Here is a very simple solution to get Realtime Tick Charts in Amibroker using Metatrader DDE Server.
Software Requirements :
Amibroker , Metatrader 4
Steps to Get Realtime Tick Charts in Amibroker
1)Open Metatrader 4
2)Goto Tools->Options->Server and Check Enable DDE Server option this will enable Metatrader to export it quotes in realtime format to another software (DDE listener)
3)Now Open Amibroker
4)Goto File->New->Database
5)Enter the Database Name and click on the CREATE button. This will create a new database
6)Set the BASE TIME INTERVAL to tick and press ok
7)In Amibroker goto File->Database Settings
8)Select Data Source as DDE Universal Plugin
9)Now Click on configure and now do the DDE Configuration settings as shown below
10)After the DDE Configuration Settings. you will see a yellow WAIT signal at the bottom of the status bar in amibroker
11)In Amibroker goto Symbol->New and type the New symbol as same as in metatrader for ex : EURUSD
12)Now you will notice that yellow WAIT signal status changed to green CONN status.
13Bingo! Tick charts will be coming to amibroker in realtime from MT4 DDE Server.
Tested in : Windows 7 & Windows 8
Sample EURUSD 10-tick charts shown
The main drawback of this Universal DDE plugin is it doesnt supports backfill. If you get realtime data from metatrader to amibroker then one more solution available using MT4 plugin for Amibroker
Dear Rajendran Sir This is Very Nice Post and Very usefull to All and pls find How can Backfill Data MT4 to Amibroker if that is manual also no problm. pls find it Thank U.
Hi Manikandan,
Good to see your comments in marketcalls after a long time. To backfill manually you can use this method
Importing Intraday IEOD data from Metatrader to Amibroker
Hi ,
How to convert metastock formula to amibroker afl?
@Jitin: Which formula you need to convert to amibroker. Can you give me the formula here so that will try to work on it.
based on strateji scrips or index just crossed abv 20 ma in hrly chart and nma 5 or 15 min buy signal( any mooving avarage cross over can also be either in 5 min). and vice versa for sell etc. if u code the exploration
Mr. Rajan
I am a beginner in technical analysis. Can please help to get real time data for metastock 8.0. I searched everywhere but all the sites are giving trial ver or limited stocks data. Please help me.
Mr. Rajan
I am a beginner in technical analysis. Can please help to get real time data for metastock 8.0. I searched everywhere but all the sites are giving trial ver or limited stocks data. Please help me. If possible reply me on my mail ID.
can it’s work in window 7 or only window XP ????
i have window7 in my system………………….
yes it will work in Win7. I had tested in my win8
Sorry for this simple/silly question – but why do we have to use Metatrader to get Real-Time data. why can’t we directly import real-time data into Amibroker?
Can i get USDINR GBPINR JPYINR EURINR on amibroker thru metastock (nse currency) or any other way to get nse currency data on amibroker
im using india bulls account for trading ?
@Tony you can get any chart of your interest. The only thing is the mt4 broker should provide those symbol on its platform.
can you please guide me with those charts USDINR
I DONT have a forex trading account with any of the forex brokers
i just have one with india bulls and reliance money
can i get a demo account with the USDINR nse currency chart ?
yes try out this
Thank you so much for this post. It helped me in a great way.
Thanks again
sir, new in this field. kindly help me. I want to get software that provides real time EMA,SMA, CANDLESTICK INDICATOR.RSI&MACD. pls help me.
Hi sir , Is there any chance to convert metatrader indicator to afl code
can nest plus plugin be used for mt4 as data feed……
Mr Rajendran I tried Metatrader to Amibroker Tick Charts using DDE universal plugin settings i did till that configure in my amibroker window that configure button is not highlighted to click it it looks like it has been disabled what should i do now?
I do trading in currency in India, want to know more about software.
Dear sir,
is there any chance to convert amibroker afl to mt4 indicator i have some afl to convert
reply to my mail [email protected]
thanks & regards
Hi Rajendiran, I did as u said. In Amibroker it will show WAIT in yellow. I added all script as mentioned in MT4. But not connecting. Please help.
Rajesh G
I have the same problem like Rajesh. Can anyone help?
Gret work sir ji But No BACKfill Give any solution with backfill thank you for your support
I use YTFX MT4 (youtrade MT4)…so what should i write in DDE server while configuring? I wrote MT4 and it didnt work…..
Actually the above problem is solved…….but it doesnt saves data for more than 45 mins…..which means that no matter for how long i have left the chart opened, i dont have more than 45 mins of data…