Have your ever tired of searching for a Economic datasets like Indian Industrial Production, GDP Numbers, Car Sales Data or even the Global economic datasets…etc? Then Quadrant Solves the problem for you. Quadrant is a economic dataset aggregator. Currently Quadrant aggregates the data from 1000+ trusted data sources and helps the researchers and students to provide trusted dataset. Provides Visualization of Economic datasets and also even allow us to download the historical datasets in CSV, XML, XLS, PNG, SVG formats and can be used for individual research purpose at zero cost involved.
Using Quadrant you can seamlessly search 400,000+ market moving indicators for more than 202 countries. The website claims the datasets are updated in realtime and aggregated from trusted sources.
Quadrant uses Algolia in the backend to improve the search experience of the user and provides the most relevant data in milliseconds. Algolia enables to search across different entry points corresponding to the different attributes describing data series (release date, source).
Now you can download the trusted datasource and even import into your trading analysis software to include rule based fundamental analysis with the available Economic datasets.Really Quadrant provides most intuitive and smartest platform to shorten any data search to seconds; to provide powerful visualization and analysis tools that are relevant to the user
India – Foreign Direct Investment Historical Charts
[Source : Quadrant ]