This tutorial Explains how to install Metatrader 5 in Linux based Ubuntu 11.04 Operating System.
1)Install Wine 1.3 from Synaptic Package Manager
2)Install Metatrader 5
Wine lets you run Windows software on other operating systems. With Wine, you can install and run any windows applications just like you would in Windows.
Step to Install Wine 1.3
To Install Wine: There are a few options:
1)System->Synaptic Package Manager
2)Applications->Add/Remove… (Procedure similar to the Synaptic Package Manager)
Install Wine from the Web (Ubuntu)
1)To Install Wine using the System->Synaptic Package Manager:
2)Click on the System->Administration-.Synaptic Package Manager menu option.
3)Enter your Linux password. The Synaptic Package Manager screen is displayed:
4)Click on the Search icon. A Search Dialog box screen will be displayed.
5)Enter Wine and click on the Search button. The available Wine packages on the repositories will be listed.
6)Select Wine, and tick the option. Alternatively, you may right-click and select the Mark for installation option on the context menu.
7)The Mark additional required changes screen will be displayed.
Install Metatrader 5 in Ubuntu
1)Download the Metatrader 5 Windows Package
2)By Default the windows package downloaded in the Downloads folder
3)Goto Applications->Accessories->Termainal and Open the terminal
4)Type CD Downloads to goto the directory there package is download
5)Instal Metatrader using wine with the command wine mt5setup.exe
6)Now the Installation Setup for Metatrader 5 will starts and the procedure for installation is same as installing metatrader 5 in Windows
Installation Window
Metatrader Snapshot
MetaEditor Snapshot
After installation finished you can enter your credentials in order to sign up for a new account or enter your account details if you already have any.
thank you.
if only NOW/ODIN and SHAREKHAN TT could be installed in Ubuntu….
just for these, i’ve to live with Bindows
thanks again.
I dont know how you got this to work, I get as far as entering credentials and then it freezes. Will this also work in 11.10?
Hi Raj,
Could you please add a tutorial about how to set up amibroker using wine 1.3 ? Thank you
Dear Doji (March 5, 2012 (5 weeks ago) at 12:42 am)
Same Problem here. Even installing winetricks and further installing ‘winetrcks allfonts’ and ‘winetricks gdiplus’ doesnt help at all. 🙁
Any hints somebody?
Hi Raj,
I think you may have forgotten one step. Doji and Brubaker both mention a freezing problem. I encountered the same problem. It is fixed by going to Wine>Configure Wine>Graphics. Then untick the box that says ‘Allow the window manager to decorate the windows’ then click ‘Apply’ then OK. The freezing stops. Wine has been running brilliantly on my Linux machine for about two weeks now.
One more thing. Best to upgrade to Wine 1.5.10 and check out
Doesn’t work at all – only shows a box: “For installation, windows XP or higher is required!”
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