Nifty and Bank Nifty hourly spot charts maintains the positional sell mode right from the railway budget 2014 event. Currently nifty and Bank Nifty trading very close to the resistance zones comes around 7719 and 15282 respectively. Reverse your position to positional buy mode if the support zone breaks on hourly charts.
Bank Nifty hourly charts
India VIX Hourly Charts
India VIX maintains the positional sell mode since the railway budget and currently the resistance zone comes near 17.14 Reverse your position to positional buy mode if the VIX levels breaks the resistance on the hourly charts.
On the Weekly charts Bank Nifty turned to long term sell mode and nifty still trading below 5EMA(High) and nifty still holds the long term buy mode. Currently the long term resistance zone for Nifty and Bank Nifty comes around 7677 and 15423 respectively. Reverse your position to fresh longs if the long term zone breaks on the weekly charts.
Dear Sir , Do we have a AFL which pops up / provides signal – for the above set up , Thanks
some error I guess nifty turned sell mode from rail budget. Its written buy….. and reverse position to buy if resistance break not support…m Correct me if m wrong
Yeh sorted out!