Here is an interesting and colorful AFL code that I found over the web coded by Mr.Southwind(Don’t know who he was… But simply the AFL code reads so).
When I explored the AFL code it contains the Heiken Ashi candle and as usual ATR trailing stop loss line along with the Heiken Ashi candle. And more technical indications like Support-Resistance Pivot Basic Stochastic,RSI ,MACD and few more technical interpretations on the left side of the charting space. At first, time giving the impression that the trading system is much complicated. But it all just a combo Package of simple trading interpretations. Moreover, I hadn’t explored much with this indicator. If you have free time then just go through the indicator. The color of the Heiken Ashi candle shows blue color for the uptrend and yellow for the sideways trend and the red color to indicate the downtrend. The Colored Candles of nifty daily chart are shown above. Just click on the picture to have a bigger view
Download The Foundation by Southwind v-13.00 Int AFL Code
To Install this indicator
1) Download Southwind Amibroker AFL Link 1
Download Southwind Amibroker AFL Link 2
2)Extract the Foundation-Int.rar and save it on your local hard drive
3)Copy JurikLib.dll and kpami.dll and paste it in your Amibroker Plugin folder which is by default C:/Program Files/AmiBroker/Plugins
4)Copy T3_include.afl to the AFL formula/include folder which is by default C:/Program Files/AmiBroker/Formulas/Include
5)Copy Foundation by South Wind AFL code Ver 13.afl and paste it in AFL formula/custom/ folder C:/Program Files/AmiBroker/Formulas/Custom
The Foundation by Southwind-Amibroker AFL Code
// The Foundation by Southwind v-13.00 Int
//[email protected]
Show_color = ParamToggle("Display CandleColor", "No|Yes", 1);
r1 = Param( "ColorFast avg", 5, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "ColorSlow avg", 10, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "ColorSignal avg", 5, 2, 200, 1 );
Prd1=Param("ATR Period",4,1,20,1);
Prd2=Param("Look Back",7,1,20,1);
green = HHV(LLV(L,Prd1)+ATR(Prd1),Prd2);
red = LLV(HHV(H,Prd1)-ATR(Prd1),Prd2);
HaClose =EMA((O+H+L+C)/4,3); // Woodie
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
Temp = Max(High, HaOpen);
Temp = Min(Low,HaOpen);
mycolor=IIf(m1<0 AND m1>s1, ColorRGB(230,230,0),IIf(m1>0 AND m1>s1,ColorRGB(0,0,100),IIf(m1>0 AND m1<s1,colorOrange,colorDarkRed)));
ColorHighliter = myColor;
SetBarFillColor( ColorHighliter );
mycolor=IIf(m1<0 AND m1>s1, ColorRGB(230,230,0),IIf(m1>0 AND m1>s1,ColorRGB(0,0,100),IIf(m1>0 AND m1<s1,colorOrange,colorDarkRed)));
ColorHighliter = mycolor;
SetBarFillColor( ColorHighliter );
barColor=IIf(C>Green ,colorBlue,IIf(C < RED,colorRed,colorYellow));
barColor2=IIf(Close > Open, colorWhite, colorRed);
if( ParamToggle("Plot Normal Candle", "No,Yes", 1 ) )
PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, " " , barcolor, styleCandle | styleThick );
PlotOHLC( Open, High, Low, Close, " " , barcolor2, styleCandle | styleThick );
a = Param("Average Pds", 5, 1, 10, 1 );
n = Param("Short Pds", 8, 5, 21, 1 );
m = Param("Long Pds", 60, 0, 90, 1 );
Var4 =(Low+High+2*Close)/4;
OP = EMA(Var4,a);
res1 = HHV(OP,n);
res2 =HHV(OP,m);
sup2 =LLV(OP,m);
sup1 =LLV(OP,n);
Linecolor = IIf(Op==sup1,colorCustom12,IIf(Op==res1,10,7));
Plot(Cal,"",Linecolor ,ParamStyle("styleLine 1",styleLine|styleThick,maskAll));
positive= Cross(HaClose,Cal);
PlotShapes( IIf( positive, shapeHollowSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorBrightGreen, layer = 0, yposition = HaLow, offset = -4);
PlotShapes( IIf( negative, shapeHollowSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorRed, layer = 0, yposition = HaHigh, offset = 4);
Ovos = ParamToggle("Display_OVOS", "No|Yes", 0);
Bline = StochD(OBSetting);
PlotShapes (IIf(Oversold, shapeHollowSmallCircle, shapeNone) ,38, layer = 0, yposition = haLow, offset = -8 );
PlotShapes (IIf(Overbought, shapeHollowSmallCircle, shapeNone) ,colorBrown, layer = 0, yposition = haHigh, offset = 7 );
CHiPr = 0;
CLoPr = 9999999;
blsLong = 0;
PrevCOBar = 0;
NumBars = 0;
PrePP = 0;
PrevLowVal = 9999999;
BuySig = 0;
blsShort = 0;
PrevHiVal = 0;
blsNewCO = 0;
BarDif = 0;
KPA900Val = E_TSKPA900(Close);
KPAutoStopVal = E_TSKPAUTOSTOP(High,Low,Close);
// -- Create 0-initialized arrays the size of barcount
aHPivs = haHigh - haHigh;
aLPivs = haLow - haLow;
aHiVal = haHigh - haHigh;
aLoVal = haLow - haLow;
Ctmpl = E_TSKPCOLORTMPL(Open,High,Low,Close,Volume);
sctotal = 0;
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd0 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd1 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd2 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd3 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd4 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd5 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd6 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd7 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd8 > 0, 1, -1);
for (curBar=0; curBar < BarCount-1; curBar++)
if ( curBar == 0 )
CHiPr = haHigh[curBar];
CHiBar = curBar;
CLoPr = haLow[curBar];
CLoBar = curBar;
blsLong = 0;
blsShort = 0;
blsNewCO = 0;
PrePP = 0;
PrevCOBar = 0;
PrevHiVal = haHigh[curBar];
PrevLowVal = haLow[curBar];
BuySig = 0;
SellSig = 0;
blsLL = 0;
if (haHigh[CurBar] >= CHiPr) {
CHiPr = haHigh[CurBar];
ChiBar = CurBar;
if (haLow[CurBar] <= CLoPr) {
CLoPr = haLow[CurBar];
CLoBar = CurBar;
if ( (KPA900Val[curBar] >= KPAutoStopVal[curbar]) AND (PrePP != -1) AND (blsLong != 1) ){
BarDif = CurBar - PrevCOBar;
if (BarDif >= NumBars) {
blsLong = 1;
blsShort = 0;
blsNewCO = 1;
PrevCOBar = CurBar;
if ( (KPA900Val[curBar] <= KPAutoStopVal[curbar]) AND (PrePP != 1) AND (blsShort != 1) ){
BarDif = CurBar - PrevCOBar;
if (BarDif >= NumBars) {
blsLong = 0;
blsShort = 1;
blsNewCO = 1;
PrevCOBar = CurBar;
if ( (blsNewCO == 1) AND (sctotal[CurBar] >= 5) AND (blsLong == 1) ) {
LVal = CurBar - CLoBar;
for (j= CLoBar-1; j <= CLoBar+1; j++)
if (j >=0) {
aLPivs[j] = 1;
aLoVal[j] = CLoPr;
PrePP = -1;
blsNewCO = 0;
CHiPr = haHigh[CurBar];
CHiBar = CurBar;
CLoPr = haLow[Curbar];
CLoBar = CurBar;
else if ((blsNewCO == 1) AND (sctotal[CurBar] <= -5) AND (blsShort == 1) ) {
HVal = CurBar - CHiBar;
for (j= CHiBar-1; j <= CHiBar+1; j++)
if (j >=0) {
aHPivs[j] = 1;
aHiVal[j] = CHiPr;
PrePP = 1;
blsNewCO = 0;
CHiPr = haHigh[CurBar];
CHiBar = CurBar;
CLoPr = haLow[Curbar];
CLoBar = CurBar;
PlotShapes(IIf(aHPivs == 1, shapeHollowSmallSquare,shapeNone), 25,0, aHiVal+0.05,Offset = 6);
PlotShapes(IIf(aLPivs == 1, shapeHollowSmallSquare,shapeNone), colorCustom11,0, aLoVal-0.05, Offset = -6);
blsLong = 0;
KPStopLine = E_TSKPSTOPLINE(High,Low,Close);
// tskp_upsell, tskp_triggerline, tskp_triggerlinevma
sw = E_TSKPUPSELL(Open,High,Low,Close,Volume);
KPTriggerLine = tskp_triggerline;
KPFast3Val = IIf((E_TSKPFAST3(Open,High,Low,Close,Volume)> 0),1, -1);
//tskp_fast2val1, tskp_fast2val2
dummy = E_TSKPFAST2(Open,High,Low,Close,Volume);
KPFast2Val = IIf ((tskp_fast2val1 > 0),1,-1);
Ctmpl = E_TSKPCOLORTMPL(Open,High,Low,Close,Volume);
sctotal = 0;
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd0 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd1 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd2 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd3 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd4 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd5 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd6 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd7 > 0, 1, -1);
sctotal = sctotal + IIf(tskp_colortmplcnd8 > 0, 1, -1);
// tskp_mediumma,tskp_mediumup,tskp_mediumdown
dummy = E_TSKPMEDIUM(Close);
KPMediumUP = tskp_mediumup;
KPMediumDwn = tskp_mediumdown;
KPMediumMA = tskp_mediumma;
// -- Create 0-initialized arrays the size of barcount
aHPivs = H - H;
aLPivs = L - L;
aHiVal = H - H;
aLoVal = L - L;
for (curBar=5; curBar < BarCount-1; curBar++)
if( (blsLong == -1) OR (blsLong == 0))
if ((sctotal[CurBar] >= 5) AND (KPMediumUP[CurBar] > KPMediumMA[CurBar] ) AND (KPFast3Val[CurBar] == 1) AND
(KPFast2Val[CurBar] == 1) AND (KPTriggerLine[CurBar] >= KPStopLine[CurBar] ))
blsLong = 1;
aLPivs[CurBar] = 1;
aLoVal[CurBar] = Low[CurBar];
if( (blsLong == 1) OR (blsLong == 0))
if ((sctotal[CurBar] <= -5) AND (KPMediumDwn[CurBar] < KPMediumMA[CurBar] ) AND (KPFast3Val[CurBar] == -1) AND
(KPFast2Val[CurBar] == -1) AND (KPTriggerLine[CurBar] <= KPStopLine[CurBar] ))
blsLong = -1;
aHPivs[Curbar] = 1;
aHiVal[Curbar] = High[Curbar];
if ((blsLong == 1) AND ((sctotal[CurBar] < 5) OR (KPMediumUP[CurBar] < KPMediumMA[CurBar] ) OR
(KPFast2Val[CurBar] < 1) OR (KPFast3Val[CurBar] < 1) OR (KPTriggerLine[CurBar] < KPStopLine[CurBar] )) )
blsLong= 0;
if ((blsLong == -1) AND ((sctotal[CurBar] > -5) OR (KPMediumDwn[CurBar] > KPMediumMA[CurBar] ) OR
(KPFast2Val[CurBar] > -1) OR (KPFast3Val[CurBar] > -1) OR
(KPTriggerLine[CurBar] > KPStopLine[CurBar] )) )
blsLong = 0;
PlotShapes (IIf(aHPivs == 1, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone) ,colorOrange, layer = 0, yposition = haHigh, offset = 7 );
PlotShapes (IIf(aLPivs == 1, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone) ,10, layer = 0, yposition = haLow, offset = -8 );
nBars = Param("Number of bars", 12, 3, 40);
LP=Param("LookBack Period",150,1,500,1);
bShowTCZ = Param("Show TCZ", 0, 0, 1);
nExploreBarIdx = 0;
nExploreDate = 0;
nCurDateNum = 0;
DN = DateNum();
DT = DateTime();
bTCZLong = False;
bTCZShort = False;
nAnchorPivIdx = 0;
ADX8 = ADX(8);
if(Status("action")==1) {
bDraw = True;
bUseLastVis = 1;
} else {
bDraw = False;
bUseLastVis = False;
bTrace = 1;
nExploreDate = Status("rangetodate");
for (i=LastValue(BarIndex());i>=0;i--) {
nCurDateNum = DN[i];
if (nCurDateNum == nExploreDate) {
nExploreBarIdx = i;
if (bDraw) {
aHPivs = HaHigh - HaHigh;
aLPivs = HaLow - HaLow;
aHPivHighs = HaHigh - HaHigh;
aLPivLows = HaLow - HaLow;
aHPivIdxs = HaHigh - HaHigh;
aLPivIdxs = HaLow - HaLow;
aAddedHPivs = HaHigh - HaHigh;
aAddedLPivs = HaLow - HaLow;
aLegVol = HaHigh - HaHigh;
aRetrcVol = HaHigh - HaHigh;
nHPivs = 0;
nLPivs = 0;
lastHPIdx = 0;
lastLPIdx = 0;
lastHPH = 0;
lastLPL = 0;
curPivBarIdx = 0;
aHHVBars = HHVBars(HaHigh, nBars);
aLLVBars = LLVBars(HaLow, nBars);
aHHV = HHV(HaHigh, nBars);
aLLV = LLV(HaLow, nBars);
nLastVisBar = LastValue(
Highest(IIf(Status("barvisible"), BarIndex(), 0)));
curBar = IIf(nlastVisBar > 0 AND bUseLastVis, nlastVisBar,
IIf(Status("action")==4 AND nExploreBarIdx > 0, nExploreBarIdx,
curTrend = "";
if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar])
curTrend = "D";
curTrend = "U";
if (curBar >= LP) {
for (i=0; i<LP; i++) {
curBar = IIf(nlastVisBar > 0 AND bUseLastVis,
IIf(Status("action")==4 AND nExploreBarIdx > 0,
if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar]) {
if (curTrend == "U") {
curTrend = "D";
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
aLPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
aLPivLows[nLPivs] = HaLow[curPivBarIdx];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs] = curPivBarIdx;
} else {
if (curTrend == "D") {
curTrend = "U";
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
aHPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
aHPivHighs[nHPivs] = HaHigh[curPivBarIdx];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs] = curPivBarIdx;
curBar =
IIf(nlastVisBar > 0 AND bUseLastVis,
IIf(Status("action")==4 AND nExploreBarIdx > 0,
if (nHPivs >= 2 AND nLPivs >= 2) {
lastLPIdx = aLPivIdxs[0];
lastLPL = aLPivLows[0];
lastHPIdx = aHPivIdxs[0];
lastHPH = aHPivHighs[0];
nLastHOrLPivIdx = Max(lastLPIdx, lastHPIdx);
nAddPivsRng = curBar - nLastHOrLPivIdx;
aLLVAfterLastPiv = LLV(HaLow, nAddPivsRng);
nLLVAfterLastPiv = aLLVAfterLastPiv[curBar];
aLLVIdxAfterLastPiv = LLVBars(HaLow, nAddPivsRng);
nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv = curBar - aLLVIdxAfterLastPiv[curBar];
aHHVAfterLastPiv = HHV(HaHigh, nAddPivsRng);
nHHVAfterLastPiv = aHHVAfterLastPiv[curBar];
aHHVIdxAfterLastPiv = HHVBars(HaHigh, nAddPivsRng);
nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv = curBar - aHHVIdxAfterLastPiv[curBar];
if (lastHPIdx > lastLPIdx) {
if (aHPivHighs[0] < aHPivHighs[1]) {
if (nLLVAfterLastPiv < aLPivLows[0] AND
(nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv - lastHPIdx - 1) >= 1
AND nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv != curBar ) {
// -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot.
// Mark it for plotting...
aLPivs[nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1;
aAddedLPivs[nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1;
// ...and then rearrange elements in the
// pivot information arrays
for (j=0; j<nLPivs; j++) {
aLPivLows[nLPivs-j] = aLPivLows[nLPivs-(j+1)];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-j] = aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-(j+1)];
aLPivLows[0] = nLLVAfterLastPiv;
aLPivIdxs[0] = nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv;
// -- Test whether to add piv given last piv is high
// AND we have lower highs
// -- Here, the last piv is a high piv, and we have
// higher-highs. The most likely addition is a
// Low piv that is a retracement.
} else {
if (nLLVAfterLastPiv > aLPivLows[0] AND
(nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv - lastHPIdx - 1) >= 1
AND nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv != curBar ) {
// -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot.
// Mark it for plotting...
aLPivs[nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1;
aAddedLPivs[nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1;
// ...and then rearrange elements in the
// pivot information arrays
for (j=0; j<nLPivs; j++) {
aLPivLows[nLPivs-j] = aLPivLows[nLPivs-(j+1)];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-j] = aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-(j+1)];
aLPivLows[0] = nLLVAfterLastPiv;
aLPivIdxs[0] = nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv;
// -- Test whether to add piv given last piv is high
// AND we have lower highs
// -- The last piv is a high and we have higher highs
// OR lower highs
/* ****************************************************************
Still finding missed pivot(s). Here, the last piv is a low piv.
**************************************************************** */
} else {
// -- First case, lower highs
if (aHPivHighs[0] < aHPivHighs[1]) {
if (nHHVAfterLastPiv < aHPivHighs[0] AND
(nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv - lastLPIdx - 1) >= 1
AND nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv != curBar ) {
// -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot.
// Mark that for plotting
aHPivs[nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1;
aAddedHPivs[nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1;
// ...and then rearrange elements in the
// pivot information arrays
for (j=0; j<nHPivs; j++) {
aHPivHighs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivHighs[nHPivs-(j+1)];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivIdxs[nhPivs-(j+1)];
aHPivHighs[0] = nHHVAfterLastPiv;
aHPivIdxs[0] = nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv;
// -- Test whether to add piv given last piv is high
// AND we have lower highs
// -- Second case when last piv is a low piv, higher highs
// Most likely addition is high piv that is a retracement.
// Considering adding a high piv as long as it is higher
} else {
// -- Where I have higher highs,
if (nHHVAfterLastPiv > aHPivHighs[0] AND
(nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv - lastLPIdx - 1) >= 1
AND nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv != curBar ) {
// -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot.
// Mark it for plotting...
aHPivs[nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1;
aAddedHPivs[nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1;
// ...and then rearrange elements in the
// pivot information arrays
for (j=0; j<nHPivs; j++) {
aHPivHighs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivHighs[nHPivs-(j+1)];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivIdxs[nhPivs-(j+1)];
aHPivHighs[0] = nHHVAfterLastPiv;
aHPivIdxs[0] = nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv;
// -- Test whether to add piv given last piv is high
// AND we have lower highs
// -- If there are at least two of each
/* ****************************************
// -- Done with finding pivots
***************************************** */
if (bDraw) {
// -- OK, let's plot the pivots using arrows
PlotShapes( IIf(aAddedHPivs==1, shapeHollowSmallSquare, shapeNone), colorCustom12,layer = 0, yposition = HaHigh, offset = 13);
PlotShapes( IIf(aAddedLPivs==1, shapeHollowSmallSquare, shapeNone), colorYellow, layer = 0, yposition = HaLow, offset = -13);
/* ****************************************
// -- Done with discovering and plotting pivots
***************************************** */
// -- I'm going to want to look for possible retracement
risk = 0;
profInc = 0;
nLeg0Pts = 0;
nLeg0Bars = 0;
nLeg0Vol = 0;
nLeg1Pts = 0;
nLeg1Bars = 0;
nLeg1Vol = 0;
nLegBarsDiff = 0;
nRtrc0Pts = 0;
nRtrc0Bars = 0;
nRtrc0Vol = 0;
nRtrc1Pts = 0;
nRtrc1Bars = 0;
nRtrc1Vol = 0;
minRtrc = 0;
maxRtrc = 0;
minLine = 0;
maxLine = 0;
triggerLine = 0;
firstProfitLine = 0;
triggerInc = 0;
triggerPrc = 0;
firstProfitPrc = 0;
retrcPrc = 0;
retrcBar = 0;
retrcBarIdx = 0;
retrcRng = 0;
aRetrcPrc = HaHigh-HaHigh;
aRetrcPrcBars = HaHigh-HaHigh;
aRetrcClose = HaClose;
retrcClose = 0;
// -- Do TCZ calcs. Arrangement of pivs very specific
// for this setup.
if (nHPivs >= 2 AND
nLPivs >=2 AND
aHPivHighs[0] > aHPivHighs[1] AND
aLPivLows[0] > aLPivLows[1]) {
tcz500 =
(aHPivHighs[0] -
(.5 * (aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[1])));
tcz618 =
(aHPivHighs[0] -
(.618 * (aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[1])));
tcz786 =
(aHPivHighs[0] -
(.786 * (aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[0])));
retrcRng = curBar - aHPivIdxs[0];
aRetrcPrc = LLV(HaLow, retrcRng);
aRetrcPrcBars = LLVBars(HaLow, retrcRng);
retrcPrc = aRetrcPrc[curBar];
retrcBarIdx = curBar - aRetrcPrcBars[curBar];
retrcClose = aRetrcClose[retrcBarIdx];
// -- bTCZLong setup?
bTCZLong = (
// -- Are retracement levels arranged in
// tcz order?
// .500 is above .786 for long setups
tcz500 >= (tcz786 * (1 - .005))
// .681 is below .786 for long setups
tcz618 <= (tcz786 * (1 + .005))
// -- Is the low in the tcz range
// -- Is the close >= low of tcz range
// and low <= high of tcz range
retrcClose >= ((1 - .01) * tcz618)
retrcPrc <= ((1 + .01) * tcz500)
// -- risk would be high of signal bar minus low of zone
//risk = 0;
// -- lower highs and lower lows
} else if (nHPivs >= 2 AND nLPivs >=2
AND aHPivHighs[0] < aHPivHighs[1]
AND aLPivLows[0] < aLPivLows[1]) {
tcz500 =
(aHPivHighs[1] -
(.5 * (aHPivHighs[1] - aLPivLows[0])));
tcz618 =
(aHPivHighs[0] -
(.618 * (aHPivHighs[1] - aLPivLows[0])));
tcz786 =
(aHPivHighs[0] -
(.786 * (aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[0])));
retrcRng = curBar - aLPivIdxs[0];
aRetrcPrc = HHV(HaHigh, retrcRng);
retrcPrc = aRetrcPrc[curBar];
aRetrcPrcBars = HHVBars(HaHigh, retrcRng);
retrcBarIdx = curBar - aRetrcPrcBars[curBar];
retrcClose = aRetrcClose[retrcBarIdx];
bTCZShort = (
// -- Are retracement levels arranged in
// tcz order?
// .500 is below .786 for short setups
tcz500 <= (tcz786 * (1 + .005))
// .681 is above .786 for short setups
tcz618 >= (tcz786 * (1 - .005))
// -- Is the close <= high of tcz range
// and high >= low of tcz range
retrcClose <= ((1 + .01) * tcz618)
retrcPrc >= ((1 - .01) * tcz500)
// -- Risk would be top of zone - low of signal bar
//risk = 0;
// -- Show zone if present
if (bTCZShort OR bTCZLong) {
// -- Be prepared to see symmetry
if (bTCZShort) {
if (aLPivIdxs[0] > aHPivIdxs[0]) {
// -- Valuable, useful symmetry information
nRtrc0Pts = aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[1];
nRtrc0Bars = aHPivIdxs[0] - aLPivIdxs[1] + 1;
nRtrc1Pts = retrcPrc - aLPivLows[0];
nRtrc1Bars = retrcBarIdx - aLPivIdxs[0] + 1;
} else {
nRtrc0Pts = aHPivHighs[1] - aLPivLows[1];
nRtrc0Bars = aHPivIdxs[1] - aLPivIdxs[1] + 1;
nRtrc1Pts = aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[0];
nRtrc1Bars = aHPivIdxs[0] - aLPivIdxs[0] + 1;
} else { // bLongSetup
if (aLPivIdxs[0] > aHPivIdxs[0]) {
nRtrc0Pts = aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[1];
nRtrc0Bars = aHPivIdxs[0] - aLPivIdxs[1] + 1;
nRtrc1Pts = retrcPrc - aLPivLows[0];
nRtrc1Bars = retrcBarIdx - aLPivIdxs[0] + 1;
} else {
nRtrc0Pts = aHPivHighs[1] - aLPivLows[0];
nRtrc0Bars = aLPivIdxs[0] - aHPivIdxs[1] + 1;
nRtrc1Pts = aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[0];
nRtrc1Bars = aLPivIdxs[0] - aHPivIdxs[0] + 1;
if (bShowTCZ) {
LineArray( IIf(bTCZLong, aHPivIdxs[0], aLPivIdxs[0]),
tcz500, curBar, tcz500 , 0),
"tcz500", colorPaleBlue, styleLine);
LineArray( IIf(bTCZLong, aHPivIdxs[0], aLPivIdxs[0]),
tcz618, curBar, tcz618, 0),
"tcz618", colorPaleBlue, styleLine);
LineArray( IIf(bTCZLong, aHPivIdxs[0], aLPivIdxs[0]),
tcz786, curBar, tcz786, 0),
"tcz786", colorTurquoise, styleLine);
// -- if (bShowTCZ)
_SECTION_BEGIN("Fundamental data");
declara=GetFnData("LastSplitDate" );
declara1=GetFnData("DividendPayDate" ); // yahoo.format
//=================Trend & Signals ===============================
/// Please replace "00DSEGEN" with your market index ticker and activate the codes
/// Market Bull Bear
Cg = Foreign("00DSEGEN", "C");
Cgo= Ref(Cg,-1);
//Longterm Bullish or Bearish
Bullg = Cg > WMA(Cg,200);
Bearg= Cg <WMA(Cg,200);
//Midterm Bullish or Bearish
mBullg = Cg >WMA(Cg,50);
mBearg= Cg <WMA(Cg,50);
//Shortterm Bullish or Bearish
sBullg = Cg >WMA(Cg,15);
sBearg= Cg <WMA(Cg,15);
Change1 = StrFormat("Cg:%1,2f%%",Ref(Cg,-1));
barche1= xChange1>=0;
Comche1= xChange1<0;
xperchange1 = xChange1/100;
perchange1 = StrFormat("xperchange1:%1,2f%%",xChange1/100);
positivechange1 = xperchange1>0;
negativechange1 = xperchange1<0;
//=================Trend & Signals ===============================
#include <T3_Include.afl>;
//Longterm Bullish or Bearish
//Bull = C > T3(C,233);
//Bear= C < T3(C,233);
Bull = C > WMA(C,200);
Bear= C <WMA(C,200);
//Midterm Bullish or Bearish
//mBull = C > T3(C,55);
//mBear= C < T3(C,55);
mBull = C >WMA(C,50);
mBear= C <WMA(C,50);
//Shortterm Bullish or Bearish
//sBull = C > T3(C,15);
//sBear= C < T3(C,15);
sBull = C >WMA(C,15);
sBear= C <WMA(C,15);
//Long-term Price Trend(LTPT)
rc= C > EMA (C,50) AND C < EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) < EMA(C,200);
ac= C > EMA (C,50) AND C > EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) < EMA(C,200);
bl= C > EMA (C,50) AND C > EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) > EMA(C,200);
wr= C < EMA (C,50) AND C > EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) > EMA(C,200);
ds= C < EMA (C,50) AND C < EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) > EMA(C,200);
br= C < EMA (C,50) AND C < EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) < EMA(C,200);
//Trend Strength
SetBarsRequired(100000, 100000);
range=Param( "Length ", 9, 0, 500);
aup = JSB_JDMX(C,range) > 0;
adown = JSB_JDMX(C,range) < 0;
achoppy = JSB_JDMX(C,range) < JSB_JDMXplus(C,range) AND JSB_JDMX(C,range) < JSB_JDMXminus(C,range);
adxBuy = Cross(JSB_JDMXplus(C,range), JSB_JDMXminus(C,range));
adxSell = Cross(JSB_JDMXminus(C,range), JSB_JDMXplus(C,range));
adxBuy = ExRem(adxBuy, adxSell);
adxSell = ExRem(adxSell, adxBuy);
adxbuy1 = JSB_JDMXplus(C,range) > JSB_JDMXminus(C,range);
adxsell1 = JSB_JDMXminus(C,range)> JSB_JDMXplus(C,range);
//Plot( JSB_JDMXplus( Close, Length), "JDMXplus", colorGreen, styleLine);
//Plot( JSB_JDMXminus( Close, Length), "JDMXminus", colorRed, styleLine);
//Plot( JSB_JDMX( Close, Length), "JDMX", colorBlue, styleLine | styleOwnScale);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Breakout Setting");
Buyperiods=Param("Breakout periods",5,1,100,1,1);
BuyBreakout= C>Ref(HHV(H,Buyperiods),-1);
Buyperiods2=Param("2 Breakout periods",17,1,100,1,1);
BuyBreakout2= Cross( C, Ref( HHV(H,Buyperiods2), -1 ) );
// Plots a 20 period Donchian channel
DonchianUpper =HHV(Ref(H,-1),pds);
DonchianLower = LLV(Ref(L,-1),exitpds);
//DonchianMiddle = (DonchianUpper+DonchianLower)/2;
// Plots a 55 period Donchian channel
DonchianUpper2 =HHV(Ref(H,-1),pds2);
DonchianLower2 = LLV(Ref(L,-1),exitpds2);
//PlotShapes( IIf( a1, shapeHollowSmallCircle, shapeNone ), 11, layer = 0, yposition = Hahigh, offset = 6);
//PlotShapes( IIf( d1, shapeHollowSmallSquare, shapeNone ), colorBrightGreen, layer = 0, yposition = Hahigh, offset = -6);
//Price Volume Breakout: close greater than last close and volume at least twice as much 50-day MA
HIV = C > Ref (C,-1) AND V > (MA(V,15)*2);
LIV = C < Ref (C,-1) AND V < (MA(V,15)*2);
//Initial Buy Signal
Ibuy = Cross(RSI(14), EMA(RSI(14),9));
Isell = Cross(EMA(RSI(14),9), RSI(14));
Ibuy = ExRem(Ibuy, ISell);
Isell = ExRem(ISell, Ibuy);
BlRSI = RSI(14) > EMA(RSI(14),9);
BrRSI = RSI(14) < EMA(RSI(14),9);
//Price Smoothing -T3
TBuy = Cross (T3(C,3), T3(C,5));
TSell = Cross (T3(C,5), T3(C,3));
TBuy = ExRem(TBuy, TSell);
TSell = ExRem(TSell, TBuy);
T33 = T3(C,3) > T3(C,5);
T333 = T3(C,3) < T3(C,5);
//Tillson's Part (RSI Smoothing)
TillsonBuy = Cross (t3(RSI(9),3), t3(RSI(9),5));
TillsonSell = Cross (t3(RSI(9),5), t3(RSI(9),3));
TB = t3(RSI(9),3)> t3(RSI(9),5);
TS = t3(RSI(9),3)< t3(RSI(9),5);
//ZerolagEMA & T-3 Crosses
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 4, 2, 200, 1, 10 );
ebuy = Cross(ZerolagEma, t3(ZerolagEma,3));
esell = Cross(t3(ZerolagEma,3), ZerolagEma);
ebuy1 = ZerolagEma > t3(ZerolagEma,3);
esell1= t3(ZerolagEma,3)>ZerolagEma;
//Stochastics Part
//StochBuy = Cross(StochK(9,3), StochD(9,3,3));
//StochSell = Cross (StochD(9,3,3), StochK(9,3));
//Stochastics Part
StochKval = StochK(10,5);
StochDval = StochD(10,5,5);
StochBuy = Cross(StochK(10,5), StochD(10,5,5));
StochSell = Cross (StochD(10,5,5), StochK(10,5));
//Filter = Buy OR Sell;
//Stochbuy_status= WriteIf(StochBuy, "Buy", WriteIf(StochSell, "Sell", "No Signal"));
//Stoch_Col=IIf(StochBuy, colorGreen, IIf(StochSell, colorRed, colorLightGrey));
//PlotShapes( IIf( StochBuy, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ), 7, layer = 0, yposition = 0, offset = 0);
//PlotShapes(IIf(StochBuy AND StochKval<26,35,shapeNone),colorBrightGreen,layer = 0, yposition = 0, offset = -30);
//PlotShapes(IIf(StochBuy AND StochKval > 26,33,shapeNone),colorPaleBlue,layer = 0, yposition = 0, offset = -30);
//PlotShapes(IIf(StochSell AND StochKval>67,37,shapeNone),colorRed,layer = 0, yposition = 0, offset = 0);
//MACD Signal Crosses
MB= Cross (MACD(), Signal());
MS = Cross( Signal(), MACD());
MB = ExRem(MB, MS);
MS = ExRem(MS, MB);
MB1= MACD() > Signal();
MS1= MACD() < Signal();
//30 Week New High-New Low
HI2 = High > Ref(HHV(High,130),-1);
LI2 = Low < Ref(LLV(Low,130),-1);
//52 Week New High-New Low
HI = High > Ref(HHV(High,260),-1);
LI = Low < Ref(LLV(Low,260),-1);
HIV1= Ref(HHV(High,260),-1);
//Wad: Larry Williams Acc/Distribution Status
TRH = IIf(Ref(C, -1) > H, Ref(C, -1), H);
TRL = IIf(Ref(C, -1) < L, Ref(C, -1), L);
ad = IIf(C > Ref(C, -1), C - TRL, IIf(C < Ref(C, -1), C - TRH, 0));
WAD = Cum(ad);
wu = wad > Ref(wad,-1);
wd = wad < Ref(wad,-1);
//wad_status= WriteIf(wu, "Rising", WriteIf(wd, "Falling", "Neutral"));
//5 Year New High-New Low
pdyear = Param("6-Month Back",1300,65,2600,65);
HI3 = High > Ref(HHV(High,pdyear),-1);
LI3 = Low < Ref(LLV(Low,pdyear),-1);
HIV3= Ref(HHV(High,pdyear),-1);
R = ((HHV(H,14) - C) /(HHV (H,14) -LLV (L,14))) *-100;
Period= 10;
EMA1= EMA(R,Period);
EMA2= EMA(EMA1,5);
Difference= EMA1 - EMA2;
ZeroLagEMA= EMA1 + Difference;
ZBuy = Cross(PR,moveAvg) AND PR<30;
ZSell = Cross(moveAvg,PR) AND PR>70;
ZBuy1= PR>= MoveAvg AND PR>= Ref(PR,-1) ;
ZSell1=(PR < MoveAvg) OR PR>= MoveAvg AND PR< Ref(PR,-1) ;
// Find Short Term Reversals - Closing Price, Hook, Island, Key, Open-Close
// and Pivot Point Reversals using automatic analysis
/*Closing Price Reversals Automatic Analysis
by Larry Lovrencic*/
CPRbuy=O<(L+0.2*(H-L)) AND C>(H-0.2*(H-L)) AND H<Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1);
CPRsell=O>(L+0.8*(H-L)) AND C<(H-0.8*(H-L)) AND H>Ref(H,-1) AND L>Ref(L,-1) AND C<Ref(C,-1);
/*Hook Reversals Automatic Analysis
by Larry Lovrencic*/
HRbuy=O<(L+0.2*(H-L)) AND C>(H-0.2*(H-L)) AND H<Ref(H,-1) AND L>Ref(L,-1);
HRsell=O>(L+0.8*(H-L)) AND C<(H-0.8*(H-L)) AND H<Ref(H,-1) AND L>Ref(L,-1);
/*Island Reversals Automatic Analysis
by Larry Lovrencic*/
IRbuy=Ref(L,-2)>Ref(H,-1) AND L>Ref(H,-1);
IRsell=Ref(H,-2)<Ref(L,-1) AND H<Ref(L,-1);
/*Key Reversals Automatic Analysis
by Larry Lovrencic*/
KRbuy=O<Ref(C,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND C>Ref(H,-1);
KRsell=O>Ref(C,-1) AND H>Ref(H,-1) AND C<Ref(L,-1);
/*Open/Close Reversals Automatic Analysis
by Larry Lovrencic*/
OCRbuy=O<(L+0.2*(H-L)) AND C>(H-0.2*(H-L)) AND H<Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND C<Ref(C,-1);
OCRsell=O>(L+0.8*(H-L)) AND C<(H-0.8*(H-L)) AND H>Ref(H,-1) AND L>Ref(L,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1);
/*Pivot Point Reversals Automatic Analysis
by Larry Lovrencic*/
PPRbuy=Ref(L,-1)<Ref(L,-2) AND Ref(L,-1)<L AND C>Ref(H,-1);
PPRsell=Ref(H,-1)>Ref(H,-2) AND Ref(H,-1)>H AND C<Ref(L,-1);
Buyr=Cover=CPRbuy OR HRbuy OR IRbuy OR KRbuy OR OCRbuy OR PPRbuy;
Sellr=Short=CPRsell OR HRsell OR IRsell OR KRsell OR OCRsell OR PPRsell;
Buyr=ExRem(Buyr,Sellr); Sellr=ExRem(Sellr,Buyr); Short=ExRem(Short,Cover); Cover=ExRem(Cover,Short);
Filter= CPRbuy OR CPRsell OR HRbuy OR HRsell OR IRbuy OR IRsell OR KRbuy OR KRsell OR OCRbuy OR OCRsell OR PPRbuy OR PPRsell;
Filter=Buyr OR Sellr OR Short OR Cover;
//_SECTION_BEGIN("MA-T3 Setting");
// Probable MA-T3 Cross-Oracle
p=Param("Cross Period 1",4,1,20,1); //4
k=Param("Cross Period 2",5,1,20,1);//6
ExpectMAcross=DescCrossPrediction OR AscCrossPrediction;
Confirmed=Cross(MAk,MAp) OR Cross(MAp,MAk);
Filter=tClose<Lcoeff*C OR tClose>Ucoeff*C;
//Plot(C,"",7*Filter+1,64); //No. '64' designates price chart as candle
//Plot(MAp,"",7,1); //Red Line - The No. '4' designates the red color & No. '1'
//Plot(MAk,"",2,1); //Green Line - - The No. '4' designates the red color & No. '1'
bars=BarsSince(Cross(MAp,MAk) OR Cross(MAk,MAp));
//AddColumn(ROC(V,1), "ROC Volume", 1.2, IIf(ROC(V,1) > 0, colorGreen, colorRed));
//IIf(ROC(V,1) > 0, colorGreen, colorRed);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Bull vs Bear Volume");
C1 = Ref(C, -1);
uc = C > C1; dc = C <= C1;
ud = C > O; dd = C <= O;
green = 1; blue = 2; yellow = 3; red = 4; white = 5;
VType = IIf(ud,
IIf(uc, green, yellow),
IIf(dc, red, blue), white));
/* green volume: up-day and up-close*/
gv = IIf(VType == green, V, 0);
/* yellow volume: up-day but down-close */
yv = IIf(VType == yellow, V, 0);
/* red volume: down-day and down-close */
rv = IIf(VType == red, V, 0);
/* blue volume: down-day but up-close */
bv = IIf(VType == blue, V, 0);
uv = gv + bv; uv1 = Ref(uv, -1); /* up volume */
dv = rv + yv; dv1 = Ref(dv, -1); /* down volume */
/* create moving average period parameters */
VolPer = Param("Adjust Vol. MA per.", 34, 1, 255, 1);
ConvPer = Param("Adjust Conv. MA per.", 9, 1, 255, 1);
/* create triple exponential moving avearges of separate up and down volume
moving averages */
MAuv = TEMA(uv, VolPer ); mauv1 = Ref(mauv, -1);
MAdv = TEMA(dv, VolPer ); madv1 = Ref(madv, -1);
MAtv = TEMA(V, VolPer );//total volume
/* Switch for Horizontal lines indicating current level of positive and
negative volume for ease in comparing to past highs/lows - toggle via
parmameter window */
OscillatorOnly = Param("Show Oscillator Only", 0, 0, 1, 1);
CompareBullVolume = Param("Show Bull Level", 1, 0, 1, 1);
if(CompareBullvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
//Plot(SelectedValue(MAuv), "", colorGreen, styleLine);
CompareBearVolume = Param("Show Bear Level", 1, 0, 1, 1);
if(CompareBearVolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
//Plot(SelectedValue(MAdv), "", colorRed, styleLine);
/* Volume Segment Switches - toggle via parameter window */
bullvolume = Param("Show Bull Volume", 1, 0, 1, 1);
bearvolume = Param("Show Bear Volume", 1, 0, 1, 1);
totalvolume = Param("Show Total Volume", 1, 0, 1, 1);
/* plot volume lines and histograms if toggled on: */
bearToFront = Param("Show Bear Vol in Front", 0, 0, 1, 1);
if(bearToFront AND !OscillatorOnly){
//Plot(MAdv, "", colorRed, styleHistogram|styleNoLabel);
if(bullvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
//Plot(MAuv, "Average Bull Volume", colorGreen, styleHistogram|styleNoLabel);
if(bearvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
//Plot(MAdv, "Average Bear Volume", colorRed, styleHistogram|styleNoLabel);
if(totalVolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
//Plot(MAtv, "Total Volume", colorWhite, styleHistogram|styleNoLabel);
//Plot(MAtv, "", colorWhite, styleLine);
if(bullvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
//Plot(MAuv, "", colorGreen, styleLine);
if(bearvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
//Plot(MAdv, "", colorRed, styleLine);
/* better visibility of zero line: */
//Plot(0, "", colorBlue, 1);
/* Rise/Fall Convergence variables: */
Converge = (TEMA(MAuv - MAdv, ConvPer));
Converge1 = Ref(Converge, -1);
ConvergeUp = Converge > Converge1;
ConvergeOver = Converge > 0;
rising = ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
falling = !ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
/* Rise/Fall Convergence Oscillator Switch - toggle via parameter window -
(provides a better view of resulting combination of battling bull/bear volume
forces) */
convergenceOscillator = Param("Show Oscillator", 0, 0, 1, 1);
if(convergenceOscillator OR OscillatorOnly){
//Plot(Converge, "Bull/Bear Volume Convergence/Divergence", colorViolet,1|styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel|styleThick);
//Plot(0,"", colorYellow, 1|styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel);
Convergence Rise/Fall Shadows:
(provides a more easily visible display of rising and falling bull/bear
volume convergence) - toggle via parameter window
-posiitive Volume exceeding negative Volume: Light shadow
-negative volume exceeding positive volume: dark shadow
-if you use standard gray background - best shadows are:
-my greys: 14 = (216, 216, 216); 15 = (168, 168, 168));
-best substitute? using AB color constants?
-light: colorpalegreen; dark: colorRose;?
-(depends on your color scheme - customize to your tastes)
/* uncomment if you use my custom color greys: */
riseFallColor = IIf(rising, 14,15); //my custom shadow greys
/* comment out if you use my custom color gray shadows: */
/* riseFallColor = IIf(rising, colorPaleGreen,colorRose); */
/* Rise/Fall Convergence Plot Switch - toggle via parameter window */
riseFallShadows = Param("Show RiseFallShadows", 0, 0, 1, 1);
//Plot(IIf(rising OR falling, 1, 0), "", riseFallColor,styleHistogram|styleArea|styleOwnScale|styleNoLabel);
function ZeroLagTEMA( array, period )
TMA1 = TEMA( array, period );
TMA2 = TEMA( TMA1, period );
Diff = TMA1 - TMA2;
return TMA1 + Diff ;
haClose = ( haClose + haOpen + haHigh + haLow )/4;
period = Param("Avg. TEMA period", 55, 1, 100 );
ZLHa = ZeroLagTEMA( haClose, period );
ZLTyp = ZeroLagTEMA( Avg, period );
//Plot( ZLHa, "ZLTema(Ha,"+period+")", colorRed );
//Plot( ZLTyp, "ZLTema(Typ,"+period+")", colorGreen );
TMBuy = Cross( ZLTyp, ZLHa );
TMSell = Cross( ZLHa, ZLTyp );
TMBuy1= ZLTyp> ZLHa ;
TMSell1=ZLHa> ZLTyp ;
//Volume Price Analysis AFL - VPA Version 1.0
//AFL by Karthikmarar. Detailed explanation available at www.vpanalysis.blogspot.com
_SECTION_BEGIN("Volume Price Analysis by Mr.Karthik ");
DTL=Param("Linear regression period",60,10,100,10);
wbf=Param("WRB factor",1.5,1.3,2.5,.1);
nbf=Param("NRB factor",0.7,0.3,0.9,0.1);
TL=LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTL),2);
Vlp=Param("Volume lookback period",30,20,300,10);
St = StDev(Vrg,Vlp);
Vp3 = Vrg + 3*st;
Vp2 = Vrg + 2*st;;
Vp1 = Vrg + 1*st;;
Vn1 = Vrg -1*st;
Vn2 = Vrg -2*st;
Vl=V<Ref(V,-1) AND V<Ref(V,-2);
Vh=V>Ref(V,-1) AND Ref(V,-1)>Ref(V,-2);
Vb=V>Vrg OR V>Ref(V,-1);
mcls=x1<2.2 AND x1>1.8 ;
TLL=LinRegSlope(j,40) ;
Tlm=LinRegSlope(j,15) ;
utbar=wrb AND dcls AND tls>0 ;
utcond1=Ref(utbar,-1) AND dnbar ;
utcond2=Ref(utbar,-1) AND dnbar AND V>Ref(V,-1);
utcond3=utbar AND V> 2*Vrg;
trbar=Ref(V,-1)>Vrg AND Ref(upbar,-1) AND Ref(wrb,-1) AND dnbar AND dcls AND wrb AND tll>0 AND H==HHV(H,10);
Hutbar=Ref(upbar,-1) AND Ref(V,-1)>1.5*Vrg AND dnbar AND dcls AND NOT wrb AND NOT utbar;
Hutcond=Ref(Hutbar,-1) AND dnbar AND dcls AND NOT utbar;
tcbar=Ref(upbar,-1) AND H==HHV(H,5)AND dnbar AND (dcls OR mcls) AND V>vrg AND NOT wrb AND NOT Hutbar ;
Scond1=(utcond1 OR utcond2 OR utcond3) ;
scond=scond1 AND scond2;
stdn0= tll<0 AND V>Ref(V,-1) AND Ref(dnbar,-1) AND upbar AND (ucls OR mcls) AND tls<0 AND tlm<0;
stdn= V>Ref(V,-1) AND Ref(dnbar,-1) AND upbar AND (ucls OR mcls) AND tls<0 AND tlm<0;
stdn1= tll<0 AND V>(vrg*1.5) AND Ref(dnbar,-1) AND upbar AND (ucls OR mcls)AND tls<0 AND tlm<0;
stdn2=tls<0 AND Ref(V,-1)<Vrg AND upbar AND vhcls AND V>Vrg;
bycond1= stdn OR stdn1;
bycond= upbar AND Ref(bycond1,-1);
stvol= L==LLV(L,5) AND (ucls OR mcls) AND V>1.5*Vrg AND tll<0;
ndbar=upbar AND nrb AND Vl AND dcls ;
nsbar=dnbar AND nrb AND Vl AND dcls ;
nbbar= C>Ref(C,-1) AND Vl AND nrb AND x1<2;
nbbar= IIf(C>Ref(C,-1) AND V<Ref(V,-1) AND V<Ref(V,-2) AND x1<1.1,1,0);
lvtbar= vl AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND ucls;
lvtbar1= V<Vrg AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND ucls AND tll>0 AND tlm>0 AND wrb;
lvtbar2= Ref(Lvtbar,-1) AND upbar AND ucls;
dbar= V>2*Vrg AND dcls AND upbar AND tls>0 AND tlm>0 AND NOT Scond1 AND NOT utbar;
eftup=H>Ref(H,-1) AND L>Ref(L,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1) AND C>=((H-L)*0.7+L) AND rg>arg AND V>Ref(V,-1);
eftupfl=Ref(eftup,-1) AND (utbar OR utcond1 OR utcond2 OR utcond3);
eftdn=H<Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND C<Ref(C,-1) AND C<=((H-L)*0.25+L) AND rg>arg AND V>Ref(V,-1);
Vpc= utbar OR utcond1 OR utcond2 OR utcond3 OR stdn0 OR stdn1 OR stdn2 OR stdn OR lvtbar1 OR Lvtbar OR Lvtbar2 OR Hutbar OR Hutcond OR ndbar OR stvol OR tcbar;
if( Status("action") == actionCommentary )
printf ( "=========================" +"\n"));
printf ( "VOLUME PRICE ANALYSIS" +"\n");
//printf ( "www.vpanalysis.blogspot.com" +"\n");
printf ( "=========================" +"\n");
printf ( Name() + " - " +Interval(2) + " - " + Date() +" - " +"\n"+"High-"+H+"\n"+"Low-"+L+"\n"+"Open-"+O+"\n"+
"Close-"+C+"\n"+ "Volume= "+ WriteVal(V)+"\n");
WriteIf(utbar , "Up-thrusts are designed to catch stops and to mislead as many traders as possible.
They are normally seen after there has been weakness in the background. The market makers know that the
market is weak, so the price is marked up to catch stops, encourage traders to go long in a weak market,
AND panic traders that are already Short into covering their very good position.","")+
WriteIf(utcond3,"This upthrust bar is at high volume.This is a sure sign of weakness. One may even seriously
consider ending the Longs AND be ready to reverse","")+WriteIf(utbar OR utcond3," Also note that A wide spread
down-bar that appears immediately after any up-thrust, tends to confirm the weakness (the market makers are
locking in traders into poor positions).
With the appearance of an upthrust you should
certainly be paying attention to your trade AND your stops. On many upthrusts you will find that the market will
'test' almost immediately.","")+WriteIf(utcond1 , "A wide spread down bar following a Upthrust Bar.
This confirms weakness. The Smart Money is locking in Traders into poor positions","");
WriteIf(utcond2 , "Also here the volume is high( Above Average).This is a sure sign of weakness. The Smart Money is
locking in Traders into poor positions","")+WriteIf(stdn, "Strength Bar. The stock has been in a down Trend. An upbar
with higher Volume closing near the High is a sign of strength returning. The downtrend is likely to reverse soon. ","")+
WriteIf(stdn1,"Here the volume is very much above average. This makes this indication more stronger. ","")+
WriteIf(bycond,"The previous bar saw strength coming back. This upbar confirms strength. ","")+
WriteIf(Hutbar," A pseudo Upthrust. This normally appears after an Up Bar with above average volume. This looks like an upthrust bar
closing down near the Low. But the Volume is normally Lower than average. this is a sign of weakness.If the Volume is High then weakness
increases. Smart Money is trying to trap the retailers into bad position. ","")+
WriteIf(Hutcond, "A downbar after a pseudo Upthrust Confirms weakness. If the volume is above average the weakness is increased. ","")+
WriteIf(Lvtbar2,"The previous bar was a successful Test of supply. The current bar is a upbar with higher volume. This confirms strength","")+
WriteIf(dbar,"A wide range, high volume bar in a up trend closing down is an indication the Distribution is in progress. The smart money
is Selling the stock to the late Comers rushing to Buy the stock NOT to be Left Out Of a Bullish move. ","")+
WriteIf(Lvtbar2,"The previous bar was a successful Test of supply. The current bar is a upbar with higher volume. This confirms strength","")+
WriteIf(tcbar,"The stock has been moving up on high volume. The current bar is a Downbar with high volume. Indicates weakness and probably end of the up move","")+
WriteIf(eftup,"Effort to Rise bar. This normally found in the beginning of a Markup Phase and is bullish sign.These may be found at the top of an Upmove as the Smart money makes a
last effort to move the price to the maximum","")+
WriteIf(eftdn,"Effort to Fall bar. This normally found in the beginning of a Markdown phase.","")+
WriteIf(nsbar,"No Supply. A no supply bar indicates supply has been removed and the Smart money can markup the price. It is better to wait for confirmation","")+
WriteIf(stvol,"Stopping Volume. This will be an downbar during a bearish period closing towards the Top accompanied by High volume.
A stopping Volume normally indicates that smart money is absorbing the supply which is a Indication that they are Bullishon the MArket.
Hence we Can expect a reversal in the down trend. ","")+
WriteIf(ndbar, "No Demand
Brief Description:
Any up bar which closes in the middle OR Low, especially if the Volume has fallen off,
is a potential sign of weakness.
Things to Look Out for:
if the market is still strong, you will normally see signs of strength in the next few bars,
which will most probably show itself as a:
* Down bar with a narrow spread, closing in the middle OR High.
* Down bar on Low Volume.","");
//background stock name (works only on Amibroker version 5.00 onwards.
mabBuy=EMA(C,13)>EMA(EMA(C,13),9) AND Cross (C,Peak(C,5,1));
mabSell=Cross (EMA(EMA(C,13),9),EMA(C,13));
mabBuy1= EMA(C,13)>EMA(EMA(C,13),9) AND C>Peak(C,2,1);
mabSell1 =EMA(C,13)>EMA(EMA(C,13),9) AND C<Peak(C,2,1);
Weekly=ValueWhen(DayOfWeek() > Ref( DayOfWeek(),1),WeeklyPrice);
W6ema = EMA(weekly,30);// 6 weeks * 5 days per week - default 30
W13ema = EMA(weekly,65);// 13 weeks * 5 days per week - default 65
MACDSignal = EMA((W6ema - W13ema),25);// 5 weeks * 5 days per week default 25
ROCMACD = MACDSignal - Ref(MACDSignal,-25);//ROC of MACD Signal default 25
//Cond1 - "V" bottom, start of climb
Cond1 = IIf(ROCMACD > Ref(ROCMACD,-5) AND Ref(ROCMACD,-5) <= Ref(ROCMACD,-10),1,0);
//Cond2 - "V" top, start of drop
Cond2 = IIf(ROCMACD < Ref(ROCMACD,-5) AND Ref(ROCMACD,-5) >= Ref(ROCMACD,-10),1,0);
//cond3 - Steady up trend
Cond3 = IIf(ROCMACD> Ref(ROCMACD,-5) AND Ref(ROCMACD,-5) >= Ref(ROCMACD,-10),1,0);
//Cond4 - Steady down trend
Cond4 = IIf(ROCMACD < Ref(ROCMACD,-5) AND Ref(ROCMACD,-5) <= Ref(ROCMACD,-10),1,0);
//Cond5 - no change - flat
Cond5 = IIf(ROCMACD = Ref(ROCMACD,-5) ,1,0);
//#include <T3.AFL>;
TimeFrameSet (inWeekly);
TM = T3 ( Close , Prd1 ) ;
TM2 = T3 ( Close , Prd2 ) ;
UTM = IIf(Close>TM AND Close<TM2,8,
IIf(Close>TM AND Close>TM2,5,
IIf(Close<TM AND Close>TM2,13,
IIf(Close<TM AND Close<TM2,4,2))));
//up=Close>TM AND Close<TM2;
wup=Close>TM AND Close>TM2;
wflat=Close<TM AND Close>TM2;
wdown=Close<TM AND Close<TM2;
//Pivot Cal
Pp = ((High +Low + Close) / 3);
R1 = (Pp * 2) - Low;
R2 = (Pp + High) - Low;
R3 = R1 +(High-Low);
S1 = (Pp * 2) - High;
S2 = (Pp - High) + Low;
S3 = S1 - (High-Low);
C1 = Ref(C, -1);
uc = C > C1; dc = C <= C1;
ud = C > O; dd = C <= O;
green = 1; blue = 2; yellow = 3; red = 4; white = 5;
VType = IIf(ud,
IIf(uc, green, yellow),
IIf(dc, red, blue), white));
/* green volume: up-day and up-close*/
gv = IIf(VType == green, V, 0);
/* yellow volume: up-day but down-close */
yv = IIf(VType == yellow, V, 0);
/* red volume: down-day and down-close */
rv = IIf(VType == red, V, 0);
/* blue volume: down-day but up-close */
bv = IIf(VType == blue, V, 0);
uv = gv + bv; uv1 = Ref(uv, -1); /* up volume */
dv = rv + yv; dv1 = Ref(dv, -1); /* down volume */
VolPer = Param("Adjust Vol. MA per.", 34, 1, 255, 1);//12
ConvPer = Param("Adjust Conv. MA per.", 9, 1, 255, 1);//6
MAuv = TEMA(uv, VolPer ); mauv1 = Ref(mauv, -1);
MAdv = TEMA(dv, VolPer ); madv1 = Ref(madv, -1);
MAtv = TEMA(V, VolPer );//total volume
Converge = (TEMA(MAuv - MAdv, ConvPer));
Converge1 = Ref(Converge, -1);
ConvergeUp = Converge > Converge1;
ConvergeOver = Converge > 0;
rising = ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
falling = !ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
_SECTION_BEGIN("VSA by Mr.Karthik");
numDays = Pp1;
dwWideSpread = 1.8;
dwNarrowSpread = 0.8;
dwSpreadMiddle = 0.5;
dwHighClose = 0.7;
dwLowClose = 0.3;
volNumDays = Pp2;
dwUltraHighVol = 2;
dwVeryHighVol = 1.75; // was 1.8
dwHighVol = 1.75; // was 1.8
dwmoderateVol = 1.10; // was 1.8
dwLowVol = 0.75; // was 0.8
// Classify each bar...
upBar = C > Ref(C,-1);
downBar = C < Ref(C,-1);
spread = H-L;
avgRange = Sum(spread, numDays) / numDays;
wideRange = spread >= (dwWideSpread * avgRange);
narrowRange = spread <= (dwNarrowSpread * avgRange);
testHighClose = L + (spread * dwHighClose);
testLowClose = L + (spread * dwLowClose);
testCloseMiddle = L + (spread * dwSpreadMiddle);
upClose = C > testHighClose;
downClose = C < testLowClose;
middleClose = C >= testLowClose AND C <= testHighClose;
avgVolume = EMA(V, volNumDays);
highVolume = V > (avgVolume * dwHighVol);
moderateVol= V > (avgVolume * dwmoderateVol);
veryHighVolume = V > (avgVolume * dwVeryHighVol);
ultraHighVolume = V > (avgVolume * dwUltraHighVol);
LowVolume = V < (avgVolume * dwLowVol);
// direction and title
// Basic patterns...
upThrustBar = downClose AND H > Ref(H,-1) AND (C == L) AND downClose AND (NOT narrowRange);
noDemandBar = narrowRange AND LowVolume AND upBar AND (NOT upClose);
//noDemandBar = narrowRange AND LowVolume AND upBar AND (V < Ref(V,-1)) AND (V < Ref(V,-2));
noSupplyBar = narrowRange AND LowVolume AND downBar AND (V < Ref(V,-1)) AND (V < Ref(V,-2));
absorption = Ref(downbar, -1) AND Ref(highVolume, -1) AND upBar;
support = Ref(downBar,-1) AND (NOT Ref(downClose,-1)) AND Ref(highVolume,-1) AND upBar;
stoppingVolume = Ref(downBar,-1) AND Ref(highVolume,-1) AND C > testCloseMiddle AND (NOT downBar);
bullishsign=moderateVol+UpThrustBar;//OR moderateVol+upBar;
//rallyEnd = (Ref(highVolume,-1) AND Ref(upBar,-1) AND wideRange AND downBar) OR
// (narrowRange AND highVolume AND H > Ref(HHV(H, 250), -1));
// Strength and Weakness
weakness = upThrustBar OR noDemandBar OR
(narrowRange AND (H > Ref(H,-1)) AND highVolume) OR
(Ref(highVolume,-1) AND Ref(upBar,-1) AND downBar AND (H < Ref(H,-1)));
test = TEMA ( High , Prd1 ) ;
PK = test > Ref(test,-1) AND Ref(test,1) < High;//Peak
PKV0 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,0);//PeakValue0
PKV1 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,1);//PeakValue1
PKV2 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,2);//PeakValue2
MPK = PKV2 < PKV1 AND PKV1 > PKV0 ;//MajorPeak
MPKV = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,1); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),1); //MajorPeakDate
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD, "Resist1", colorDarkOliveGreen,ParamStyle("ResStyle1",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MPKV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,2); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),2); //MajorPeakDate
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD2,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV2,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD2, "Resist2", colorDarkOliveGreen,ParamStyle("ResStyle2",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MPKV3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,3); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),3); //MajorPeakDate
SD3 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD3,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV3,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD3, "Resist3", colorDarkOliveGreen,ParamStyle("ResStyle3",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MPKV4 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,4); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD4 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),4); //MajorPeakDate
SD4 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD4,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV4,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD4, "Resist4", colorDarkOliveGreen,ParamStyle("ResStyle4",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MPKV5 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,5); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD5 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),5); //MajorPeakDate
SD5 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD5,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV5,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD5, "Resist5", colorDarkOliveGreen,ParamStyle("ResStyle5",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MPKV6 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,6); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD6 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),6); //MajorPeakDate
SD6 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD6,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV6,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD6, "Resist6", colorDarkOliveGreen ,ParamStyle("ResStyle6",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
//SP=L > Ref(L,-1) AND Ref(L,1) < L;//Peak
test2 = TEMA ( Low , Prd2 ) ;
SP = Ref(test2,1) > Low AND test2 < Ref(test2,-1);//Peak
SPV0 = ValueWhen(SP,haLow,0);//PeakValue0
SPV1 = ValueWhen(SP,haLow,1);//PeakValue1
SPV2 = ValueWhen(SP,haLow,2);//PeakValue2
//PKV5 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,5);//PeakValue5
//PKV6 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,6);//PeakValue6
MSP = SPV2 > SPV1 AND SPV1 < SPV0 ;//MajorPeak
MSPV = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,1);
MSPD = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),1);
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV,Lastmode = True));
Plot(SD,"Support1", colorPlum,ParamStyle("SupportLine1",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MSPV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,2);
MSPD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),2);
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD2,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV2,Lastmode = True));
Plot(SD2,"Support2", colorPlum,ParamStyle("SupportLine2",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MSPV3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,3);
MSPD3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),3);
SD3 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD3,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV3,Lastmode = True));
Plot(SD3,"Support3", colorPlum,ParamStyle("SupportLine3",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MSPV4 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,4);
MSPD4 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),4);
SD4 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD4,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV4,Lastmode = True));
Plot(SD4,"Support4", colorPlum,ParamStyle("SupportLine4",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MSPV5 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,5);
MSPD5 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),5);
SD5 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD5,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV5,Lastmode = True));
Plot(SD5,"Support5", colorPlum,ParamStyle("SupportLine5",styleLine|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
MSPV6 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,6);
MSPD6 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),6);
SD6 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD6,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV6,Lastmode = True));
Plot(SD6,"Support6", colorPlum,ParamStyle("SupportLine6",styleLine|stylehidden|styleNoTitle,maskAll));
_SECTION_BEGIN("Pivot Box");
_SECTION_BEGIN("Beta Adjusted Trailing Stops-P.Kaufman& Bullkowski ");
mp = Param("Multiplier",2,0.25,5,0.25);
Betastops=HHV(C,22) - Sumdifml;
Betastops2=HHV(C,22) - Sumdifml2;
Betastops3=HHV(C,22) - Sumdifml3;
//Plot(Betastops3, "BATS", ParamColor( "Color2", colorGold ),ParamStyle("Style2",styleThick,maskAll));
// 33 bar high low
//Plot(Cor,"correlation index",colorWhite,styleLine);
// Trend Detection
function Rise( Pd, perd, Pl, perl )
MAD = DEMA(Pd,perd);
MAL = LinearReg(Pl,perl);
CondR = ROC(MAD,1)>0 AND ROC(MAL,1)>0;
CondF = ROC(MAD,1)<0 AND ROC(MAL,1)<0;
R[0] = C[0]>(H[0]+L[0])/2;
if( CondR[i] )
R[i] = 1;
if( CondF[i] )
R[i] = 0;
R[i] = R[i-1];
return R;
PrD = C;
PrL = H/2+L/2;
PrdD = PrdL = PrdM = Param("Prd",12,2,40,1);
permax = Max(prdd,prdl);
Rs = IIf( BarIndex()<permax, 0, Rise(PrD, PrdD, PrL, PrdL) );
Fs = IIf( BarIndex()<permax, 0, 1-Rs );
Confirm = MA(C,prdm);
function DirBar( dr, df )
B[0] = 0;
if( dr[i-1] && df[i] )
B[i] = 1;
if( df[i-1] && dr[i] )
B[i] = 1;
B[i] = B[i-1] + 1;
return B;
Bs = DirBar( Rs, Fs );
Direction = ROC(Confirm,1) > 0 AND ROC(Confirm,5) > 0;
Downward = ROC(Confirm,1) < 0 AND ROC(Confirm,5) < 0;
Select = Rs AND Ref(Fs,-1);
Caution = Fs AND Ref(Rs,-1);
Title = EncodeColor(colorYellow)+ Title = Name() + " " + EncodeColor(2) + Date() +EncodeColor(11)+ " ~SW~ " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "{{INTERVAL}} " +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Open: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(O,format=1.2) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " High: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite) + WriteVal(H,format=1.2) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Low: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(L,format=1.2) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Close: "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(C,format=1.2)+
EncodeColor(55)+ " Change: "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(ROC(C,1),format=1.2)+ "%"+
EncodeColor(55)+ " Volume: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(V,1)
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"The Foundation v 13.00 Int"
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorLightOrange)+"by SouthWind "
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"G.Index: "+ WriteIf(Cg>Cgo,EncodeColor(08),EncodeColor(04))+WriteVal(Cg,format=1.2)+WriteIf(positivechange1, EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),"")+WriteIf(negativechange1,EncodeColor(colorRed), "")+" ( "+WriteIf(barche1,"\\c08"+Change1,"")+WriteIf(barche1,"\\c08 ","")+WriteIf(Comche1,"\\c04"+Change1,"")+ WriteIf(Comche1,"\\c04 ","")+""+") "
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Market Trend: "+ WriteIf(sBullg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"UP",WriteIf(sBearg,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Dwn",EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Flat"))
+EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " | "
+ WriteIf(mBullg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"UP",WriteIf(mBearg,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Dwn",EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Flat"))
+EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " | "
+ WriteIf(Bullg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"UP",WriteIf(Bearg,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Dwn",EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Flat"))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorPink)+"----------------------------------------- "
+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"WeeklyTrend: " +WriteIf(wup,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Up ", WriteIf(wdown,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Down", WriteIf(wflat,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Flat ","")))
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(25)+"WeeklyTrend:" + WriteIf(up,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"UP",WriteIf(down,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Down",WriteIf(flat,EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Flat","")))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(26)+"S.TermTrend: " + WriteIf(sBull,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"UP",WriteIf(sBear,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Down","Neutral"))
+EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " | "
+"\n"+EncodeColor(26)+"M.TermTrend: " + WriteIf(mBull,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"UP",WriteIf(mBear,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Down","Neutral"))
+EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " | "
+"\n"+EncodeColor(26)+"L.TermTrend: " + WriteIf(Bull,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"UP",WriteIf(Bear,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Down","Neutral"))
+EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " | "
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorPink)+"---------------------------------------- "
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(IBuy): " + WriteIf(Ibuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"BuyWarning",WriteIf(Isell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"SellWarning",WriteIf(BlRSI,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"BullishZone",WriteIf(BrRSI,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"BearishZone","Neutral"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(T3) : " + WriteIf(TBuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(TSell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",WriteIf(T33,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(T333,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(ZLW) : " + WriteIf(ZBuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(ZSell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",WriteIf(ZBuy1,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(ZSell1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(Mab) : " + WriteIf(mabBuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(mabSell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",WriteIf(mabBuy1,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(mabSell1,EncodeColor(47)+"Neutral",EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(TMA) : " + WriteIf(TMBuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(TMSell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",WriteIf(TMBuy1,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(TMSell1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(T3-RSI) : " + WriteIf(TillsonBuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(TillsonSell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell", WriteIf(TB,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(TS,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(ADX) : " + WriteIf(adxBuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(adxSell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",WriteIf(adxBuy1,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(adxSell1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(MACD) : " + WriteIf(MB,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(MS,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",WriteIf(MB1,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(MS1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(Stoch) : " + WriteIf(StochBuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(StochSell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",WriteIf(StBuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(StSell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(TM) : "+ WriteIf(orBuy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(orSell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",WriteIf(orBuy1,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(orSell1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(Drava) : " + WriteIf(Buyrule,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(Sellrule,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",WriteIf(Buyrule1,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(Sellrule1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(47)+"Signal(P5/15):" + WriteIf(Buybreakout,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"BreakOut1",WriteIf(Buybreakout2>Buybreakout,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"BreakOut2","Neutral"))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(07)+"Volume: "+WriteIf(V>Vp2,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"Very High",WriteIf(V>Vp1,EncodeColor(colorLime)+" High",WriteIf(V>Vrg,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"Above Average",
WriteIf(V<Vrg AND V>Vn1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Less than Average",WriteIf(V<Vn1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Low","")))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Spread: "+WriteIf(rg >(arg*2),EncodeColor(colorLime)+" Wide",WriteIf(rg>arg,EncodeColor(colorLime)+" Above Average",EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Narrow"))
+"\n"+(EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Close: ")+WriteIf(Vhcls,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"Very High",WriteIf(ucls,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"High",WriteIf(mcls,EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Mid",
WriteIf(dcls,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Down","Very Low"))))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "Zone : " +WriteIf(rising , EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + "Accumulation",WriteIf(falling , EncodeColor(colorCustom12) + "Distirbution",EncodeColor(colorAqua) + "Flat")) + " "
EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "Status : " +
WriteIf(Weakness , EncodeColor(colorRed) + "Weak",
WriteIf(stoppingVolume , EncodeColor(colorCustom12) + "StoppingVol",
WriteIf(noSupplyBar , EncodeColor(colorLightOrange) + "NoSupply",
WriteIf(support , EncodeColor(colorLightBlue) + "SupportVol",
WriteIf(noDemandBar , EncodeColor(colorPink) + "NoDemand",
WriteIf(absorption, EncodeColor(colorSkyblue) + "Absorption",
WriteIf(upThrustBar, EncodeColor(colorBlue) + "Upthrust",
WriteIf(bullishsign, EncodeColor(colorPaleGreen) + "STRONG",
EncodeColor(colorTan) + "Neutral")))))))) + " "
+"\n"+EncodeColor(49)+"KeyReversal : " + WriteIf(Buyr,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"ReverseUP",WriteIf(Sellr,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"ReverseDown","Flat"))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(49) +"Phaze(LTPT) : " + WriteIf(rc,EncodeColor(26)+"Recovery",WriteIf(ac,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"Accumulation",WriteIf(bl,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish",WriteIf(wr,EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"Warning",WriteIf(ds,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Distribution",WriteIf(br,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Bearish","Neutral"))))))
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(49)+"T.Strength(ADX): "+StrFormat("%1.2f",ADX(per)) + WriteIf( PDI(per)>MDI(per),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ " UP",EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Down")
+"\n"+EncodeColor(49)+"PV BreakOut : " + WriteIf(HIV,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Positive",WriteIf(LIV,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Negative","Neutral"))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(49)+"A/D : " + WriteIf(wu,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Accumulation",WriteIf(wd,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Distribution","Neutral"))
+"\n"+ EncodeColor(49) +"Vol Change:" + WriteIf(Vol>0,EncodeColor(08),EncodeColor(04)) +WriteVal(Vol,format=1.2)+ "%"
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(49)+"Vol: " + WriteIf(Buy,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Buy",WriteIf(Sell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Sell",""))
+WriteIf(MAuv>MAdv,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+" : BullVol",WriteIf(MAuv<MAdv,EncodeColor(colorRed)+" : BearVol",": Neutral"))+WriteIf(rising,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+" Rising",WriteIf(falling,EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Falling"," Flat"))
+"\n"+ EncodeColor(49) +"RSI: " +WriteIf(RSI(15)>30 AND RSI(15)<70,EncodeColor(08),WriteIf(RSI(15)<30 ,EncodeColor(07),EncodeColor(04))) + WriteVal(RSI(15),format=1.2)
+WriteIf(RSI(15)>30 AND RSI(15)<70," Range"+EncodeColor(08),WriteIf(RSI(15)<30 ," OverSold"+EncodeColor(07)," OverBought"+EncodeColor(04)))
//+(EncodeColor(colorYellow)+" Close: ")+WriteIf(Vhcls,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"Very High",WriteIf(ucls,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"High",WriteIf(mcls,EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Mid",
//WriteIf(dcls,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Down","Very Low"))))
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(49)+"26 WHL: " +HIV2+" : "+LIV2+"-"+ WriteIf(H>HIV2,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"High",WriteIf(L<LIV2,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Low","Neutral"))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(49)+"52 WHL: " + HIV1+" : "+LIV1+" - "+WriteIf(H>HIV1,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"High",WriteIf(L<LIV1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Low","Neutral"))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(49)+"HL:"+"("+pdyear1+" Yerars"+"):"+ HIV3+" :"+LIV3+"-"+WriteIf(H>HIV3,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"High",WriteIf(L<LIV3,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Low","Neutral"))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(02)+"BATS : "+ WriteIf(Betastops>C,EncodeColor(colorLightOrange)+"Exit-1","")+WriteIf(Betastops2>C,EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"| Exit-2","")+WriteIf(Betastops3>C,EncodeColor(colorRed)+" | Exit-3","")
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(02)+"PivotPoint: "+StrFormat("%1.2f",Pp)
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorCustom11)+"R1 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",R1)+" R2 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",R2)+" R3 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",R3)
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(11)+"S1 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",S1)+" S2 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",S2)+" S3 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",S3)
+"\n"+EncodeColor(11)+"FV : " //+ absFace_Value
+EncodeColor(44)+" Lot : " //+ absMarket_Lot
+EncodeColor(07)+" CataGory: " //+ absMarket_Category
+"\n"+EncodeColor(05)+"Electronic Share : "//+ absElectronic_Share
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(4)+"Last Declaration : "+ WriteVal(declara, formatDateTime )
+"\n"+EncodeColor(4)+"Last Declaration : " //+ WriteVal(declara1, formatDateTime )//declara1// formatDateTime
+"\n"+EncodeColor(11)+"R1 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",R1)+" R2 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",R2)+" R3 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",R3)
+"\n"+EncodeColor(02)+"PivotPoint: "+StrFormat("%1.2f",Pp)
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorCustom11)+"S1 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",S1)+" S2 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",S2)+" S3 "+StrFormat("%1.2f",S3)
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GfxTextOut( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/12 );
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GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/36 );
GfxTextOut( "chartistsbd.net", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/3 );
GrpPrm=Param("Graphic Space",2,-5,10);
6)Now to view the charts Open Amibroker and goto File->New->New Chart
7)then goto View->Charts and select the afl from the left plane under the Custom folder
8)then set the background to black. To do so goto Tools->Preference and select the color tab and set the background color to Black
It’s all done now the colorful AFL is ready!
If you find more explorations with this AFL then do share it here too
Dear Sir,
I have downloaded this Southwind AFL Code for Nifty from your website but
it gives some syntax error, i dont know how to rectify it.
Hi for the Plugin need to work you need to simply close the amibroker and need to open it again. May be you might be paste those plugin’s while the amibroker is open. Closing and reopening Ami would probably solve this problem.Also make sure that you had saved all those files in appropriate folders especially the dll plugins and include file
hi Rajandran
This AFL is not working in my pc it giving some errors can u tell me what to do
Hi Kevin and Sripaul
I tested in my amibroker 5.25 version in all time frames. If it works for me then it should work for you too
Super.. thanks Very much sir
not working
geting some syntax error
Dear Rajendran,
Do you have code for incorporating in Meta stock?
if not so can i use any otherway?
If you are getting syntax error then probably the plugin dll files would not be in the correct folder
installed southwind,opend in chart only blank dark screen,everything installed as mentiond.
If you are using Windows 7 machine then after placing the dll file in the plugins folder. Right click on your amibroker and click on Run as administrator this will enable any new plugin if recently added.
Bala Sir,
No way… the above code is designed for Amibroker use only. We cant use this trading system for other softwares
I have downloaded the Southwind AFL Code for Nifty, from the link you have provided. The downloaded file is in explorer format. When I click it to extract, its not opening. kindly provide instructions on how to download that properly
Will it work in Amibroker 5.2 version.
Sundaram Sir,
It requires Winrar to unzip the files. I think winrar is not installed
in your system. Kindly download Winrar and extract the files
Dear Sir,
I have installed WINRAR and downloaded Southwind AFL Code for Nifty as directed. Many thanks for your instructions sir. But the chart displayed is that of Dow Jones(DJI). Please help me as to what I should do to view the Nifty Chart. How should I configure Amibroker 5.2
Hope the AFL works for you!
Hello Sir,
This AFL is showing Syntax Error with Ami 5.0.
The Foundation v1.300:
Error 30.
Syntax error
Use ‘Edit Formula’ to correct error”
I tried with my ami 5.25 and my friends 5.2 version. It works fine in bothe
the version. Will need to check it out whether it will work in 5.0 or not
I have downloaded in amibroker 5.2 version. But i couldnt see the charts of nifty…what is coming is dow jones index…pl. help me configure so that i can view the chart of nifty also.
yeah AFL works….but i could not view the nifty charts…what is coming is dow joned index…how to see nifty future charts and other stock charts as well..pl. help
Amibroker by default gets the sample database for US market only. you need to setup the NSE Database manually or else try the yahoo historical update from Amiquote Auto Update column.
NSE Historical Database can also be downloaded from
Complete NSE EOD Database in Amibroker Format – Updated 31 Dec 2009
I have downloaded in amibroker 5.2 version. but how i save alldata its trial virsion plz help
Three kudos to u,i have followed exactly as per ur instructions, it is working very fine.Please let me know as to how we can plot buy/sell signals in this system,whether a seperate afl as in nma signals has to be loaded,already it is fully loaded with so many indicators,which cannot be easily read/understood.Also inform whether real time data from yahoo can be fed to this system.U have informed that yahoo format is in csv format,then how to convert that to accommodate to amibroker 5.20 version.
Dear Sir,
I have downloaded this Southwind AFL Code for Nifty from your website but
it gives some syntax error, i dont know how to rectify it.
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me above subject
Hi Rahul,
Ensure that you are using 5.20 or higher version of amibroker
Hi Rajandran,
Couple of questions.
1. Where did you get Ami 5.25 ver? The latest available Ami is only 5.20.
2. I have Ami 5.20 and it gives me lots of syntax error. Copied plugins into plugin folder, T3_Include afl into ‘include’ folder, and the main afl in ‘custom’ folder.
Any solution?
southwing afl is not working
Anil try with 5.20 version or higher
i have ver will it work
i am using amibroker 5.30rc version… ur programe is not working…
its now working… thanks…
i need 2 more help…
1. dse latest data pabo koi???
2. amibroker registered version koi pabo???
pls let me know.. mail me [email protected]
many thanks on this formula. i have tried downloading having same errors thanks to you.
my questions are:
1 Full meaning of Phaze(LTPT)
2 Signal (MAB)(TMA)(ZLW) & when i run exploration i see MAP & MAK.
Which one is the “The Foundation v13.00.afl”? the WinRar file?? I just copied the winrar file into the C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Formulas\Custom . But it was syntax error. I need some help. I’m using Amibroker version 5.30.
Mr 305,
It works fine with 5.20 version and 5.25 Version
I tried using it it was working fine for like 7 days but i had to reformat my machien i relaoded amibroker and all the formulas and did everything in order but it gives me syntax error no 29 am using amibroker 5.29 tried on 5.2 as well does not work.
I have downloaded the afl and its working but i am not able to understand how to use this afl plz help me and can send me the instructions on how to use.
Hi Raj,
What’s d success ratio of this formula..??
Have you backtested it OR tested LIVE..??
Please share your experience.
Many Thanks.
@Abishek: Backtesting of Southwind is same as that of NMA Buy/Sell Indicator. If you hadnt backtested for NMA then i will provide the results here
Hi Raj,
I’ve NMA as well. Was just curious to know about Southwind formula.
There are so many indicators on this screen.
If u take 2day’s example 2nd Aug – in morning Gap up opening, Key Reversal indicator said Reverse UP everytime Nifty goes above 5413, But at d same time other indicators like T3, ZLW & TMA said Bearish.
But LTPT was Bullish & MAB was a Buy.
Now Signal (IBuy) said Buy Warning when Nifty went above 5425.
So what I wanna know — is there any sequence to follow these indicators.
DO you have any literature OR Rules to use this method.?
Many Thanks.
@Abishek – Adding too much indicators and filters wont reduce noise… infact it introduce more noise in the system.
Because most of the indicators are not synchorous to each other. A Buy in one system is still a sell in different system
even a buy in one timeframe may be still a sell in another timeframe(it may be higer or lower).
Its recommended to use few indicators alone rather using this puppet!
Thanks for replying.
Ya that true…
Too many different indicators only confuses d mind & at d end chances are more of loosing.
One should stick to what he / she believes in.
I still find NMA a better option to rely on.
What you say..?
Entry in NMA is perfect. But the exit signals are not profit taking most of the time
NMA exit / profit booking, we can set up as per our own appetite… 🙂
sir. any body plz send 5.3 vers. i have 5.00 .plz send amibroker new version files to me.
hi venu
search in 4shared.com 4 5.3 version. official version with crack is avilable
can u find me foundation 14 plz?
i use 5.30 trial then can i use 5.30 crack after uninstalling trial one and any problem latter can i return to ami trial.
there is another foundation namely foundation radar by sultanji with a extra macd indicater.
can any one give me the link to download 5.3 crack version
iam unable to find one in 4shared.com
[email protected]
Dear Sir,
There is a Radar also for this South Wind AFL.
It would be great if you post it here.
Best regards
Swaroop V V
hey! thanks! but gee there’s a world of information with this puppy. Whats a trader to do 🙂 Awesome! Here’s some more Southbaby’s to swirl..
I have install this indicator, but didn’t see The Foundation v13.00.afl to copy in fomulas.
You could share this code to me
Tks a lot
i am using amibroker 5.30 version can you tell me how can i use this afl in forex is this possible please tell me how to use it in amibroker i m using demo version of amibroker 5.30
Hi Samir,
Rajandran has given the instruction clearly in the post.
Where people may make mistake is in not doing:
2)Copy JurikLib.dll and kpami.dll and paste it in your Amibroker Plugin folder which is by default C:Program FilesAmiBrokerPlugins
3)Copy T3_include.afl to the AFL formula-include folder which is by default C:Program FilesAmiBrokerFormulasInclude
If you properly adopt this it will work.
The reason is, part of the code is not in the AFL, but in the plugin DLL.
Where to get those plugins? I have downloaded the link available on this page but it only the Southwind AFL file, none the files for plugins. So, where to get those files?
Hey, I am a bit confused with certain indicator. I can understand some of the indicator but I have no idea about some of them. Can anybody help with these indicators?
1. why the market trend dividend into two parts? i.e. up|up or up|down, what does each of the part signifies?
2.what is the function of the following signals? (I just need a brief idea, so that I can search for more resources in the internet)
-signal(lbuy)-> i guess its a buy signal, but why ‘lbuy’
-Singal (T3)-> i guess this signal is for T+3 trading
-Singal (ZLW), singal (Mab), signal (TMA), signal (TM), signal (p5/150) and signal (B)-> no idea about these signal….can anyone help me with a brief explanation of this signals?
3. there is two indicator for accumulator phase. One is in the volume segment and another one is under p/v breakout. sometimes its gets confusing. any idea why there is two? i also want to know about key reversal, phaze(LTPT) and 52 WHL.
I know i have asked for lot of things…but anybody have some free time please help me out….
Hi Rahman,
Wow, Your question is longer than the brief answer you have asked for 😀
Foundation, original has morphed now with additions and alterations.
It has an amount of input from our Karthik Marar codes in it.
the Mab is his Mabiutus system. His VPA is also in this.
ZLW is ZeroLag Williams,
The Up|Up, is a deciphering from 2 different parameters, one with comparative to another standard, and the second in comparision to regression extremes.
Each of the signal goes to compared results of Oscillator and Indicator values.
T3 is in DLL, so actual code not known.
In general SouthWind Foundation and Radar are encyclopedic realtime interpretation of market parameters.
TMA is TEMA derivative, tripleEMA,
TM is a T3 derivative, it would be a finetuned MA,
LTPT, longterm pricetrend,
52whl is 52week High Low.
p5/15 is swing hi lo comparision with c,
|Buy ?? I could not understand what you ask,
but mostly i assume the “|” a separator, and it is a “Buy”
This is as brief as I can tell.
And, Rajandran enjoys bringing all this goodies, fretting them out and putting them here.
The original Foundation Trading System was developed by “Southwind” who is a great coder and TA of Bangladesh. He taught lots of people on TA in BAngladesh (including myself)and one of the pioneers. It took him over an year to formulate everything. He is now working on new projects. Unfortunately one “Zultan” put his name in the afl codes and published it as Sultanji Foundation (which is cheating). If he wanted to share he should have mentioned the original developer’s name.
This is one of the greatest AFL I have ever come across developed by one of geniuses of Bangladesh. If I am not mistaken- his name is Mr.Zaman ( khaleqe-uz-zaman). I had the opportunity to interact with him in facebook…i congratulate and wish him all the best. I take the opportunity to request him to present us some more unique AFL.
Ali chowdhury
how to change a particular sheet background color from the rest. ie other sheet should retain their background color. Also thankq for the creator for such a a colorful afl and a special thanks to Rajandran for digging such an amazing afl.
Foundation AFL is missing in the RAR file.. Can you pls post it again.
Wow! the working…. Thanks Boss…….
plz provide files
plz send me this files
2)Copy JurikLib.dll and kpami.dll and paste it in your Amibroker Plugin folder which is by default C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Plugins
3)Copy T3_include.afl to the AFL formula-include folder which is by default C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Formulas\Include
plz provide files
plz send me this files
merci bien pour votre excellent indicateur
ln 825 col 34 : com/object handle is null
ln 823 col 23 warning 503
Can you please tell me, which time frame we have to use?
Hi do u have a TTM AFL with Bollinger band and Keltner band combined in one chart? Thanks for ur help…
Its really a very nice indicator. Thanks for sharing this
rajandran Sir, can we get exploration also in foundation afl ?
Dear Sir
Please tell me how to install foundation by southwind AFL
Let me know where you are facing difficulties? guess the above procedure is very clear.
Hi Rajandra,
I successfully loaded the indicator. It’s very nice. I’m only on the trial version of Amibroker. I just started the trial today. Who do you recommend for a live data feed provider for intraday trading? I need a live feed for the US stock market. Can the bar candle be changed for this indicator or does it need to stay the Heiken Ashi Candle. Where in Amibroker can the candle be changed just to see.
Mike Lee
You can try with Esignal or with iqfeed. However if you have trading accounts with Interactive brokers then you can get free data feed from them.
I went with IQFeed and it works nicely so thank you for the recommendation.
You are Welcome.
SIR PL HELP TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM.sir i am watching your website from last two years there are lots of helpful posts for all the traders,sir i have an afl the afl is showing error i searched around many sites but could not got solution..There are two errors
sir the download file of foundation.rar from mediafire site is removed from tht site . can u pls tell any other sites from where we can download ?
sir the download link was not working.please post a new link
I click on
Download The Foundation by Southwind v-13.00 Int AFL Code
but the link is dead.
Pls anyone reup or send me by email. [email protected]
Thanks you so much!
Download The Foundation by Southwind v-13.00 Int AFL Code is not working. It says file deleted.
Please help!!!
would you please help me? i’ve stucked with a error like this
variable ‘adxsell1’ used without having been initialized.
how to actual trade with help of this afl. If there is any simple technique then pls suggest.