Aniket Kale Trader & Financial Engineer at Marketcalls plus a B Tech graduate in Computer Science. Interested in Trading Software, Building Trading Systems, Automated Trading & Volume Price Analysis

How to get US Futures market live data in NinjaTrader 8

1 min read

In this tutorial you will be learning how to get live US Futures Data (Es-Mini, Nymex Crude Oil etc) in Ninjatrader 8 platform for further technical analysis.

Step 1:

Make sure you have NinjaTrader 8 installed on your computer. If you don’t have NT8 installed, you can download it from here.

Step 2:

Go to , enter your credentials, select Futures, verify the captcha and click on Submit.

Applying for demo data feed credentials

Step 3:

Select your NinjaTrader version and wait for an email. You will get an email from CQGTrader with a demo account user name and password. You are going to need it to configure the demo data feed with your NinjaTrader.

Email with user name and password from CQG

Step 4:

Start your NinjaTrader 8 and go to Control Center. By default when you start NinjaTrader 8, Control Center is the first window to open. In Control Center, go to Connections and click on Configure.

Opening up the Connections

Step 5:

From “Available” section, select CQG and click on add. In the properties section, set your data feed name in the Connection name field (you can put any text you want here). Enter your user name and password as provided by the CQG from the email that you will receive from them, in their respective fields. Check the Demo checkbox and click OK

Configuring the connection

Step 6:

Open the Control Center and click on Connections. Now, you will see the demo connection just created. Click on the connection name and you will see a yellow circle (yellow means connecting) at the bottom left corner of your Control Center. When it turns green, then your connection is successfully established and data is flowing to your NinjaTrader.

Set up done and waiting for green circle

Step 7:

When the circle turns green in the Control Center, go to New andselect Chart.

Opening a new chart window

You will be asked to select Data Series. Search for ES-Mini and select it and click OK.

Searching for ES mini futures chart

Now, configure your chart properties in the next window that opens and click OK.

Configuring ES mini chart properties

The chart will open and your data feed demo for US Futures market is set.

All done

Happy Trading!

Aniket Kale Trader & Financial Engineer at Marketcalls plus a B Tech graduate in Computer Science. Interested in Trading Software, Building Trading Systems, Automated Trading & Volume Price Analysis

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