Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

SMV Trading System v1.0 – AFL code for Amibroker

1 min read

SMV Trading system V1.0 – An Intraday Trading Approach with Combination of SDA2 Trend Trading System + Market Profile + Volume Profile (SMV Trading System v1.0)


Nifty future charts is shown over which SMV Trading System is applied on top of that with 5 day Profile Charts.

About SMV Trading System Indicators

-The Orange Histogram on the left side shows the volume profile
-Buy and Sell Signals are based on SDA2 Trend Trading System
-Violet Historgram Bar Shows Market Profile
-Yellow Horizontal bar near the Market Profile indicates POC – Point of Control
-Two Blue Horizontal bar near the Market Profile indicate Initial Balance/IB
-Its advisable to trade wit 5 min charts if your are trading intraday with nifty future

Amibroker Preferences Settings

To get the same layout as per above chart goto->Amibroker Menu->Tools->Preferences->Colors and set as per the settings given below
Amibroker Preferences Settings

Buy and Sell Trading Rules

-Simply the Buy and Sell Signal on the 5min Nifty Future Chart doesn’t mean that one should simply buy/sell.
-POC(Yellow Line) moves dynamically according to the market variations till the end of the trading day.
-Buy if Green Arrow Appears and POC(Yellow Line) is Below the Green Arrow.
-Sell if Red Arrow Appears with POC(Yellow Line) is above the Red Arrow.
-No Trade zone/Exit Position if the above rule violates or change in signal. Always keep your Dynamic SL few points from the POC.
-Always try to target 10-20 pts in nifty future.
-Analyse the Trading System and Understand the nature of the trading system
-Carry Forwarding the position to the next day require more analysis & good trading skills.
-Trading system is more reliable if there are less gap up/Gap Down in the system. If there are GAP Up/ GAP down then SDA2 wont provide reliable signal on 5min/15min charts charts.
-Rules/afl code parameters are subject to change w.r.t time.

SMV Trading System – Amibroker AFL Code

Download SMV Trading System v1.0 AFL code for Amibroker

SMV Trading System – Bar Replay Mode Video


SMV Trading system is shown in BAR replay mode using Nifty Futures 5min charts between 16 Feb 2012 to 23rd Feb 2012

Rajandran R

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

22 Replies to “SMV Trading System v1.0 – AFL code for Amibroker”

  1. hello raj ,
    chart not showing price + vap ( orange bars ) on the left , using 5.4 ver

    Regards ,

  2. hello sir thanx for the afl. but now many one use 5.4 so pls see that it will work in that and pls have a pdf about how to use market profile afl. although ur explanation is really good to simplify tough subject .

  3. dear sir i m a great fan of u plz tell me which afl is good for call put and wht is the best way to trade in call put thanks a lot if u reply me

  4. while compiling the smv ts afl, I get error as below:

    Error 10. Subscript out of range. You must not access array elements outside 0.. ( Barcount-1)range.

    Using version 5.3.4

    Kindly help me resolve.


  5. resp sir,
    this smv trading system working nicely on my system. giving signals. But you need to explain somethings about it like how to use market profile and IB . and validityof signals it looks fabulous trading system
    thank you.

  6. Hi,

    Your Super trending system is awesome and i am using it for sometime…Tell us how this SMV system works..It Is showing error also in Amibroker..




  9. sir,
    Please give details of your buy/sell software.
    And how much amount should i invest in
    this software to make it fully operational.
    Can you provide the latest past performance ?
    Can I do positional trades in Nifty /
    Do u have clients in pondicherry / Tamilnadu .
    Do you conduct training ,to use this software.
    Do you have training CDs?

    bye albert

  10. Greetings R,

    I am always amazed and your site is one of the reference material I always seek for upgrading or clearing some fog about strategies, indicators and myriad of other things. So thank you for your continued help for all fellow traders who probably have been fooled a million times by tips providers and the buy/sell software guys. Like that movie Karnan I wish I could ask all the ‘punniyam’ that you have accumulated in your life doing the dharma you do :).

    Anyways, enough of my senti…. I continue to get the error ” Plot(line,””,ParamColor(“Color”, colorCustom13), styleLine+styleDots);”. Since I aint no coding guy, would seek your assistance to overcome this issue. I have Ami 5.6 (registered one).


  11. Greetings R,

    I am always amazed and your site is one of the reference material I always seek for upgrading or clearing some fog about strategies, indicators and myriad of other things. So thank you for your continued help for all fellow traders who probably have been fooled a million times by tips providers and the buy/sell software guys. Like that movie Karnan I wish I could ask all the ‘punniyam’ that you have accumulated in your life doing the dharma you do :).

    Anyways, enough of my senti…. I continue to get the error ” Plot(line,””,ParamColor(“Color”, colorCustom13), styleLine+styleDots);”. Since I aint no coding guy, would seek your assistance to overcome this issue. I have Ami 5.6 (registered one).


    1. Code is designed to work in Amibroker 5.3 version. High versions has lot many restrictions and code is not efficiently built to handle it.

  12. Strange Rajendran, while I continue to see you respond to basic queries, this simple coding issue you havent addressed yet

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