Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

PushBullet : Now Send Push Notifications From Amibroker

1 min read

Prior to getting into the technical configuration it is good to know little about PushBullet Service. Pushbullet connects your devices, making it easy and automatic to share almost anything between the devices and between friends devices. Here is the little intro video about what PushBullet is capable of. Pushbullet current supports Push notifications for Android, Apple IOS and Blackberry devices, Windows Desktop Notification and Browser based notifications(Chrome, Firefox and Opera are the supported browsers)



Pushbullet Either allows you to send push notifications to your devices(Smartphone/tablets/PC) or you can create a Pushbullet Channel and can broadcast to the subscribed/interested people devices.

Sample Mobile Push Alert(Simulated)
PushBullet Notification

How to Send Push Notification to My Devices?

Our Scope is here to send Buy/Sell Signal Generation or Other System Information (For Ex RSI Value, MACD Value, Trailing Stop Value, Take Profit Levels) frequently. To put it very simple what your system want to communicate to your smartphone/tablet/desktop/Laptop when you are out of your trading terminal for a while.

You can Send Push Notification to your devices either manually or by using the HTTP API to automate sending the notifications. You can learn more about the Pushbullet HTTP API info here

1)Download Pushbullet Android/IOS App according to your smartphone device where you to receive push notification from Amibroker Software. If you wanna recieve alerts in your Desktop or Browser or to receive alerts from someone else Pushbullet channel you can download the Browser extention from the link here

2)Sign in with Pushbullet using your Google Login.

3)Once Signed in click over your profile pic and goto account settings. Now copy the Access Token which is unique code to communicate with your device and keep it safe.

Push Bullet Access Token

4)Now make sure that your Trading System supports Buy/Sell Variables minimum to pass Buy/Sell Alerts. If you need to send Short/Cover/any other variables then you need to build your own custom code according to your requirements. In this example we focused only on alerting with simple Buy/Sell Variable.

5)Download the AFL code and save it as pushbullet.afl code in your //Amibroker//Formulas//system folder

6)Now Replace xxxxxxxxxxxxxx in line 25 with your Secure Access token

7)Now Drag and Drop the pushbullet.afl code to your Trading System Charts which contains Buy/Sell Variables. Note you have to do a drag and drop to your existing trading system annd not to insert the afl code

8)Bingo you are done now get alerts to your mobile/desktop/laptop devices(one or multiple devices) and stay connected with your trading system even you are out of your trading system

Desktop Push Notification(Simulated)
Desktop Push Alert

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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82 Replies to “PushBullet : Now Send Push Notifications From Amibroker”

  1. I done as per given instruction above for pushbullet. But buy and sell signals was generating in Amibroker, I am not getting any pushbullet popups in my android as well as in alf.

    1. Make sure you had
      1)replaced the text xxxxxxxxxxx in line 25 with your API token
      2)Your trading system has Buy and Sell Parameters
      3)You drag and drop pushbullet.afl over your trading system charts instead of inserting

  2. Thanks Rajandran,

    I am not given space between “Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”. Now it was resolved.

    Thanks for quick response.

    I am your classmate Srikanth Reddy’s Co-league.

    Raja Reddy

  3. i got repeated alerts when i drag and drop and play” bar replay”.. shall we use pushbullet.afl for eod also and if i want to get resistance and support values to pushbullet notifications what can i do rajendran sir.

  4. Can this export scan results also…….just like Tradesender……..cos this looks alot more speed and accurate than Tradesender………..simply perform a scan every 15mins and export the results to PUSHBULLET.

  5. Sir,

    When i applied it in super trend, i am getting so many push messages in mobile device and also in website non-stop with time and price (same entry and price) how to stop this spam and make single messages at a time.

  6. Sir,

    When i applied it in super trend, i am getting so many push messages in mobile device and also in website non-stop with time and price (same entry and price) how to stop this spam and make single messages at a time.

  7. Hello,

    Would you please share the pushbullet.afl? I can’t see the downloadable like.

    Thank you for your great help.

  8. Can we use “Multiple access tokens”
    Means 3-4 different push bullet accounts get alerts in one go.
    If yes….. Please explain the code.

    1. January 21, 2015 at 1:11 pm

      Can we use “Multiple access tokens”
      Means 3-4 different push bullet accounts get alerts in one go.
      If yes….. Please explain the code.

      ?? 6)Now Replace xxxxxxxxxxxxxx in line 25 with your Secure Access token


      Sir Rajandran R

      You are very talented.

      I have the same question as Rajesh’s.
      Please guide us edit your pushbullet afl sending same notifications to many different pushbullet user with their given Secure Access token. My friends give me their Secure Access token, insert into pushbullet afl from my computer, so that, all of us receive same notification as quick as possible

      Thank you very much.

  9. I know many people have already reported this but I would like to request the same from the author of this code to have a look at the multiple push alert messages for any particular buy or sell signal instead of single message. Multiple message alerts are generated for almost 1 minute.

    Thanks in Advance

  10. Hi friends , Working Good ,there’s no multiple notification right now,thanks rajendran.

  11. i m getting this error
    error: 0x8007e (CoCreateInstance() for CLSID_VBScrip/CLSID_Jscript)

    1. 1)Did you got the API key from pushbullet and replaced with the xxxxxx as mentioned?
      2)What version of Amibroker you are using. It is recommended to use 5.6 and above
      3)Make sure your afl code has buy, sell , cover, short variables

  12. Hi Rajendran,

    Great job man.

    Just a suggestion if you can do similar alert mechanism for pushing alerts from real-time charts.

    i.e. Live Market Interactive Charts that you have published recently from TradingView.


  13. Dear Rajendran

    Thanks. This is awesome, and far faster and more reliable than tradesender.

    However, I have two problems:

    a) I get multiple alerts for every Buy or Sell Signal. My estimate is 10 every minute. So, if one is using 15 min signals, you get approx. 150 alerts, which is very intrusive.

    b) Also, what I notice is that it works only in the chart that is visible in amibroker. If I have two charts, with two different sets of buy and sell signals, and I add the pushbullet code (in two versions, to let me know which one is which), I get signals only when the chart is visible. Both signals work, but the push comes only from one chart, which is the visible one. Can one avoid this somehow?

      1. Thanks so much. I guess this will take care of the multiple alert problem.

        Now the second issue: that only the visible chart pushes signals, and the other charts don’t. The basic issue is that I have modified your supertrend formula to trade on 5 min, 15 min and 30 min intervals (3 different afls). I have been trading this way since a few months, with small losses. The basic reason why the losses occur is that I am often not able to follow the system, because in my regular job, I am often in meetings etc. This is why I want an alert based system, with which I can outsource off the actual trading to someone else.

        So I have three charts, one with 5 min, one with 15 min and one with 30 min. I created 3 pushbullet afls, one for each interval. When each chart is visible, if the signal comes, pushbullet works beautifully. The problem is that I get “pushbullets” from that chart and only that chart. However, I would like signals from each of the three charts. Can you help me here?

  14. sir, pushbullet channel kese bana te hai, and mene xxx replace karke access token past kiya but koi mesg publish nahi ho raha hai can u help me sir, and plz try to give me guide in hindi

  15. Thanks, Rajendran for your help regarding implementation of Pushbullet with Amibroker. It works quite well, and it has almost solved my issues of getting trade signals on my mobile while I would be away from the amibroker screen.

    I have also created a small watchdog timer, which creates pushbullets every 10 minutes with the price and time, so that I know my system is working.

    However, I still have one small problem. While the pushbullets are generated exactly at the time and price that my trading system mandates, occasionally, the time and price on the pushbullet are inaccurate. It is as if the system is getting the time and price from an earlier time, even though the actual time at which the pushbullet message is generated is correct.. Would you understand why that happens sometimes?

  16. Hi Rajendran,

    Your pushbullet code is really useful. It will further help if you could provide the AFL code for sending screenshots or attach files to messages. The requirement is to send the amibroker screenshot as pushbullet messages from Amibroker.


  17. Hi ,

    I am getting an error in pushbullet.afl.
    Error 29 : Buy variable is not initialized for line no 48 and 62,

    I have copied the same code as it is written in the blog.

    Could you please tell me what is wrong in it ?

    Mangesh N

  18. Hi, Thanks for the wonderful AFL.
    I want to send the notification to my channel. please let me know, how to do it.

  19. please let me know whether it can be used in automatic analysis afl or only for quotes that are opened amibroker chart panel

  20. You cannot send attachments via pushbullet from Amibroker. // How can i do that to send to telegram .Thanks

  21. very nice

    it is better than tradesender
    If some one can share the code for sending exploration/scan it will be nice

  22. Sir i done all the things as per your instruction but amibroker not sending the messeage . amibroker 5.7 is ok or not and also my os is win xp . can u please helping this regarding.

  23. Rajandran, thanks for this awesome post.
    I used the code and it works perfectly well.

    Wish you a very happy and prosperous new year 2017, let this year bring lot of prosperity and knowledge to you and your followers.

    I need some guidance to include under which Time frame was this generated when the Notification was sent.
    I included the Date() which adds the date and time it was generated, but wanted your input on TimeFrame setting
    i.e Output of Text as ” Generated under 15m” or “Generated under Hourly”

    pb.PushBullet(“Buy Alert in ” +Name() + ” : BuyPrice Value is ” + BuyPrice + ” Time ” + TimeNum()+ ” Date ” + Date() );
    pb.PushBullet(“Sell Alert in ” +Name() + ” : SellPrice Value is ” + SellPrice + ” Time ” + TimeNum()+ ” Date ” + Date ());

  24. Sir I’ve tried your code. Checked everything as you suggested in other reply but still nothing happens. I used your Lin-Supertrend afl and applied pushbullet afl. changed key etc…but not response at all. What might have gone wrong?

  25. URL=”https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes”

    I wish to get the alert direct to the channel , what is to be changed

  26. i just hope to get help to get the signals to amibroker to the channels please
    inform if anyone knows as at the moment it comes over to me

  27. Hi Rajandran, Can we use SCAN or EXPLORE to continuously send push notifications for all symbols instead of only for symbol for which the chart is open?


  28. Hi Rajandran,

    i get buy sign but i could notget sell sign from thisformule

    can you say me what i must do


    if (flag==1)
    { Up[i]=(H[i]+L[i])/2+(Factor*iATR[i]);;
    if (flagh==1)
    { Dn[i]=(H[i]+L[i])/2-(Factor*iATR[i]);;
    if (trend[i]==1) {
    if (changeOfTrend == 1) {
    TrendUp[i-1] = TrendDown[i-1];
    changeOfTrend = 0;
    else if (trend[i]==-1) {
    if (changeOfTrend == 1) {
    TrendDown[i-1] = TrendUp[i-1];
    changeOfTrend = 0;


    Buy = trendup;



  29. Hi soorej,

    Setup pushbullet on your computer also. Then go to account setting. There you see an option to create access token.

  30. still multiple alert problems exist with my amibroker 5.6

    is there any modification with pushbullet.afl code.

    rajendra sir, please let me know

  31. Dear Sir,

    in push bullet , how can i get the alert direct to the channel , what is to be changed??

    or if its possible to send alert multiple access token..

    Please Help me sir..

  32. i am able to get alerts now,
    one query

    how to implement this afl in code

    1) buy when 13 ema > 34 ema in 30 minute charts and also at the same time close is above 5 day high ema. once both scenario meets than only buy symbol in afl. i tried using setTimeframe with inDaily but not able to acheive desired result.

    2) how to implement , in 60 minute charts
    check if macd > signal , say on xth candle.. if it is true than only check forl RSI above 50( may be in differnt candle, say yth candle after xth candle occured.)

    how to code this.

  33. Hi

    Why do you use LastValue(ValueWhen(Ref(Buy,-1),BarIndex())==BarIndex()) and not just LastValue((Ref(Buy,-1)).
    How does adding barindex change the logic?

  34. Hi Rajandran

    How do i send alerts to channel or someone else in pushbullet ? Would appreciate your guidance on it

  35. Hello. Does it need my amibroker running together with stocks chart open for it to send me a buy/sell signals or I need to add stocks on my watchlist?

    Thank you for your help.

  36. Sir,

    When i applied it in super trend, i am getting so many push messages in mobile device and also in website non-stop with time and price (same entry and price) how to stop this spam and make single messages at a time.

    Thanks you

    1. This code looks only for signals which generate on END of the candle. If signals generated in real-time and stay in realtime as long as signal stays alerts will be generated. In that case, you need to do customization according to your strategy

  37. Hi,

    First of all, I would like to say thanks to you for the wonderful job you did. Pushbullet is working fine.

    I want to know if the analysis scan / explore results can be send as notification through pushbullet?
    Also, can one message be send to multiple users (people with different IDs having installed PushBullet on their devices.

    If there is a possibility for any of the above two scenario, please let me know.

  38. Dear Rajandran Sir
    I got error 29 in line 47
    Variable ‘buy’ used without having been initialized.
    Kindly tell How we correct this.
    thanks in advance.

  39. Rajandran Sir, thanks for this afl.

    Is it possible to use pushbullet channel name in the afl code. If yes please guide me how to do that.

    Thanks one again.

  40. did exactly as per above steps, still not receiving any notifications either on desktop or on mobile.

    What can be the reason, I tried on supertrend afl, still no luck.

    Is pushbullet still working for free or need a paid version

  41. Great work..!!
    really amazing and simple steps to follow..

    Sir – 1 question , how to send notification to PushBullet Channel and code sample if you can share please?

  42. Hi, Can we send Chart image while expolration to PushBullet or Telegram?
    If yes then please help by sharing details.

    Reason i’m asking is as soon is certain Buy or Sell indicator meet my criteria I still want to see chart in alert notifications. Currently i’m able to send alert notifications but Chart image is missing 🙁 🙁 🙁

    Please please help me …

  43. I am checking on supertrend3 .I tried following the instructions of you, but it lack of signal. i don’t receive full arlert from Amibroker to my phone. Can you show me the wrong place, please! Thank you so much

  44. hi rajendran,

    how to send the notification to a channel? i am getting the sms but push notification is not going to channel. what needs to be done

  45. Dear Sir, In Pushbullet alert, everything is fine, but date is require, so how to add in alert box ?

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