This basic tutorial helps you to explore creating your own first trading system in Tradingview platform using pinescript programming language. If you are searching for how to create and backtesting your trading ideas then this is the first video tutorial that you have to start with.

Simple Trading Rules
Enter Long: Positive EMA Crossover of 20 and 50
Exit Long: Candle closes below 25 periods EMAEnter Short: Negative EMA Crossover of 20 and 50
Exit Short: Candle Closes above 25 periods EMA
Video Tutorial on How to Create and Bactesting Tradingview Pinescript Programming
Pinescript Code
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © algomojo
strategy("Simple Trading Strategy",overlay=true)
//compute the indicators
ema1 = ema(close,20)
ema2 = ema(close,50)
ema3 = ema(close,25)
//plot the indicators
//Trading Logic
EnterLong = crossover(ema1,ema2) //Positive EMA Crossover
ExitLong = crossunder(close,ema3) //candle closes below 25 per EMA value
EnterShort = crossunder(ema1,ema2) //Negative EMA crossover
ExitShort = crossover(close,ema3)
//Execution Logic - Placing Orders
Then Enroll in 20+ hours of Practical Approach to Pinescript Programming to learn Pinescript Programming in Tradingview Platform right from scratch.
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it was a nice tutorial sir