USD Yen Charts(3 Years)
Source :Metatrader
Forex trading Pair USDYEN had today made a intraday low of 86.30 which marks
the 14 year low of dollar against yen
Few Reasons why yen is appreciating : Extracted from Wiki Answers
1) Unwinding of Carry trade (all liquidity leads to Japan right now); remember japan has the lowest interest rate in the whole world (only 30 basis points) therefore everyone seeks a loan in Yen when it is repaid you see a strong yen
2) Right now speculators view Yen as a safe currency hence a lot of specluative buying can be witnessed
3) Japnese are withdrawing their investments from other countries, bringing it back to Japan
4) IMF/world bank have extended loan to some countries in Euro/Dollars
5) Rate cut in Eurpoe and US is also a factor in depreciation of these currencies against yen