and Plotly and integrates seamlessly with Streamlit to visualize trading strategies and metrics.
Installation and Setup Guidelines
Installation and Setup
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the app’s directory:
cd .\VectorBT-Streamlit\
Install required libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the app, execute the following command in the terminal:
streamlit run
VectorBT Streamlit Python Code
import streamlit as st
import vectorbt as vbt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from datetime import datetime
import pytz # Make sure pytz is installed
# Convert date to datetime with timezone
def convert_to_timezone_aware(date_obj):
return datetime.combine(date_obj, datetime.min.time()).replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
# Streamlit interface
st.set_page_config(page_title='VectorBT Backtesting', layout='wide')
st.title("VectorBT Backtesting -")
# Sidebar for inputs
with st.sidebar:
# Inputs for the symbol, start and end dates
st.header("Strategy Controls")
# Inputs for the symbol, start and end dates
symbol = st.text_input("Enter the symbol (e.g., 'AAPL')", value="HDFCBANK.NS")
start_date = st.date_input("Start Date", value=pd.to_datetime("2010-01-01"))
end_date = st.date_input("End Date", value=pd.to_datetime("2023-01-01"))
# EMA controls
short_ema_period = st.number_input("Short EMA Period", value=10, min_value=1)
long_ema_period = st.number_input("Long EMA Period", value=20, min_value=1)
st.header("Backtesting Controls")
# Backtesting controls
initial_equity = st.number_input("Initial Equity", value=100000)
size = st.text_input("Position Size", value='50') # Text input for size
size_type = st.selectbox("Size Type", ["amount", "value", "percent"], index=2) # Dropdown for size type
fees = st.number_input("Fees (as %)", value=0.12, format="%.4f")
direction = st.selectbox("Direction", ["longonly", "shortonly", "both"], index=0)
# Button to perform backtesting
backtest_clicked = st.button("Backtest")
# Main area for results
if backtest_clicked:
start_date_tz = convert_to_timezone_aware(start_date)
end_date_tz = convert_to_timezone_aware(end_date)
# Fetch data
data =, start=start_date_tz, end=end_date_tz).get('Close')
# Calculate EMAs and signals
short_ema =, short_ema_period, short_name='fast', ewm=True)
long_ema =, long_ema_period, short_name='slow', ewm=True)
entries = short_ema.ma_crossed_above(long_ema)
exits = short_ema.ma_crossed_below(long_ema)
# Convert size to appropriate type
if size_type == 'percent':
size_value = float(size) / 100.0
size_value = float(size)
# Run portfolio
portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(
data, entries, exits,
min_size =1,
size_granularity = 1
# Create tabs
tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5 = st.tabs(["Backtesting Stats", "List of Trades",
"Equity Curve", "Drawdown", "Portfolio Plot"])
with tab1:
# Display results
st.markdown("**Backtesting Stats:**")
stats_df = pd.DataFrame(portfolio.stats(), columns=['Value']) = 'Metric' # Set the index name to 'Metric' to serve as the header
st.dataframe(stats_df, height=800) # Adjust the height as needed to remove the scrollbar
with tab2:
st.markdown("**List of Trades:**")
trades_df = portfolio.trades.records_readable
trades_df = trades_df.round(2) # Rounding the values for better readability = 'Trade No' # Set the index name to 'Trade Name' to serve as the header
trades_df.drop(trades_df.columns[[0,1]], axis=1, inplace=True)
st.dataframe(trades_df, width=800,height=600) # Set index to False and use full width
# Plotting
equity_data = portfolio.value()
drawdown_data = portfolio.drawdown() * 100
with tab3:
# Equity Curve
equity_trace = go.Scatter(x=equity_data.index, y=equity_data, mode='lines', name='Equity',line=dict(color='green') )
equity_fig = go.Figure(data=[equity_trace])
equity_fig.update_layout(title='Equity Curve', xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Equity',
with tab4:
# Drawdown Curve
drawdown_trace = go.Scatter(
line=dict(color='red') # Set the line color to red
drawdown_fig = go.Figure(data=[drawdown_trace])
title='Drawdown Curve',
yaxis_title='% Drawdown',
width = 800,
height = 600
with tab5:
# Portfolio Plot
st.markdown("**Portfolio Plot:**")
Step-by-Step Tutorial: Building a Trading Dashboard with VectorBT and Streamlit
Let’s dive into creating a simple yet effective trading dashboard using the provided Python code.
Step 1: Setting Up the Streamlit Interface
The Streamlit interface is initiated with st.set_page_config()
to configure page properties. The title is set using st.title()
Step 2: Creating Sidebar for User Inputs
The sidebar (st.sidebar
) is crucial for user interaction. It includes inputs for symbols, date range, EMA (Exponential Moving Average) periods, backtesting controls like initial equity, position size, fees, and the direction of trades. A button (st.button
) triggers the backtesting.
Step 3: Backtesting Logic
Upon clicking the backtest button, the app:
- Converts user-input dates to timezone-aware datetime objects.
- Fetches the stock data using
. - Computes short and long EMAs and generates entry and exit signals.
- Processes the position size based on user input.
- Executes the backtesting using
Step 4: Displaying Results
The results are displayed in multiple tabs:
- Backtesting Stats: Summarizes the performance metrics of the strategy.
- List of Trades: Shows a detailed list of trades executed during the backtesting period.
- Equity Curve: Plots the equity curve of the portfolio over time.
- Drawdown: Visualizes the drawdown percentage, highlighting periods of loss.
- Portfolio Plot: A comprehensive plot of the portfolio’s performance.
Step 5: Visualization with Plotly
The dashboard leverages Plotly for visualizing the equity and drawdown curves. These interactive plots enhance the user experience, providing a clear and dynamic visual representation of the strategy’s performance.
Streamlit, combined with VectorBT, offers a powerful and user-friendly platform for traders and Python enthusiasts to backtest and visualize their trading strategies. By following this tutorial, you can build and customize your own trading dashboard, harnessing the power of Python and modern web technologies.
Further Exploration
I encourage you to modify and enhance the dashboard based on your trading preferences and strategies. Experiment with different indicators, assets, and backtesting parameters to fully explore the capabilities of VectorBT and Streamlit.