Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

NestRTD – Nest/Now to Amibroker Feeder – Open Source (GPL)

1 min read

[Extract from Traderji Forum] Amibroker Feeder is a C++ RTD client for Nest/NOW which Feeds realtime data to Amibroker. This utility also included a basic backfill tool to import VWAP statistics / Nest Plus Data table( josh1 has release automated backfill tool recently. You may want to use that instead ) The tools are based on RTNOW utility by josh1

Video Tutorial On How to Extract Data from Nest Trading Terminal to Amibroker using Nest RTD


Advantages over using RTNOW
– No need to use excel. Uses less resources.
– More accurate data as we pick up every callback from RTD. If you keep chart open in Nest Terminal and compare, the bars should generally match. Lower Timeframe data is more accurate.


– Only for NEST / NOW
– No GUI. Create one if you can and share under GPLv3. Only need to setup some files and run exe anyway

Installation Instructions

1)Setup Amibroker DB (intraday settings) and Nest as explained in josh1 RTNOW instructions
2)Copy rtd.format, backfill.format to AmiBroker\Formats folder
3)Read and Setup settings.ini in NestRTD / ABBackFill. For ‘Now’ make sure to change RTDServerProgID value to Now.ScripRTD along with scrip ids / field ids
4)Once setup is done, run the exe ( For Backfill, Fill the data in VWAP.txt/DataTable.txt first )
5)Example settings for many stocks by Einstein – settings.ini
6)If you get c++ runtime missing error, install it

1)Tools are released under GPL 3.
2)This is free for life. This is not a money making idea .There is no one time fee, there is no regular fee. There are no server checks.
3)You are free to modify code and to redistribute. If you distribute it, you will have to release it under GPL3 giving same rights to others as i give to you.

No support is provided. The tools have been tested on Nest and Now with help from josh1. I dont have time to hand hold anyone.
Please take effort to read instructions. Please help others if possible. Wiki in github can be edited publicly.
Ill check thread once in a while but not regularly.

Source Code Basic Info and links
If you want to understand/modify code – some info and some links to resources are here – Code info

Download Latest Release of NestRTD

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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84 Replies to “NestRTD – Nest/Now to Amibroker Feeder – Open Source…”

  1. Sir

    Hav u try this one, is it working ok. i really want to get a Free RT Data.

  2. Get a error in log when run NestRTD.exe
    Error is “Could not create folder – Error-3”
    Please explain briefly Setting.ini setting for NOW or give example.
    There is no example for NOW ……..

    1. Hi,

      Iam not the coder for feedback and troubleshooting please contact the traderji thread specified in the article they could give you more info about the software.

  3. sir can you step by step installation with screen shot like you show neotrade plug in ,

  4. Hi,

    If this works as what you say, then would really look forward to some kind of help here to get data free for Amibroker as I am not too much of a technical person to full understand the process of getting this set-up done. I guess screen shots would also help me too.

    Thanks for all your guidance and inputs as always.

  5. sir plase can u give me a vedio turtal about NestRTD – Nest/Now to Amibroker Feeder – Open Source (GPL) to how setup thank you

  6. hi sir i ahave already amibroker but in that amibroker it will not shown before the buy/sell signal so it may be many loss occurs for me please help me

  7. Sir,

    Error reflect in text file as “” could not create folder R;\RT………. Error -3″”

    Please adivice or post video as earlier you had posted for this thread. It would genuinely helpful for all of us.


  8. Sir, repeatedly tried whole days watching your video again and again. Please guide what I am doing wrong while clicking on NestRTD.exe it’s reflecting error log as ” At least one scrip needed”..

  9. Thank you Rajandran ………… Utility works with real time data and backfill on NOW Terminal……
    Thank you for Video Tutorial . it hepls a lot……
    if any any query about this utility with NOW terminal please tell me…

      1. This utility is perfect almost 99.99 % with now . No lag…. no Stop as early utility with EXCEL…….
        Good job… I Have Personally test this……..
        Awesome and flawlessly work with NOW

        Thanks Rajandran

    1. Dear onlyadmin ,

      Please can you email me the NestRTD which you have bcoz now the link provided above is not complete files.

      Please bro I am ready to paid.

  10. Hallo Mr. Rajen …

    Can you advise me where can i found data feed plug in developer.
    For some purpose i need to build up my own data to feed in Amibroker. , its a EOD data only.

    for while i am using amibroker import wizard and i do daily. due i share the data with others too and everyday i have to send them regularly by email . thatsway i am thinking to use datafeed plug in .

    Do you can develop for me a data feed plug in ?

    your kind attention and cooperation is highly appreciated.


  11. hi

    im just wondering if its possible to get nest to ninja trader 7 , or ………………

    kindly help

  12. Hello Sir,

    I have Trade Tiger from Share Khan and I am looking for

    Video Tutorial On How to Extract Data from Trade Tiger Trading Terminal to Amibroker using TT RTD

    if you can help in above will be verymuch thankful.

    Paresh Patel

  13. Dear Mr. Rajandran
    I have seen the video tutorial on your website “How to Extract Data from Nest Trading Terminal to Amibroker using Nest RTD”. I think it will be very much useful for me as a beginner. But the URL of this site is removed by the provider from where you have downloaded the application. I shall remain very much thankful to you if you can provide me the application through my e-mail address.

    Thank you.

  14. Hi Rajendran

    The link does not have the applications for uploading real time and back fill data into amibroker. Can you please upload these?



  15. Please provide me the link of Nest RTD version 0.1.4

    as it removed on the link given above

    I f anybody have please provide me the link


      1. Sir,

        As shown in video NestRTD.exe
        Also Nest RTD version 0.1.4 is not there in the link as shown on video

        Please sir if you have that file please provide me


      2. Dear Sir,

        the current link is for version 0.1.3, whereas in the video you have mentioned the version as 0.1..4, if possible plz give the link for that

  16. Please can anyone provide me the NestRTD.exe As the link provided above is not complete files.

      1. Happy New Year. Sir none of link really works neither github or the 4shared link neither it is getting opened through u torrent. If you are really interested in helping people please do put the correct link.

  17. Sir,
    I watch the video tutorial for Nest terminal Realtime to Amibroker. But while trying to download the NESTRTD from given download link, the NESTRTD.EXE file of 90 kb is not including in zip folder.
    I configured my system as per tutorial but without NESTRTD.exe file I am not able to do the final stage.

    So kindly give url to download the exe file at earliest, as I am very very interested to get realtime data in amibroker from NEST.

    Thanking you.

  18. Amazing work. I can do back fill. successfully. but Real time MCX I am getting error. can you give me the script id and other details for MCX defaults like NSE, MCX-SX , which is not available in RTD setting file. Thanks in advance

  19. Dear Rajandran Sir,

    What will be the scripID for MCX…

    As by default it was given for NSE, NSE-FO, MCX-CD(Currency)…what about MCX for Crude aluminium etc….

    what ScripID i write in setting.ini in in NestRTD..

    and thanks a lot for the bridging Ami to Nest…..

  20. I got help from amsin21 and I want to share with you for MCX -scriptID


    ; Current month- NFO

    Scrip1=nse_fo|NIFTY14NOVFUT;NIFTY-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip2=nse_fo|BANKNIFTY14NOVFUT;BANKNIFTY-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

    ; Current month- CDS

    Scrip3=cde_fo|EURINR14NOVFUT;EURINR-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip4=cde_fo|GBPINR14NOVFUT;GBPINR-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip5=cde_fo|JPYINR14NOVFUT;JPYINR-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip6=cde_fo|USDINR14NOVFUT;USDINR-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

    ; Current month- Metals

    Scrip7=mcx_fo|COPPERM14NOVFUT;COPPERM-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip8=mcx_fo|ALUMINI14NOVFUT;ALUMINI-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip9=mcx_fo|NICKELM14NOVFUT;NICKELM-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

    ; Current month- Bullions

    Scrip10=mcx_fo|GOLDGUINEA14NOVFUT;GOLDGUINEA-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip11=mcx_fo|GOLDPETAL14NOVFUT;GOLDPETAL-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip12=mcx_fo|SILVERM14NOVFUT;SILVERM-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip13=mcx_fo|SILVERMIC14NOVFUT;SILVERMIC-CM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest


    ; Next month – NFO

    Scrip14=nse_fo|NIFTY14DECFUT;NIFTY-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip15=nse_fo|BANKNIFTY14DECFUT;BANKNIFTY-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

    ; Next month – CDS

    Scrip16=cde_fo|EURINR14DECFUT;EURINR-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip17=cde_fo|GBPINR14DECFUT;GBPINR-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip18=cde_fo|JPYINR14DECFUT;JPYINR-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip19=cde_fo|USDINR14DECFUT;USDINR-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

    ; Next month – Metals

    Scrip20=mcx_fo|COPPERM15FEBFUT;COPPERM-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip21=mcx_fo|ALUMINI14DECFUT;ALUMINI-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip22=mcx_fo|NICKELM14DECFUT;NICKELM-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

    ; Next month – Bullions

    Scrip23=mcx_fo|GOLDGUINEA14DECFUT;GOLDGUINEA-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip24=mcx_fo|GOLDPETAL14DECFUT;GOLDPETAL-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip25=mcx_fo|SILVERM15FEBFUT;SILVERM-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip26=mcx_fo|SILVERMIC15FEBFUT;SILVERMIC-NM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest


    ; Far month – NFO

    Scrip27=nse_fo|NIFTY15JANFUT;NIFTY-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip28=nse_fo|BANKNIFTY15JANFUT;BANKNIFTY-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

    ; Far month – CDS

    Scrip29=cde_fo|EURINR15JANFUT;EURINR-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip30=cde_fo|GBPINR15JANFUT;GBPINR-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip31=cde_fo|JPYINR15JANFUT;JPYINR-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip32=cde_fo|USDINR15JANFUT;USDINR-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

    ; Far month – Metals

    Scrip33=mcx_fo|COPPERM15APRFUT;COPPERM-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip34=mcx_fo|ALUMINI15JANFUT;ALUMINI-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip35=mcx_fo|NICKELM15JANFUT;NICKELM-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

    ; Far month – Bullions

    Scrip36=mcx_fo|GOLDGUINEA15JANFUT;GOLDGUINEA-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip37=mcx_fo|GOLDPETAL15JANFUT;GOLDPETAL-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip38=mcx_fo|SILVERM15APRFUT;SILVERM-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
    Scrip39=mcx_fo|SILVERMIC15APRFUT;SILVERMIC-FM;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest

  21. HI, hello how are you Rajandran,
    I m R.k velu new cilent pls tell me sir ( Nest to Amifeeder )thies Error (Nest.ScripRTD – IScripRTD object creation error. Nest down? ) Hou much solved thies problem sir pls hellp me sir ?

  22. Nest.ScripRTD – IScripRTD object creation error. Nest down?

    1. You need a Nest API Subscription to do that. It will cost Rs250/- per month. Contact your Broker or Omnesys. And it will work only if you are having a Nest Plus Trading Terminal or Now Terminal.

  23. ( josh1 has released automated backfill tool recently. You may want to use that instead ) —

    Sir cud you please provide the Link to that TOOL.

    :” Thank You ” is an understatement ( frankly ,i can’t find words to express my GRATITTUDE )


  24. Hi all. I am testing this tool out and have managed to do it partially successfully. But The data on the amibroker not getting refreshed automatically. I need to hit the refresh button manually every time. Can someone put some light on.

  25. Dear Sir

    Unable to download NESTRTD.EXE & Version 0.1.4 also from given link in Comments. Can U please help me to send files by mail …..


  26. Dear Rajandran

    OK Got it & done all steps but at time of running NESTRTD.EXE get error message
    “The program can’t start because MSVCP100.dll is missiing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”

    If you have any solution please reply


  27. sir i completed all things as you guide in you-tube for nest to Amibroker rt live data .

    but i not found ABBackfill.exe file plz help me or provide me .


  28. Dear Rajandran,

    Since today morning the I am getting the error “Nest.ScripRTD – IScripRTD object creation error. Nest down?”

    1. RTD API is active and I ahve been using this for the last 6-7 months successfully.
    2. Nest is being run as an Admin.

    What could be the possible reason for the error?


  29. @Sanjoy,

    I too get same error and tried this.. right click on NestRTD.exe and click ‘Run as Administrator’ and it works!

  30. Thanks for sharing this wonderful info. It is working fine for me. I have linked it to my blog post.

  31. HI sir,

    the file is not available in 4shared site, please could you update the file once more.


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