The number of demat account holders in India continues to skyrocket, with 15.4 crore accounts in January 2024, compared to only 11 crore as reported in 2023, marking an approximate 27.45% rise from the previous year, as per data from the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

image built using iipmaps and data source: BSEINDIA
The image is a colorful map of India that represents the number of stock market investors in each Indian state. The states with the highest total investor count – Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat – maintained their rankings. Maharashtra stands out with the highest number, shown in dark blue, indicating that nearly three million people there invest in the stock market. This suggests that in Maharashtra, investing in stocks is quite popular.
Rajasthan and Gujarat are also highlighted with a large number of investors, painted in orange. Their investor counts are in the millions, showing they are also key players in India’s stock market scene. Uttar Pradesh follows closely, depicted in purple, which means there’s a significant number of people investing in stocks there, too.
In the southern part of India, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are shown in yellow and orange. They have a substantial number of investors, which tells us that people in the South are actively participating in the stock market.
The lighter colors on the map, like the greens in the northern states and the softer tones in the northeast, indicate fewer investors. This doesn’t mean these areas are not important; rather, it shows that there’s potential for more people to start investing in the stock market.
NSE India Total Registered Investors
- NSE’s investor base reached 8.5 crore by December 2023.
- Investor base increased from 7 crore to 8 crore in eight months in September 2023.
- Uttar Pradesh at second position in terms of total registered investors with 90 lakh investors as of December 31st, 2023.

In simple terms, this map is like a scoreboard that shows how many people in each state are playing the game of stock market investing. Maharashtra is leading the game, with other states like Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh not too far behind. The map is not just about numbers; it’s a picture of how the habit of investing is spreading throughout India, with each state contributing to the country’s overall economic health. It tells us that more and more people across India are getting interested in the stock market as a way to save and grow their money.