Download Metatrader 5 for Android Devices

38 sec read

On 11th Oct, MetaQuotes Software Corp. has launched its new mobile trading platform MetaTrader 5 Android. With the new platform, traders can trade on financial markets even when away from their desktop computers.

MetaTrader 5 Android can run on smartphones and tablet PCs powered by Android OS. The application allows you to connect to trade servers of brokerage companies from anywhere in the world and trade on the Forex and stock markets.

The current version of the MetaTrader 5 Android mobile trading platform supports all trading functions. The application receives prices of financial instruments, allows to trade and view the history of trade operations. The functionality of the platform will be expanded in the next versions – charts and technical analysis tools will be implemented soon.

MetaTrader 5 Android is the second application for mobile trading within the MetaTrader 5 trading platform, which is used by more than 50 brokerage firms and banks. Earlier this year the company released MetaTrader 5 iPhone and three significant updates to it.

Download Metatrader 5 for Android Devices

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