Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

Which is the most favorite Trading Software among the Traders?

1 min read

Not many times statistics fascinates me. But this search statistics has done it! Was interested in checking out which trading software has been favored by most of the traders in the world and the below metric shows which trading software is most popular based on the Google search volume across the globe.


Metatrader leads in search volume, emerging as the top choice among traders for its open-source indicators and trading strategies. Unlike other trading analysis platforms, Metatrader’s community-driven open source indicators and expert advisors capabilities particularly appeal to those analyzing and trading in markets, notably forex. Over the last six years, the majority of searches for Metatrader have originated from Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Singapore, and it’s gaining momentum in India. Compared to similar platforms, Metatrader has significantly outpaced its competition.


Metastock is drastically losing its popularity over time. I assume the possible reasons to be a lack of active opensource community as MetaTrader and competition from its peers. It is popular currently in India, Russia, Australia



Amibroker maintains a steady level of search interest over time, standing out as a preferred trading analysis software in India. It’s also widespread in Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Poland, Hungary, Hong Kong, and Singapore. While many Indian trading forums suggest Amibroker is trending and popular, the data from the referenced chart challenges this widespread belief.


Ninja Trader

Ninja Trader is yet another free software widely used in countries like the United States, Australia, the Czech Republic, Canada

Ninja Trader


Esignal being headquartered in the US, is predominantly favored by United States and Canadian traders. However, it fails to capture the overall market due to the premium software pricing compared to other trading products. However Esignal compatibility with most trading analysis software creates branded labels among the traders.

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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32 Replies to “Which is the most favorite Trading Software among the…”

  1. Dear Sir, I am using GCI software since three months, but in that only 9 scripts are coming for real time.. Is there any other real time software where other than these scripts coming freely ? Please guide me and mail me about the same on my mail ID. [email protected]

  2. Sir,

    I want to understand this trading system. I do not know about it, but I want to start it. Pls help me.

    Jaswant Siingh

  3. i want to buy a trading software which will give more accuracy in trade along with all other features like graph, bar chart and indicators to buy and sale.

  4. Hi Raj, You should mention the date when this report was made. Probably it is quite sometime now, you may make a new chart/new article.

  5. Hi Rajandran Sir,

    I want to buy the best Technical analysis software present in the market no matter what it costs. Please recommend the best one . And please comment on eSignal AdvancedGET software.

  6. dear sir i am using sharekhan trade tiger.is metastock, amibroker is better than trade tigerr?
    how to get this sotware

    1. Hi Trade Tiger is a Trading Terminal with limited capabilities to do your technical analysis studies. Where trading softwares like metastock, amibroker apart from classical technical analysis you can do lot of stuff with that. It is a good tool for learning the systematic trading in a righter way.

  7. Hello Rajandran,

    Amibroker or Metatrader…. which one is more user friendly for trading stocks?

    Please guide me.


  8. dear sir,
    i am rajeev goel from india

    sir i want a highly advanced commodity trading software which can tell me when to buy/sell and exit in advance. who has representative in india
    i will pay for it even it is highly costlier
    can u help me pls .
    sir i wondering like a idiot on google from many months
    pls help me. sir.

    1. There is no advance software which fortell the market movements before hand to you. If you keep on searching for this mostly you will end up with scam guys. There is no holy grail. So it the otherway round. Try to control risk in your trading in the long run.

    2. why dont u use Rajandrans amibroker afls, they are easy to use.

      k t o l w a l @ g m a i l dot c o m

  9. Hi,

    any one guide me for the ambibroker software. from where it will be purchased.

  10. I m thinking to buy metastock14 with metastock zenieth and e signal premium plus softwares. how is the combination and how will it effectively help me?

    1. It doesnt make sense to purchase both. Purchasing either one of them make sense. Metastock14 + Xenith covers lot more fundamental data in additional. And Esignal Premiur Plus is generally for Option Players or a Global Market Players. However if you trade only in futures then you can try consider taking subscription for Esignal Premier.

  11. Dear Rajandran
    I am considering getting into full time trading from home. Pl suggest a good trading software.

  12. Sir can you suggest any order flow analysis software in India.i really want a good DOM. Please help me


  14. i trade intraday nifty options only and i want to make daily profits using intraday buy sell signals,could you help in finding a good paid software.i have a capital of 25000/-only.

  15. I want metatrader 4 robotic software . Is it gud using robotic or not, because i m using mt4 for last 2 yrs mannually. Please give me suggestion.

  16. dear sir often I find you answering about softwares. I have recently viewed a software called TICKER PLANT by financial technologies. currently I use metastock 15eod with local data+metastock realtime with metastock xenieth. is ticker plant superior than metastock?

    shall I switch over? in metastock 15 especially I like the exploration.

  17. I want to buy ninjatrade software for indian stock market how can I buy pls advice

  18. i want to buy a stock market soft ware, where it is easy to learn for non technical stock market operator .

  19. Thanks for sharing the post. Great articulation. This post really helps me a lot. Please let me know for the upcoming posts.

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