Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

Option Hydra 5.0 – Options Mentorship Program Using VPA and PriceAction – Jul 2022 Edition

3 min read

Option Hydra Provides a trading framework for options traders to manage their options trades effectively in various market conditions and help you to acquire trading skills that are highly necessary to build a professional options trading career.

Options Trading – Essentials – Part 1

Overview of Options Trading in Indian Markets
Understanding the nuts and bolts of Futures and Options Trading
Understanding Call and Put Options
Understanding the Option Chain
Understanding the Open Interest in Options
Understanding the Volume and Liquidity in Options
Introduction to Option pricing
Introduction to F&O Margin Components
How to use the Margin Calculator and the Importance of using the Margin Calculator
New Margin Calculation as per SEBI regulations
Cash Secured Put Strategy for Investors
Exercising Options (European Options Vs American Options)
Cash Delivery Vs Compulsory Physical Delivery
How to Interpret the Open interest Charts
How to take a view using Open Interest and Price Structure
Understanding Theta Decay
Weekly Options Vs Monthly Options
Understanding the Payoff Graph of Long Call Options and Long Put Options
Understanding the Payoff Graph of Short Call Options and Short Put Options
Understanding the Moneyness of the Option

Options Trading – Essentials – Part 2

How to Apply Top-down approach to take an objective view in the Market
How to Understand the Market Structure?
How to get a Trading Perspective?
Importance of Measuring the Volatility
Understanding Implied Volatility
Realized Volatility Vs Unrealized Volatility
Introduction to Volatility Skew
How to retrieve historical option data open interest from NSE india portal
Importance of reading India VIX

Options Trading – Essentials – Part 3

IV percentile & IV Rank
Classification of Strategies with IV percentile
Event Trading and the Options Premium Behavior during Events
Implied Volatility Crush during Event
How to trade Options during event
Simple Price Action Pattern in Trading Events
How to Trade Post Market Event and How to Trade Ongoing Event
How to Design your options Strategy and efficiently manage your Margin Requirements
Different Market Participants and How to read Open Interest data of various Market Players

Options Trading – Advanced – Part 1

Understanding the Option Greeks
Importance of Option Greeks and Option Premium Behavior (Useful for Option Buyers & Option Sellers)
Option Price Behavior Vs Underlying Price Behavior
Impact of Gamma on Options Impact
Lottery tickets on Expiry and Emotional Trading Sentiment on Expiry Day
Understanding Nifty IV and IV Percentile Graph
Call Side Volatility Skew Vs Put Side Volatility Skew
Speculations of Stock Options and How to benefit from the behavior

Options Trading – Advanced – Part 2

Understanding Bull Call Spread & Bear Put Spread
Understanding Bull Put Spread & Bear Call Spread
Trading Scenarios for various trading strategies
What-If Scenarios for Vertical Spread
Strike Price Impact due to Corporate Action
How to Select Optimal Strikes for Vertical Spread
Understanding OI Live and OI EOD to measure the Institutional Positions
Margin Requirements for Vertical Spreads
Vertical Spreads vs Ladder Strategies
Covered Call Strategies
Best Trading Practices for Executing Vertical spreads

Options Trading – Advanced – Part 3

What is Synthetic Covered Call
Understanding Vertical Spread, Calendar Spread and Diagonal Spreads
Expiry Trading Vs Calendar Spread and Diagonal Spreads
Margin Requirement for Calendar Spreads and Diagonal Spreads
Leap Options, Liquidity in Options
How to achieve consistent returns and reduced risk using Option Spread Strategies
Understanding Payoff Graph for Diagonal Spreads and How to select Option Strikes
Constructing Safer Strategies using Spreads, Risk-Reward Analysis
Income Trading Strategy Double Diagonal Spreads
Income Trading Strategy Double Calendar Spreads
Best Trading Practices and Learning from Mentor Experience
Reverse Calendar Spreads – Neutral Strategies

Options Trading – Advanced – Part 4

What is Volatility?
Volatility Trading Principles
What makes the market to go sideways?
Policy Measures and Market Reaction to the Policy Measures
Trend Vs Balance
How to Execute Option Strategies for Small Accounts to get Reduced Margin Benefits
When to execute  Strangles and Strangles and how to manage straddles and strangles
Margin Requirements for Straddles & Strangles
How to use the Option Spread AFLs (Requires Amibroker)
Implied Volatility and Standard Deviation Move Calculation

Options Trading – Advanced – Part 5

When to Execute Twisted Sister Trading Strategy
Margin Requirement for Twisted Sister Trading Strategy
Twisted Sister Vs Jade Lizard
Chicken Iron Condor and Variation of Chicken Iron condor
Collar Options Trading Strategy
Best Trading Practices and How to manage the risk

Options Trading – Elite – Part 1

Introduction to Options Backtesting
How to Implement Options Trade Automation using Tradingview
How to Implement Options Trade Automation using Amibroker
Building Trend Following Option Strategies with reduced risk
Building low-risk – medium reward option selling strategies and automating it.
Building Market Neutral Options Trading Algo Strategy.
Building Profitable Intraday Option Trading Model.

Options Trading – Elite – Part 2

Framework for Designing Option Strategies
What is Option Adjustments
Importance of Option Adjustments
Debit Spread Adjustment
Credit Spread Adjustment
Probability of ITM

Volume Spread Analysis

Law of Supply and Demand
Law of Cause and Effect
Law of Effort vs Result
Understanding Wyckoff Market Cycle (Accumulation, MarketUp, Distribution, Market Down)
Nuts and Bots of Volume Sprea Analysis
Understanding Sign of Weakness (Buyers Exhaustion)
Understanding Sign of Strength (Seller Exhaustion)
How to Read VSA Charts and Signals
Understanding VSA bar types
Effort Vs Results
The Path of Least Resistance
When High Volume Occurs at Market Tops?
Understanding Shakeout
Understanding Stopping Volume
How to Recognize the Market Tops and Market Botton using VSA
Understanding Buying Climax Vs Selling Climax
Top Down Analysis, Trade Preparation and Checklist for VSA Analysis

Price Action Trading

Price Action Trading to Identify Support & Resistance
Sticking to the Reality with Price Action & Volatility
Short Covering & Long Liquidation Price action Patterns
Breakout Failure Trading Patterns
How to trade the event day using price action
Price Action in a Highly Volatile Markets Vs Low Volatile Markets
Handling Price Action in a Bull Market Vs Bear Market
Trading the open with simple price action strategies
Importance of VWAP tracking

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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Option Hydra 4.0 – Intensive Mentorship Program on Market…

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