Iam not a regular visitor of BSEindia.com as nifty is my primary trading instrument i never look into bse india web portal often. But unfortunately to get some sector based information i started navigating Bseindia.com and found out that its providing Realtime Sensex Streaming Application. Just downloaded the streaming application. There are less configuration after installation. Just need to configure mobile type( Blackberry/Non Blackberry) and Streaming Type(HTTP/TCP). And the real streaming stock list contains Sensex and its associated 30 stocks. No other stocks can be further added or deleted. And the Basic Portfolio Tracking,scrolling ticker and Watchlist are missing in the mobile application. Will NSE consider for such a kind of real time mobile application?
-Java enabled handset with MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 configuration.
-GPRS Connection
How to configure and use the Mobile application?
-Download Sensex Streamer on your mobile or download in your pc and transfer to your mobile
-Application Size is 55kb
-After the application gets installed, start the application by clicking on the “SENSEX Streamer” icon. For the first time, the application will directly lead you to “Application Settings” screen. From there, select “Other” for non-blackberry handsets and “Blackberry” for blackberry handsets as Mobile Type and HTTP as Connection Type. Click on “Save” menu.
-Click on Back menu.
-Go in to the menu and click on “Start”
-Application will try to connect the remote server. If the mobile asks for allow network connection then click on yes
-Once the connectivity establishes, the Market Watch will open.
-Use left, right, up and down scroll keys to view full data
-Select menus in Market Watch screen to “Stop Streaming”, “Refresh” the data and “Start Streaming”.
Will try this application today and ping you people back! If you had already used this application or going to use this then kindly put your feedbacks here!
hi rajandranji,
i have been using i charts for my charting purpose . now i like install AMIBROKER SOFTWARE with NMA indicator
kindly furnish me the details to insatll the software
Tried the Software on Last friday… Its really a nice experience with the realtime quotes. If you are a trader/Investor definitely you should try this!
not working in a nokia 5233 touchscreen mobile 🙁 only some part saw up