Coppock is one of my favorite bull market indicator. It helps investor to identify the start of the bull market. It helps investors to pick best stock to ride in any bull market.

Here are the Formulas to calculate the Coppock indicator extracted from the incredible charts portal
To calculate the Coppock Value:
1)Calculate 14 month Rate of Change (Price) for the index. Use monthly closing price.
2)Calculate 11 month Rate of Change (Price) for the index. Use monthly closing price.
3)Add the results of 1 and 2.
4)Calculate a 10 month weighted moving average of the result.
There are a number of variations in the calculation. For a more timely signal, try substituting the daily equivalent in the place of monthly figures: 294 day ROC, 231 day ROC, and 210 days weighted moving averages. Based on these formulas I had coded for the Coppock value using 294,231,210 ROC values which suits the daily time frame. Here is the simple Coppock AFL code
For the Daily time frame, Coppock can be calculated as
1)Calculate 294 day Rate of Change (Price) for the index. Use Daily closing price.
2)Calculate 231 day Rate of Change (Price) for the index. Use Daily closing price.
3)Add the results of 1 and 2.
4)Calculate a 210 day weighted moving average of the result.
Coppock AFL Code
Color = IIf (CP >0, colorGreen, colorRed );
Plot(CP,"", Color ,styleHistogram | styleThick );
Plot(CP, StrFormat("Coppock Value", CP), colorGreen, styleLine);
Nifty Coppock had turned to positive during the end of OCT 2009. Check the above historical Nifty chart for Coppock values
Here is interesting reading about Coppock Indicator and its history from DNA India
HI Thanks for the AFL for coppock. Appreciate the same and efforts by you. Also can you suggest how to correct the splits in Amibroker data. I have downloaded your amibroker data(35Mb) and than updated it from Live nifty data as you suggested. Now the companies like reliace have gone split go the charts are ditorted. Please suggest.