Welcome to the Kickstarter Series on Market Profile! In this series, we will be covering the basics of Market Profile and how you can use it to improve your trading decisions. We will be exploring topics such as TPO, Value Area, Point of Control, Single Print Zones, Tails, Initial Balance, market structures, and trading references. We will also discuss how to trade around market open, identify trending vs sideways markets, and navigate high vs low volatile markets. By the end of this series, you will have a solid foundation in Market Profile and be able to apply it to your trading strategy. Additionally, we will provide trade expectations for Nifty and Bank Nifty based on current trading references. Whether you are an intraday trader or a positional trader, this series has something for everyone. Get ready to take your trading to the next level with the power of Market Profile!

Who Should Attend this Session
Day Traders, Short Term Traders, Brokers, Sub Brokers, Students and Wannabe Full-time Professional Traders.
Customer Support/Whatsapp: +91 9535133445
Support Timings : 9a.m – 6p.m IST
Kicstarter Series – Part 1 (29th Oct 2023 – Sunday – 10.00a.m – 11.00a.m IST)
What is Market Profile?
What is TPO, Value Area, Point of Control, Single Print Zones, Tails, and Initial Balance?
How can intraday traders/positional traders make use of Market Profile?
Basic Market Profile TPO settings for intraday traders/short-term traders
Nifty and Bank Nifty trade expectations based on current trading references
Kicstarter Series – Part 2 (5th Nov 2023 – Sunday – 10.00a.m – 11.00a.m IST)
Who are the market participants?
Various Market Profile structures
Balanced vs imbalanced markets
How Market Profile can improve your thinking while making trading decisions
Nifty and Bank Nifty trade expectations based on current trading references
Kicstarter Series – Part 3 (12th Nov 2023 – Sunday – 10.00a.m – 11.00a.m IST)
What are trading references?
Intraday references vs short-term references
How traders can make use of trading references
Understanding what is good trade location and avoiding bad trade location
Nifty and Bank Nifty trade expectations based on current trading references
Kickstarter Series – Part 4 (19th Nov 2023 – Sunday – 10.00a.m – 11.00a.m IST)
What is Market Confidence and How to measure it
Different Opening Types
Measuring confidence around the open
Trading Strategies around the market open
Nifty and Bank Nifty Analysis using Market Profile