Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

Things you need to know about Twitter IPO

56 sec read

Twitter the social network, which is now valued at US $10 billion had filed for IPO on 12th September. The company used its own Twitter account Thursday afternoon to announce it had filed the confidential Twitter IPO plan.

Twitter IPO notification
Facts you need to know about twitter IPO

– Twitter filed for IPO after 7 years of its launch which is used by more than 200 million people

– Twitter is looking to estimated to be close to 10 billion dollars. Under the direction of CEO Dick Costolo for the past three years, Twitter made it a priority to turn its popularity into an ad business. Through ads on its service dubbed “promoted tweets,” the company is expected to take in $583 million in ad revenue this year.

– Twitter had very recently acquired MoPub, a mobile ad network, ad serving business, and real time bidding exchange that claims to handle around $100 million annual spending on apps and other mobile media. The deal cost Twitter $350 million in stock.

– Three years, two months and one day: The time it took from the first tweet to the billionth tweet. And now one billion tweets are sent every two and a half days.

– In latest quarter, Facebook had $1.6 billion in ad revenue. By 2015, Twitter’s annual ad revenue is expected to hit $1.3 billion.

– The average Twitter user has 208 followers and spends 170 minutes on the site every month.

-In January 2013, Twitter introduced Vine, which enabled users to make and tweet six-second looping videos. Some 12 million Vine videos are uploaded every day.
Performance of Social Media IPO’s

performance of social media IPO


State of Twitter in 2013

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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2 Replies to “Things you need to know about Twitter IPO”

  1. I think the most important part about this is how they price the IPO. If they go the facebook way it will fail too. Also the timing of the launch will be really important.

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