Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

Smart Button Trading Module – Trade Automation – Amibroker AFL Code

4 min read

This Algomojo Button trading module provides 4 modes of the button to place orders with a single click directly from Amibroker using simple smart order controls.

Smart Button Trading Module

Four Button Types

BE – Buy Entry Button – Enter longs for the selected quantity
BX – Buy Exit Button – Exit All Long Open Positions only if the Position is running long else do nothing
SE – Short Entry Button – Enter Shorts for the selected quantity
SX – Short Exit Button – Exit All Short Open Positions only if the Position is running shorts else do nothing

Supported Amibroker Version

Amibroker v6.22 or higher

Supported Broker – AngelOne

Automation Platform – Algomojo Trading Terminal

Smart Button Trading Module – Amibroker AFL Code

// Angel Broking - Smart Button Trading Module
// Developer: Rajandran R (Founder - Marketcalls / Co-Founder - Algomojo)
// Date: 19-Apr-2022
// Website: algomojo.com / marketcalls.in

//BE - Buy Entry Button
//BX - Buy Exit Button - Exit All Long Open Positions only if the Position is running longs
//SE - Short Entry Button
//SX - Short Exit Button - Exit All Short Open Positions only if the Position is running shorts

_SECTION_BEGIN("Angel Broking - Broker Controls");

Version(6.22); //Gui Function Compatibility check

RequestTimedRefresh(1, False); 

broker =ParamStr("Broker","an"); //Broker Short Code - an- angel broking
ver = ParamStr("API Version ","1.0");
clnt_id = ParamStr("Client ID","xxxx"); //Enter your trading client ID
user_apikey = ParamStr("apikey","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey = ParamStr("secretkey","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here


_SECTION_BEGIN("Angel Broking - Order Controls");

stgy_name = ParamStr("Strategy Name", "Test Strategy");
variety = ParamList("Variety","NORMAL|STOPLOSS|AMO",0); 
tradingsymbol = ParamStr("Trading Symbol","RELIANCE-EQ");

exchange = ParamList("Exchange","NSE|NFO|BSE|MCX",0); 
ordertype = ParamList("Order Type","MARKET|LIMIT|STOPLOSS_LIMIT|STOPLOSS_MARKET",0);

price = "0"; 
triggerprice = "0"; 
quantity = Param("quanity",1,0,10000);

squareoff = "0"; 
stoploss = "0"; 
trailingStopLoss = "0"; 
disclosedquantity = "0"; 
duration = "DAY";

EnableAlgo = ParamList("AlgoStatus","Disable|Enable|LongOnly|ShortOnly",0);
resp = "";

static_name_ = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name;
static_name_algo = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name+"algostatus";

function GetPositionsBook()
//Creating the Trading Bridge

api_data = "{ }";
_TRACE("PositionBook API Request"+api_data);

//Sending The Broker Request for NetOpenPositions
_TRACE("PositionBook API Response : "+resp);

return resp;


function NetOpenPositions()
flag = 0;

resp = GetPositionsBook();

posNetqty =0;

for( item = 1; ( sym = StrExtract( resp, item,'{' )) != ""; item++ )

if(Strfind(sym,tradingsymbol) AND StrFind(sym,productType)) //Matches the symbol and //Matches the Order Type

flag = 1; //turn on the flag

for( jitem = 0; ( posdetails = StrExtract( sym, jitem,',' )) != ""; jitem++ )

   posdetails = StrExtract(posdetails,1,':');
   possym = StrTrim(posdetails,"\"");
    _TRACE("\nTrading Symbol : "+possym);

   posdetails = StrExtract(posdetails,1,':');
   posNetqty = StrToNum(StrTrim(posdetails,"\""));
   _TRACE("\nNetQty : "+posNetqty);

} //end of for loop

}//end of for loop

_TRACE("\nTrading Symbol Not Found");
 posNetqty =0;
_TRACE("\nNetQty : "+posNetqty);

return posNetqty;


//Buy and Sell Order Functions
function Placeorder(TransType,orderqty)
    symboltoken = "";
    api_data ="{\"stgy_name\": \""+stgy_name+"\",  \"variety\":\""+variety+"\",  \"tradingsymbol\":\""+tradingsymbol+"\",      \"symboltoken\":\""+symboltoken+"\",         \"transactiontype\":\""+TransType+"\",         \"exchange\":\""+exchange+"\",         \"ordertype\":\""+ordertype+"\",         \"producttype\":\""+producttype+"\",         \"duration\":\""+duration+"\",         \"price\":\""+price+"\",         \"squareoff\":\""+squareoff+"\",         \"stoploss\":\""+stoploss+"\",         \"quantity\":\""+orderqty+"\",         \"triggerprice\": \""+triggerprice+"\",  \"trailingStopLoss\": \""+trailingStopLoss+"\", \"disclosedquantity\":\""+disclosedquantity+"\" }";
    _TRACE("API Request"+api_data);
    resp=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey, api_secretkey,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker,ver);
    _TRACE("API Response : "+resp);
    _TRACE("Strategy Name : "+stgy_name+"  AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo);
    _TRACE("Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +"  Trading Symbol : "+  tradingsymbol +"  qty : "+ orderqty +"  Signal : Buy Signal  TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+"  ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " LTP : "+LastValue(C));
	Say( "Order Placed" ); 

_SECTION_BEGIN("Algo Dashboard");

static_name_ = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name;
static_name_algo = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name+"algostatus";

//StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, -1); 
GfxSelectFont( "BOOK ANTIQUA", 14, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
if(EnableAlgo == "Enable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Enabled";
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Enabled");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 1);
if(EnableAlgo == "Disable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Disabled";
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Disabled");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 0);


//Button Controls

btn1_name = "BE"; //BE- Buy Entry
btn2_name = "BX"; //BX - Buy Exit - close all the open positions
btn3_name = "SE"; //SE - Short Entry
btn4_name = "SX"; //SX - Short Exit - close all the open positions

function CreateGUI( ButtonName, x, y, width, Height ) {
	/// @link http://forum.amibroker.com/t/guibuttons-for-everyone/1716/4
	/// by beaver & fxshrat
	/// version 1.1
	global IDset;
	local id, event, clickeven;
	if( typeof( IDset ) == "undefined" ) IDset = 0; 

	//_TRACEF( "IDset before: %g", IDset );	
	GuiButton( ButtonName, ++IDset, x, y, width, height, 7 ); 
	//_TRACEF( "IDset after: %g", IDset );
	result = 1; //button creation is successful
	return result;

function HandleEvents()

	result = 0;
	id = GuiGetEvent( 0, 0 );// receiving button id
	event = GuiGetEvent( 0, 1 );// receiving notifyflag
	clickevent = event == 1;
	BE = id == 1 && clickevent;
	BX = id == 2 && clickevent;
	SE = id == 3 && clickevent;
	SX = id == 4 && clickevent;
	result = 0;
	if(EnableAlgo == "Enable")
	if( BE AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"BuyEntry")==0 ) 
		_TRACE("BuyEntry is pressed");
		orderresponse = PlaceOrder("BUY",quantity);
		result = 1;
	if( BX AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"BuyExit")==0 ) 
		_TRACE("BuyExit is pressed");
		if((qty=NetOpenPositions())>0) //if long positons are open
		orderresponse = PlaceOrder("SELL",qty);
		result = 1;
		_TRACE("No Long Positions Open");
	if( SE AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"ShortEntry")==0 ) 
		_TRACE("BShortEntry is pressed");
		orderresponse = PlaceOrder("SELL",quantity);
		result = 1;

	if( SX AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"ShortExit")==0 ) 
		_TRACE("ShortExit is pressed");
		if((qty=NetOpenPositions())<0) //if short positons are open
		orderresponse = PlaceOrder("BUY",abs(qty));
		result = 1;
		_TRACE("No Short Positions Open");

return result;  //result = 1 - order is successfully placed, 0 - Algotrading is in disabled state or orders are not went through
}//end of function
	ButtonXOffset = Param("Button X-Offset",0,50,1000,50);
	ButtonYOffset = Param("Button Y-Offset",100,0,1000,50);
	BuyEntry = CreateGUI( btn1_name, ButtonXOffset, ButtonYOffset, 50, 50 );
	BuyExit = CreateGUI( btn2_name, ButtonXOffset+50, ButtonYOffset, 50, 50 );
	ShortEntry = CreateGUI( btn3_name, ButtonXOffset , ButtonYOffset+50, 50, 50 );
	ShortExit = CreateGUI( btn4_name, ButtonXOffset +50, ButtonYOffset+50, 50, 50 );

	GuiSetColors( 1, 1, 2, colorGreen, colorBlack, colorGreen, colorWhite, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorRed, colorBlack, colorYellow ); 
	GuiSetColors( 2, 2, 2, colorred, colorBlack, colorRed, colorWhite, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorRed, colorBlack, colorYellow ); 

	GuiSetColors( 3, 3, 2, colorOrange, colorBlack, colorOrange, colorWhite, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorRed, colorBlack, colorYellow ); 
	GuiSetColors( 4, 4, 2, colorPaleGreen, colorBlack, colorPaleGreen, colorWhite, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorRed, colorBlack, colorYellow ); 

_SECTION_BEGIN("Plot Candles");	

SetChartOptions(0 , chartShowArrows | chartShowDates);
Plot(Close,"Candle", colorDefault, styleCandle);


Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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