Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

Zerodha Trader Plugin for AmiBroker

1 min read

[extract from zerodha]

What is it?

An easy to install and use interface between AmiBroker and Zerodha Trader.


Amibroker is a comprehensive technical analysis program with advanced charting, back-testing and scanning capabilities. AmiBroker is among the most popular technical analysis tools used by traders across the world.




Currently traders maintain non-connected setups for technical analysis and trading. Whenever a trading signal triggers in the charting platform, the orders are placed manually in the trading platform. For active traders, it is error-prone, time consuming and needless duplication of efforts. This pain point is addressed by connecting AmiBroker (charting platform) and Zerodha Trader (Trading platform).

How it works?

This plug-in is possible because of a tie-up between Global Data Feeds – authorized vendor for data from NSE & AmiBroker and Zerodha – your stock/commodity/currency brokerage firm

1. Open a Trading Account with ZeroDha and install  trading platform Zerodha Trader.

2. Subscribe to live data from Global Data Feeds.  Install AmiBroker and if you don’t already have an AmiBroker license purchase it online or from Global Data Feeds – AmiBroker Standard Edition, AmiBroker Professional Edition, AmiBroker Ultimate Pack Pro Edition

3. Subscribe to Nest Plus by clicking here or logging into Zerodha Trader. If you have already subscribed to Nest Plus on Zerodha Trader please login using your ID.

4. Create your trading strategy on AmiBroker, back test it and take it live. Click here to learn how to create a strategy, back test and take it live.

5. Zerodha Trader Plugin would be provided free of cost. Watch a video to learn how to apply the Zerodha Trader Plugin to real-time strategies. Whenever the strategy gives an entry/exit signal, you will have 2 options based on if you are a dealer or a retail client as per SEBI/Exchange regulations.

Dealer: The entry signal on the chart is converted as an order and placed automatically on Zerodha Trader. This can be completely automated or semi-automated based on your requirement. You can determine if the order is limit/market and place a stop loss at the same time completely automated.

Retail Client: The entry signal on the chart is converted as an order and reflects on Zerodha Trader. The client will have to authorize this order after reviewing and this is placed on the exchange (semi-automated). 6. Run multiple strategies at the same time – which is humanly not possible, remove emotions by getting your software to do the trading for you. Trade with us at the lowest costs in the country and improve your odds of winning exponentially. Click here for a free trial if you are already an existing client of ZeroDha. (*Free trial for 30 days for AmiBroker software, 3 days for live data and – 5 days for Nest Plus subscription)

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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10 Replies to “Zerodha Trader Plugin for AmiBroker”

  1. Dear sir , i want to connect amibroker to my trading software ( odin ) for automated trading , i have done everything but don’t get positive response .
    sir , i want to know how to create afl code with buy and sell parameters 2. i have downloaded rtdf software earlier
    which is now asking for licence . i dont know what to do and where to start , please please guide .

    1. @Hariom

      Currently legal solutions are not available for autotrading with Odin platform using Amibroker Software. Only as of now nest trader platform enabled the legal enviroment for autotrading

  2. Dear sir , please also tell how to obtain at least 2 months ieod data of nse or mcx for 1 hour chart for nse and 4 hour chart for mcx

  3. Dear Mr.Rajandran,
    I using zerodha trading platform with nestplus, could you pls. give the afl code for ichimoku strategy for nifty futures for zerodha algo z , as you know that it is different from amibroker code.

    Thanks & Best regards.


  4. Dear rajandran,

    i’m trading with zerodha past 3-4 months and quiet satisfied with them and currently i came to know about there plugin as you have mentioned above i was always looking forward for that kind of plugin as i’m a daytrader so makes sense a lot for me , but my queries is that at current scenario did u used the plugin and is it ok to buy the whole package(amibroker+global data feed) , what worries me is that is there any lag in order placement or anything ,
    it would be great if you are using the above package then can you pease some of the demerits if any with the above plugin ,, it would be really helpful to me for taking the decision

  5. Hi Rajandran,

    I have referred many of your blog on this site. Thanks for sharing valuable information.
    As you mentioned that there is no solution available for auto trading with Odin platform but we looking for software vendor to build solution for us.

    My question are
    1. who is the best provider for Real time data that we can use for Amiborker?
    2. Is there any plugin available in free to get BUY/SELL signal from AmiBroker ? if not the please suggest us best option.

    Thank you

    1. @Jill,
      Solution are available but those are not legal as odin officially doesnt supports autotrading as of now. Odin has to enable autotrading api’s just how Nest (Omnesys product) enabled offcially for Retail Clients to do autotrading.

  6. I have live data feed on MT4 platform for stocks and a EA working on it. Now I want a plugin/bridge between MT4 and Nest trader to execute the trades on my brokers Nest trader platform from the signals generated on MT4 EA.

    can you do this kind of programming.
    If yes , kindly give me a quote.

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