Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

Harmonic Patterns AFL Code for Amibroker

9 min read

Harmonic Patterns are trend reversal patterns especially for the traders who want to master mean reversion aka trend reversal trade setups. Harmonic Patterns are based on the fibonacci extensions, retracement levels, and geometric structures.


Different Types of Harmonic Patterns
Here is the Harmonic Patterns cheatsheet

FX Trading With Patterns: Harmonic Patterns What are they ?

Harmonic Pattern-Amibroker AFL Code

/*                     HARMONIC PATTERN DETECTION

Automatic Detection of Harmonic Patterns - Gartley, Bat, Butterfly and Crab.

Zig Zag is not used in this AFL. It is based on fractals

Contact - [email protected]

Modernized by E.M.Pottasch (Dec 2016).
- All calculations by the original author left as they were.
- Improved visualisation of the patterns.
- Adjusted names of variables, constants and arrays, adapted
	using code from David Keleher.

The code I used is the original code from:
file: Harmonic1.1.afl (2009)  */

Version( 6.0 );
GfxSetCoordsMode( 1 );
GfxSetOverlayMode( 1 );

BullBat4 = BullButterfly4 = BullCrab4 = BullGartley4 = 0;
BullBat = BullButterfly = BullCrab = BullGartley = 0;
BearBat4 = BearButterfly4 = BearCrab4 = BearGartley4 = 0;
BearBat = BearButterfly = BearCrab = BearGartley = 0;

bi = BarIndex();
fvb = FirstVisibleValue( bi );
lvb = LastVisibleValue( bi );

GraphXSpace = 0;
SetChartBkColor( colorBlack );
SetChartOptions( 1, chartShowDates, chartGridMiddle, 0, 0, 0 );
SetBarFillColor( IIf( C > O, ColorRGB( 0, 75, 0 ), IIf( C <= O, ColorRGB( 75, 0, 0 ), colorLightGrey ) ) );
Plot( C, "", IIf( C > O, ColorRGB( 0, 255, 0 ), IIf( C <= O, ColorRGB( 255, 0, 0 ), colorLightGrey ) ), 64, Null, Null, 0, 0, 1 );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Patterns" );
rightstrength = Param( "Right Strength", 5, 2, 50, 1 );
leftstrength = Param( "Left Strength", 10, 2, 50, 1 );
plotFractals = ParamToggle( "Show Fractal Pivots", "Off|On", 0 );
plotLabels = ParamToggle( "Show Fractal Labels", "Off|On", 0 );
bu = ParamToggle( "Show Bullish Pattern", "Off|On", 1 );
be = ParamToggle( "Show Bearish Pattern", "Off|On", 1 );
nBull = Param( "Max Number of Bullish Patterns", 10, 0, 100, 1 );
nBear = Param( "Max Number of Bearish Patterns", 10, 0, 100, 1 );
dBat = ParamToggle( "Draw Bat", "Off|On", 1 );
dBut = ParamToggle( "Draw Buterfly", "Off|On", 1 );
dCrab = ParamToggle( "Draw Crab", "Off|On", 1 );
dGart = ParamToggle( "Draw Gartley", "Off|On", 1 );
showPatternDevelopmentPoints = ParamToggle( "Show Points of Pattern Development", "Off|On", 0 );
showPatternLabels = ParamToggle( "Show Pattern Labels", "Off|On", 0 );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Gartley" );
GBmin = Param( "Swing B Min.", 0.55, 0.3, 1, 0.01 );
GBmax = Param( "Swing B Max.", 0.72, 0.4, 1, 0.01 );
GCmin = Param( "Swing C Min.", 0.38, 0.3, 1.27, 0.01 );
GCmax = Param( "Swing C Max.", 1.0, 0.4, 1.27, 0.01 );
GDmin = Param( "Swing D Min.(XA)", 0.55, 0.3, 1, 0.01 );
GDmax = Param( "Swing D Max.(XA)", 1.0, 0.4, 1.0, 0.01 );

BatBmin = Param( "Swing B Min.", 0.38, 0.3, 1, 0.01 );
BatBmax = Param( "Swing B Max.", 0.55, 0.4, 1, 0.01 );
BatCmin = Param( "Swing C Min.", 0.38, 0.3, 1.62, 0.01 );
BatCmax = Param( "Swing C Max.", 1.27, 0.4, 1.62, 0.01 );
BatDmin = Param( "Swing D Min.(XA)", 0.5, 0.3, 1, 0.01 );
BatDmax = Param( "Swing D Max.(XA)", 1.0, 0.4, 1.0, 0.01 );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Butterfly" );
BtBmin = Param( "Swing B Min.", 0.55, 0.3, 1, 0.01 );
BtBmax = Param( "Swing B Max.", 0.9, 0.4, 1, 0.01 );
BtCmin = Param( "Swing C Min.", 0.38, 0.3, 1.62, 0.01 );
BtCmax = Param( "Swing C Max.", 1.27, 0.4, 1.62, 0.01 );
BtDmin = Param( "Swing D Min.(XA)", 1, 1, 1.8, 0.01 );
BtDmax = Param( "Swing D Max.(XA)", 1.38, 1, 1.8, 0.01 );

CBmin = Param( "Swing B Min.", 0.38, 0.3, 1, 0.01 );
CBmax = Param( "Swing B Max.", 0.65, 0.4, 1, 0.01 );
CCmin = Param( "Swing C Min.", 0.38, 0.3, 1.62, 0.01 );
CCmax = Param( "Swing C Max.", 1.270, 0.4, 1.62, 0.01 );
CDmin = Param( "Swing D Min.(XA)", 1.25, 1, 1.8, 0.01 );
CDmax = Param( "Swing D Max.(XA)", 1.8, 1, 2, 0.01 );

function GetTop()
    Top = H == HHV( H, leftstrength ) AND Ref( HHV( H, rightstrength ), rightstrength ) < H;
    Top = Top AND LastValue( bi ) - ValueWhen( Top, bi ) > rightstrength;
    return Top;

function GetValley()
    Valley = L == LLV( L, leftstrength ) AND Ref( LLV( L, rightstrength ), rightstrength ) > L;
    Valley = Valley AND LastValue( bi ) - ValueWhen( Valley, bi ) > rightstrength;
    return Valley;

pk = GetTop();
tr = GetValley();

pk = IIf( pk, IIf( ValueWhen( pk, bi, 2 ) < ValueWhen( tr, bi ), pk, IIf( ValueWhen( pk, H, 2 ) > H, False, pk ) ), pk );
pk = IIf( pk AND ValueWhen( pk, bi, 0 ) > bi, IIf( ValueWhen( pk, bi, 0 ) < ValueWhen( tr, bi, 0 ), IIf( ValueWhen( pk, H, 0 ) >= H, False, pk ), pk ), pk );
tr = IIf( tr, IIf( ValueWhen( tr, bi, 2 ) < ValueWhen( pk, bi ), tr, IIf( ValueWhen( tr, L, 2 ) < L, False, tr ) ), tr );
tr = IIf( tr AND ValueWhen( tr, bi, 0 ) > bi , IIf( ValueWhen( tr, bi, 0 ) < ValueWhen( pk, bi, 0 ), IIf( ValueWhen( tr, L, 0 ) <= L, False, tr ), tr ), tr );

for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    VarSet( "px" + i, ValueWhen( pk, bi, i ) );
    VarSet( "tx" + i, ValueWhen( tr, bi, i ) );
    VarSet( "ph" + i, ValueWhen( pk, H, i ) );
    VarSet( "tl" + i, ValueWhen( tr, L, i ) );

ll = tr AND tl1 < tl2;
hl = tr AND tl1 > tl2;
hh = pk AND ph1 > ph2;
lh = pk AND ph1 < ph2;
dt = pk AND ph1 == ph2;
db = tr AND tl1 == tl2;

if( PlotFractals )
    PlotShapes( shapeSmallCircle * pk, colorRed, 0, H, 10 );
    PlotShapes( shapeSmallCircle * tr, colorBlue, O, L, -10 );

// +++ Bullish Patterns
PTvalid = ( px1 > tx1 AND tx1 > px2 AND px2 > tx2 ) AND pk;

if( dGart AND bu )
    BullGartley4 = PTvalid AND( ph2 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) > GBmin AND( ph2 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) < GBmax
                   AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl1 ) > GCMin AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl1 ) < GCMax;
    BullGartley = IIf( LowestSince( BullGartley4, L ) < ValueWhen( BullGartley4, ph2 ) - ( ValueWhen( BullGartley4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BullGartley4, tl2 ) ) * GDmin AND
                       LowestSince( bullGartley4, L ) > ValueWhen( BullGartley4, ph2 ) - ( ValueWhen( BullGartley4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BullGartley4, tl2 ) ) * GDmax AND
                       HighestSince( BullGartley4, H ) <= ValueWhen( BullGartley4, ph1 ) AND
                       LowestSince( bullGartley4, L ) == L, True, False );
    BullGartley = BullGartley AND LowestSince( BullGartley4, L ) < ValueWhen( BullGartley4, tl1 );

if( dBat AND bu )
    BullBat4 = PTvalid AND( ph2 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) > BatBmin AND( ph2 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) < BatBmax
               AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl1 ) > BatCMin AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl1 ) < BatCMax;
    BullBat = IIf( LowestSince( BullBat4, L ) < ValueWhen( BullBat4, ph2 ) - ( ValueWhen( BullBat4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BullBat4, tl2 ) ) * BatDmin AND
                   LowestSince( BullBat4, L ) > ValueWhen( BullBat4, ph2 ) - ( ValueWhen( BullBat4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BullBat4, tl2 ) ) * BatDmax AND
                   HighestSince( BullBat4, H ) <= ValueWhen( BullBat4, ph1 ) AND
                   LowestSince( BullBat4, L ) == L, True, False );
    BullBat = BullBat AND LowestSince( BullCrab4, L ) < ValueWhen( BullCrab4, tl1 );

if( dBut AND bu )
    BullButterfly4 = PTvalid AND( ph2 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) > BtBmin AND( ph2 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) < BtBMax
                     AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl1 ) > BtCmin AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl1 ) < BtCmax;
    BullButterfly = IIf( LowestSince( BullButterfly4, L ) < ValueWhen( BullButterfly4, ph2 ) - ( ValueWhen( BullButterfly4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BullButterfly4, tl2 ) ) * BtDMin AND
                         LowestSince( BullButterfly4, L ) > ValueWhen( BullButterfly4, ph2 ) - ( ValueWhen( BullButterfly4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BullButterfly4, tl2 ) ) * BtDmax AND
                         HighestSince( BullButterfly4, H ) <= ValueWhen( BullButterfly4, ph1 ) AND
                         LowestSince( bullButterfly4, L ) == L, True, False );
    BullButterfly = BullButterfly AND LowestSince( BullButterfly4, L ) < ValueWhen( BullButterfly4, tl2 );

if( dCrab AND bu )
    BullCrab4 = PTvalid AND( ph2 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) > CBmin AND( ph2 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) < CBmax
                AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl1 ) > CCmin AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph2 - tl1 ) < CCmax;
    BullCrab = IIf( LowestSince( BullCrab4, L ) < ValueWhen( BullCrab4, ph2 ) - ( ValueWhen( BullCrab4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BullCrab4, tl2 ) ) * CDmin AND
                    LowestSince( BullCrab4, L ) > ValueWhen( BullCrab4, ph2 ) - ( ValueWhen( BullCrab4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BullCrab4, tl2 ) ) * CDmax AND
                    HighestSince( BullCrab4, H ) <= ValueWhen( BullCrab4, ph1 ) AND
                    LowestSince( bullGartley4, L ) == L, True, False );
    BullCrab = BullCrab AND LowestSince( BullCrab4, L ) < ValueWhen( BullCrab4, tl2 );

BullHar4 = BullGartley4 OR BullButterfly4 OR BullBat4 OR BullCrab4 ;
BullHar = BullGartley OR BullButterfly OR BullBat OR BullCrab ;

buXy = ValueWhen( BullHar4, tl2 );
buXx = ValueWhen( BullHar4, tx2 );
buAy = ValueWhen( BullHar4, ph2 );
buAx = ValueWhen( BullHar4, px2 );
buBy = ValueWhen( BullHar4, tl1 );
buBx = ValueWhen( BullHar4, tx1 );
buCy = ValueWhen( BullHar4, ph1 );
buCx = ValueWhen( BullHar4, px1 );
buDy = ValueWhen( BullHar, L );
buDx = ValueWhen( BullHar, bi );

buABdXA = ( buAy - buBy ) / ( buAy - buXy );
buBCdAB = ( buCy - buBy ) / ( buAy - buBy );
buADdXA = ( buAy - buDy ) / ( buAy - buXy );
buBCdCD = ( buCy - buDy ) / ( buCy - buBy );

function drawBullishPattern( i, patternName )
    GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 50 ) );
    GfxSetBkColor( colorBlack );
    GfxSelectPen( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 255 ), 2, 0 );
    GfxMoveTo( buXx[i], buXy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( buAx[i], buAy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( buAx[i], buAy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( buBx[i], buBy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( buBx[i], buBy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( buCx[i], buCy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( buCx[i], buCy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( buDx[i], buDy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( buXx[i], buXy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( buAx[i], buAy[i] );

    GfxSelectPen( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 255 ), 1, 2 );
    GfxMoveTo( buXx[i], buXy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( buBx[i], buBy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( buAx[i], buAy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( buCx[i], buCy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( buBx[i], buBy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( buDx[i], buDy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( buXx[i], buXy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( buDx[i], buDy[i] );

    GfxPolygon( buXx[i], buXy[i], buAx[i], buAy[i], buBx[i], buBy[i], buCx[i], buCy[i], buDx[i], buDy[i], buBx[i], buBy[i], buXx[i], buXy[i] );

    GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
    GfxSelectFont( "Helvetica", 10, 700 );
    GfxSetBkColor( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 255 ) );
    GfxSetTextAlign( 0 | 8 );
    GfxTextOut( patternName, buCx[i] + 3, buCy[i] );

    GfxSetTextAlign( 0 | 0 );
    GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 255 ) );
    GfxSetBkColor( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
    GfxSelectFont( "Helvetica", 8, 700 );
    GfxTextOut( "" + Prec( buABdXA[i], 2 ), ( buBx[i] + buXx[i] ) / 2, ( buBy[i] + buXy[i] ) / 2 );
    GfxTextOut( "" + Prec( buBCdAB[i], 2 ), ( buCx[i] + buAx[i] ) / 2, ( buCy[i] + buAy[i] ) / 2 );
    GfxTextOut( "" + Prec( buADdXA[i], 2 ), ( buDx[i] + buXx[i] ) / 2, ( buDy[i] + buXy[i] ) / 2 );
    GfxTextOut( "" + Prec( buBCdCD[i], 2 ), ( buBx[i] + buDx[i] ) / 2, ( buBy[i] + buDy[i] ) / 2 );

    if( showPatternLabels )
        GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
        GfxSelectFont( "Helvetica", 10, 700 );
        GfxSetBkColor( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 255 ) );
        GfxSetTextAlign( 0 | 24 );
        GfxTextOut( "X", buXx[i] - 2, buXy[i] );
        GfxTextOut( "A", buAx[i] - 2, buAy[i] );
        GfxTextOut( "B", buBx[i] - 2, buBy[i] );
        GfxTextOut( "C", buCx[i] + 1, buCy[i] );
        GfxTextOut( "D", buDx[i] + 1, buDy[i] );

function drawBullishPatterns()
    flag1 = 1;
    flag2 = 0;
    cnt = 0;

    for( i = lvb; i > fvb; i-- )
        if( BullHar[i] AND flag1 AND cnt < nBull )
            flag1 = 0;
            flag2 = 1;
            cnt = cnt + 1;

            if( BullButterfly[i] AND bu AND dBut )
                drawBullishPattern( i, "Bullish Butterfly" );
                if( BullCrab[i] AND bu AND dCrab )
                    drawBullishPattern( i, "Bullish Crab" );
                    if( BullBat[i] AND bu AND dBat )
                        drawBullishPattern( i, "Bullish Bat" );
                        if( BullGartley[i] AND bu AND dGart )
                            drawBullishPattern( i, "Bullish Gartley" );

        if( BullHar4[i] AND flag2 )
            flag1 = 1;
            flag2 = 0;

// +++ Bearish Patterns
PTvalid = ( tx1 > px1 AND px1 > tx2 AND tx2 > px2 ) AND tr;

if( dGart AND be )
    BearGartley4 = PTvalid AND( ph1 - tl2 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) > GBmin AND( ph1 - tl2 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) < GBmax AND
                   ( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph1 - tl2 ) > GCmin AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph1 - tl2 ) < GCmax;
    BearGartley = IIf( HighestSince( bearGartley4, H ) > ValueWhen( BearGartley4, tl2 ) + ( ValueWhen( BearGartley4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BearGartley4, tl2 ) ) * GDmin AND
                       HighestSince( bearGartley4, H ) < ValueWhen( BearGartley4, tl2 ) + ( ValueWhen( BearGartley4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BearGartley4, tl2 ) ) * GDMax AND
                       LowestSince( BearGartley4, L ) >= ValueWhen( BearGartley4, tl1 ) AND
                       HighestSince( BearGartley4, H ) == H, True, False );
    BearGartley = BearGartley AND HighestSince( BearGartley4, H ) > ValueWhen( BearGartley4, ph1 );

if( dBat AND be )
    BearBat4 = PTvalid AND( ph1 - tl2 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) > BatBmin AND( ph1 - tl2 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) < BatBmax AND
               ( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph1 - tl2 ) > BatCmin AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph1 - tl2 ) < BatCmax;
    BearBat = IIf( ( HighestSince( BearBat4, H ) > ValueWhen( BearBat4, tl2 ) + ( ValueWhen( BearBat4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BearBat4, tl2 ) ) * BatDmin AND
                     HighestSince( BearBat4, H ) < ValueWhen( BearBat4, tl2 ) + ( ValueWhen( BearBat4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BearBat4, tl2 ) ) * BatDMax AND
                     LowestSince( BearBat4, L ) >= ValueWhen( BearBat4, tl1 ) AND
                     HighestSince( BearBat4, H ) == H ), True, False );
    BearBat = BearBat AND HighestSince( BearBat4, H ) > ValueWhen( BearBat4, ph1 );

if( dBut AND be )
    BearButterfly4 = PTvalid AND( ph1 - tl2 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) > BtBmin AND( ph1 - tl2 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) < BtBmax AND
                     ( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph1 - tl2 ) > BtCmin AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph1 - tl2 ) < BtCmax;
    BearButterfly = IIf( HighestSince( BearButterfly4, H ) > ValueWhen( BearButterfly4, tl2 ) + ( ValueWhen( BearButterfly4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BearButterfly4, tl2 ) ) * BtDmin AND
                         HighestSince( BearButterfly4, H ) < ValueWhen( BearButterfly4, tl2 ) + ( ValueWhen( BearButterfly4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BearButterfly4, tl2 ) ) * BtDMax AND
                         LowestSince( BearButterfly4, L ) >= ValueWhen( BearButterfly4, tl1 ) AND
                         HighestSince( BearButterfly4, H ) == H, True, False );
    BearButterfly = BearButterfly AND HighestSince( BearButterfly4, H ) > ValueWhen( BearButterfly4, ph2 );

if( dCrab AND be )
    BearCrab4 = PTvalid AND( ph1 - tl2 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) > CBmin AND( ph1 - tl2 ) / ( ph2 - tl2 ) < CBmax AND
                ( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph1 - tl2 ) > CCmin AND( ph1 - tl1 ) / ( ph1 - tl2 ) < CCmax;
    BearCrab = IIf( HighestSince( BearCrab4, H ) > ValueWhen( BearCrab4, tl2 ) + ( ValueWhen( BearCrab4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BearCrab4, tl2 ) ) * CDmin AND
                    HighestSince( BearCrab4, H ) < ValueWhen( BearCrab4, tl2 ) + ( ValueWhen( BearCrab4, ph2 ) - ValueWhen( BearCrab4, tl2 ) ) * CDMax AND
                    LowestSince( BearCrab4, L ) >= ValueWhen( BearCrab4, tl1 ) AND
                    HighestSince( BearCrab4, H ) == H, True, False );
    BearCrab = BearCrab AND HighestSince( BearCrab4, H ) > ValueWhen( BearCrab4, ph2 );

BearHar4 = BearGartley4 OR BearButterfly4 OR BearBat4 OR BearCrab4 ;
BearHar = BearGartley OR BearButterfly OR BearBat OR BearCrab ;

beXy = ValueWhen( BearHar4, ph2 );
beXx = ValueWhen( BearHar4, px2 );
beAy = ValueWhen( BearHar4, tl2 );
beAx = ValueWhen( BearHar4, tx2 );
beBy = ValueWhen( BearHar4, ph1 );
beBx = ValueWhen( BearHar4, px1 );
beCy = ValueWhen( BearHar4, tl1 );
beCx = ValueWhen( BearHar4, tx1 );
beDy = ValueWhen( BearHar, H );
beDx = ValueWhen( BearHar, bi );

beABdXA = ( beBy - beAy ) / ( beXy - beAy );
beBCdAB = ( beBy - beCy ) / ( beBy - beAy );
beADdXA = ( beDy - beAy ) / ( beXy - beAy );
beBCdCD = ( beDy - beCy ) / ( beBy - beCy );

function drawBearishPattern( i, patternName )
    GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB( 50, 0, 0 ) );
    GfxSetBkColor( colorBlack );
    GfxSelectPen( ColorRGB( 255, 0, 0 ), 2, 0 );
    GfxMoveTo( beXx[i], beXy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( beAx[i], beAy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( beAx[i], beAy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( beBx[i], beBy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( beBx[i], beBy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( beCx[i], beCy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( beCx[i], beCy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( beDx[i], beDy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( beXx[i], beXy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( beAx[i], beAy[i] );

    GfxSelectPen( ColorRGB( 255, 0, 0 ), 1, 2 );
    GfxMoveTo( beXx[i], beXy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( beBx[i], beBy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( beAx[i], beAy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( beCx[i], beCy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( beBx[i], beBy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( beDx[i], beDy[i] );
    GfxMoveTo( beXx[i], beXy[i] );
    GfxLineTo( beDx[i], beDy[i] );

    GfxPolygon( beXx[i], beXy[i], beAx[i], beAy[i], beBx[i], beBy[i], beCx[i], beCy[i], beDx[i], beDy[i], beBx[i], beBy[i], beXx[i], beXy[i] );

    GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
    GfxSelectFont( "Helvetica", 10, 700 );
    GfxSetBkColor( ColorRGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
    GfxSetTextAlign( 0 | 0 );
    GfxTextOut( patternName, beCx[i] + 3, beCy[i] );

    GfxSetTextAlign( 0 | 0 );
    GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
    GfxSetBkColor( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
    GfxSelectFont( "Helvetica", 8, 700 );
    GfxTextOut( "" + Prec( beABdXA[i], 2 ), ( beBx[i] + beXx[i] ) / 2, ( beBy[i] + beXy[i] ) / 2 );
    GfxTextOut( "" + Prec( beBCdAB[i], 2 ), ( beCx[i] + beAx[i] ) / 2, ( beCy[i] + beAy[i] ) / 2 );
    GfxTextOut( "" + Prec( beADdXA[i], 2 ), ( beDx[i] + beXx[i] ) / 2, ( beDy[i] + beXy[i] ) / 2 );
    GfxTextOut( "" + Prec( beBCdCD[i], 2 ), ( beBx[i] + beDx[i] ) / 2, ( beBy[i] + beDy[i] ) / 2 );

    if( showPatternLabels )
        GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
        GfxSelectFont( "Helvetica", 10, 700 );
        GfxSetBkColor( ColorRGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
        GfxSetTextAlign( 0 | 24 );
        GfxTextOut( "X", beXx[i] - 2, beXy[i] );
        GfxTextOut( "A", beAx[i] - 2, beAy[i] );
        GfxTextOut( "B", beBx[i] - 2, beBy[i] );
        GfxTextOut( "C", beCx[i] + 1, beCy[i] );
        GfxTextOut( "D", beDx[i] + 1, beDy[i] );

function drawBearishPatterns()
    flag1 = 1;
    flag2 = 0;
    cnt = 0;

    for( i = lvb; i > fvb; i-- )
        if( BearHar[i] AND flag1 AND cnt < nBear )
            flag1 = 0;
            flag2 = 1;
            cnt = cnt + 1;

            if( BearButterfly[i] AND be AND dBut )
                drawBearishPattern( i, "Bearish Butterfly" );
                if( BearCrab[i] AND be AND dCrab )
                    drawBearishPattern( i, "Bearish Crab" );
                    if( BearBat[i] AND be AND dBat )
                        drawBearishPattern( i, "Bearish Bat" );
                        if( BearGartley[i] AND be AND dGart )
                            drawBearishPattern( i, "Bearish Gartley" );

        if( BearHar4[i] AND flag2 )
            flag1 = 1;
            flag2 = 0;

function drawPivotLabels()
    sz = 5;

    for( i = lvb; i > fvb; i-- )
            if( ll[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "LL", "Arial Black", sz, i, L[i], colorBlue, colorDefault, -25 );

            if( hl[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "HL", "Arial Black", sz, i, L[i], colorBlue, colorDefault, -25 );

            if( db[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "DB", "Arial Black", sz, i, L[i], colorLightBlue, colorDefault, -25 );

            if( hh[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "HH", "Arial Black", sz, i, H[i], colorRed, colorDefault, 20 );

            if( lh[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "LH", "Arial Black", sz, i, H[i], colorRed, colorDefault, 20 );

            if( dt[i] ) PlotTextSetFont( "DT", "Arial Black", sz, i, H[i], colorOrange, colorDefault, 20 );

if( plotLabels ) drawPivotLabels();

if( showPatternDevelopmentPoints )
    if( bu )
        PlotShapes( shapeDigit4 * BullHar4, colorBlue, O, H, 10 );
        PlotShapes( shapeSmallCircle * BullHar, ColorLightBlue, O, L, -10 );

    if( be )
        PlotShapes( shapeDigit4 * BearHar4, colorRed, O, L, -10 );
        PlotShapes( shapeSmallCircle * BearHar, colorOrange, O, H, 10 );
Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

30 Replies to “Harmonic Patterns AFL Code for Amibroker”

  1. while searching i found this usefull post hope u again continue with this use full post. harmonic pattern


  3. Hi Rajandran Sir,
    This looks very interesting!!
    Can you pls elaborate how to use, how to take buy/sell signals. Also, fractal points are real- time data based or it looks for future data. I mean is it repainting code used to generate fractal points.

  4. Howcan we have the pattern name displayed on chart when the pattern is formed. currently by using this afl, we have to click the last leg point to see which pattern it is and once we click at some other place then the pattern name will not be visible. How to show the pattern name on the chart when it is formed. Any thoughts? Thanks

    1. Hi Rajendran, Did you get a chance to look at my comment posted on December 2, 2014 at 7:06 pm. Requesting you to respond to that with the solution. It would be really great if you could do so. Thank you


      1. Looking for pesavento patterns afl
        BillMcready of forextradingsecrets uses it a lot.
        Can you help please

  5. Dear Rajendran,

    I am regular follower of your site especially Amibroker AFLs. I can say your blog is one of the best Technical analysis blogs in world which i have ever seen, Thanks a lot for sharing such educational and highly skillful ideas with us. Here I have request on Harmonic patteren AFL..

    Could you include other Harmonic pattered like 3 drives pattern and 5-0 patteren in you exisiting harmonic patteren AFL. and publish also most of the times this AFL is not displaying what is the pattern and Entry, SL and Exit. and add exploration scanner which we can scan it.Could you tweak this AFL with this points and republish it. You can find information about above patterns in below link.

    Once again thank a lot in advance keep you post such education and foreknowledge blogs.


  6. Dear Raja Mohan, Sir
    I request you to very kindly please tell me how to set up Scan/Explore in Ami? i get errors:’You need to define filter variable/ Missing buy/sell variable assignments
    thanks in advance

  7. Dear Raja Mohan Sir
    please also note that by this scanning of Harmonic AFL, patterns are not formed and names of the patterns are also not reflected. kindly help, am highly grateful

  8. Dear Rajandran
    this is a good AFL. thanks for the same. but it does not display the pattern and pattern name. please do the necessary modification. thanks in advance.

  9. Dear Rajendran,

    I hope you are doing great, Could you please respond to my query which i have posted on 16th December. It will be very helpful to if you could tweak AFL as requested. also please confirm can we scan this existing AFL to find which patterns are formed.withI am eagerly awaiting for your fruitful response.

    Wish you advance happy& prosperous new year,

    Thanks in advance

  10. My Dear Rajandran
    hope you are all well. just like Raja Mohan, i too am eagerly for some modification in the said AFL so that patterns are displayed and also the names appear on the chart.
    hope you will have find some time to do this. and oblige.
    Wishing you Happy New Year 2016.

  11. Dear Rajendran,

    Could you please provide update which i have post earlier regarding modification of existing AFL for Harmonic patterens.. I am expecting reply from you (Yes/No anything is fine)..

  12. Dear Rajendran,

    Thanks for your reply. Could you please help us or suggest any point of contact for update to add new these new patterns in existing Harmonic pattern AFL. It would be really helpful for us if you can provide details,


  13. dear rajendran sir
    can you pleae add fibbonacci extension for target and stop loss at point d . i like this afl very nice for making money but here i want to add some more points that if pattern is valid or not for that please add confirmation of buy or sell signal in afl with tgt & sl

  14. showing warning 505 division by zero divisor array at [157] equal 0
    im using amibroker 6

  15. I have studied Harmonic Patterns carefully. There are serious drawbacks in these patterns. You can also study them using Bar Replay in Amibroker. You will also come to know that most of the patterns are faulty.

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