Option Greeks are a set of mathematical models used to analyze the behavior of options. Real-time Option Greeks refer to the calculation of these metrics in real-time as the market changes. In Amibroker, you can use the AFL (Amibroker Formula Language) to create custom indicators or systems that can display real-time option greeks, and also users can write their own exploration to scan for option strikes based on the option greeks. Amibroker AFL Code is Inspired by Yogesh Dalvi from Amibroker Forum
Supported Datafeed : Globaldatafeeds
Mathematical Module Used: Black & Scholes Model with Risk-Free Interest Rate and Dividend Set to Zero
Features of the Module
1)Control to Plot Option Greeks Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega
2)Control to Plot Implied Volatility
3)Exploration Functionality to scan based on Option Greeks

If your data vendor is different then one has to code the Data Vendor Block to extract the strike price, expiry date, month & year to calibrate the Option Greeks automatically.

Code is designed to support only Nifty and Bank Nifty as Underlying and the same needs to be configured for different data vendors if in case any stocks option greeks need to be monitored then the underlying stock needs to be mapped under Underlying Symbol Mapping Block
Option Greeks Exploration Module
Option Greeks Exploration Module allows the trader to configure their option scanning conditions based on Option Greeks and other factors. Feel free to modify it according to your requirement.

Realtime Option Greeks Amibroker AFL with Exploration Module
Options Pricing , Option Greeks Indicator and Exploration Module
Inspired and Adapted from Yogesh Dalvi on Amibroker forum.
Reference Url : https://forum.amibroker.com/t/black-scholes/4890/8
Coded by Rajandran R (Founder - Marketcalls / Creator - OpenAlgo
Coded Date : 17-02-2021
Symbol = Paramlist("Symbol","NIFTY|BANKNIFTY");
Underlying = Paramlist("Underlying","SPOT|FUTURES",1);
DataVendor = Paramlist("Data Vendor","Globaldatafeeds");
//Data Vendor Block
if(DataVendor == "Globaldatafeeds")
_N(Optiontype = StrRight(Name(),6));
Optiontype = StrReplace(Optiontype,".NFO","");
printf("\nOption Type :"+Optiontype);
strikeprice = StrReplace(Name(),".NFO","");
strikeprice1 = Strtrim(strikeprice,Optiontype,2); //remove ce or pe from the extreme right
strikeprice2 = StrReplace(strikeprice1,symbol,"");
expdate = StrLeft(strikeprice2,7);
printf("\nExpiry Date :"+expdate);
iDate = StrLeft(expdate,2);
iYear = StrRight(expdate,2);
iMonth = StrReplace(expdate,iDate,"");
iMonth = StrReplace(iMonth,iYear,"");
jMonth = Null;
if(iMonth=="JAN") jMonth = 1;
if(iMonth=="FEB") jMonth = 2;
if(iMonth=="MAR") jMonth = 3;
if(iMonth=="APR") jMonth = 4;
if(iMonth=="MAY") jMonth = 5;
if(iMonth=="JUN") jMonth = 6;
if(iMonth=="JUL") jMonth = 7;
if(iMonth=="AUG") jMonth = 8;
if(iMonth=="SEP") jMonth = 9;
if(iMonth=="OCT") jMonth = 10;
if(iMonth=="NOV") jMonth = 11;
if(iMonth=="DEC") jMonth = 12;
strikeprice = StrReplace(strikeprice2,idate+imonth+iyear,"");
printf("\nStrike Price :"+strikeprice);
iYear = 2000+StrToNum(iYear);
printf("\nDate :"+iDate + " Month :"+jMonth + " Year :"+iYear );
ExpiryDate = ((iYear-1900)*10000)+(jMonth*100)+StrToNum(iDate);
printf("\nExpiry Date :"+ExpiryDate);
ExpiryTime = ParamTime( "Expiry Time", "15:30:00" );
Expirydatetime = DateTimeConvert(2, ExpiryDate,ExpiryTime);
//Realtime decay
ExpiryDateTime = Expirydatetime;
//candle time difference
timeleftindays = DateTimeDiff(ExpiryDateTime,DateTime())/( 60*60*24 );
//difference from current time to expiry
timeleftnowindays = DateTimeDiff(ExpiryDateTime,StrToDateTime(now()))/( 60*60*24 );
printf( "\nDays left for Expiry: " + timeleftindays );
printf( "\nTime left for Expiry: " + timeleftnowindays );
//Underlying Symbol Mapping Block
if(Underlying == "SPOT")
sym = "NIFTY 50.NSE_IDX";
if(Underlying == "FUTURES")
sym = "NIFTY-I.NFO";
printf("\nSymbol :"+sym);
spotprice = Close;
// Adapted from source code in many programming languages here:
// http://www.espenhaug.com/black_scholes.html
// Greeks forumlas used form Options Pricing Model excel sheet from http://www.optiontradingtips.com
Original Author : Yogesh Dalvi
Date : 10-Sep-2020
Email : [email protected]
twitter : @dyogesh21
Telegram : https:/t.me/Dyogesh
//Options Functions
// BlackScholes function parameters:
// isCallFlag = True for Call / False for Put
// S = Stock price
// X = Strike price
// T = Years to maturity (DTE / 365) - DTE = Days to expiration
// r = Risk-free rate
// v = Volatility
// d = Divident
// mp = Market Price
S = spotprice;
X = StrToNum(strikeprice);
T = timeleftindays/365;
r = 0;
mp = Close; //option premium
d = 0;
isCallFlag = False;
isCallFlag =True;
else if(Optiontype=="PE")
isCallFlag =False;
function OptionPrice(isCallFlag, S, X , T, r, iv,d)
local d1, d2, result;
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - d + (iv * iv * 0.5)) * T) / (iv * sqrt(T));
d2 = d1 - iv * sqrt(T);
if (isCallFlag)
result = ((S * exp(-d * T)* NormDist(d1)) - (X * exp(-r * T) * NormDist(d2)) );
result = ( (X * exp(-r * T) * NormDist(-d2)) - (S * NormDist(-d1) * exp(-d * T) ));
return result;
function OptionDelta(isCallFlag, S, X, T, r, iv,d)
local d1, d2, result;
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - d + (iv * iv * 0.5)) * T) / (iv * sqrt(T));
d2 = d1 - iv * sqrt(T);
if (isCallFlag)
result = NormDist(d1);
result = NormDist(d1) - 1;
return result;
function OptionGamma(S, X, T, r, iv,d)
local d1, d2, nd1,Pi,result;
Pi = 3.14159265358979;
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - d + (iv * iv * 0.5)) * T) / (iv * sqrt(T));
d2 = d1 - iv * sqrt(T);
nd1 = exp(-(d1*d1) / 2) / sqrt(2 * Pi);
result = nd1 / (S * (iv * sqrt(T)));
return result;
function OptionTheta(isCallFlag, S, X, T, r, iv,d)
local d1, d2,nd1,nd2,Pi,theta,result;
Pi = 3.14159265358979;
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - d + (iv * iv * 0.5)) * T) / (iv * sqrt(T));
d2 = d1 - iv * sqrt(T);
nd1 = exp(-(d1*d1) / 2) / sqrt(2 * Pi);
nd2 = d1 - iv * sqrt(T);
if (isCallFlag)
theta = - (((S * iv * nd1) / (2 * sqrt(T))) - (r * X * exp(-r * T) * nd2)) ;
theta = - (((S * iv * nd1) / (2 * sqrt(T))) + (r * X * exp(-r * T) * (1- nd2))) ;
if (T < 1 / 365)
result = theta * T ;
result = theta / 365;
return result;
function OptionVega(S, X, T, r, iv,d)
local d1, d2, nd1,Pi,result;
Pi = 3.14159265358979;
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - d + (iv * iv * 0.5)) * T) / (iv * sqrt(T));
d2 = d1 - iv * sqrt(T);
nd1 = exp(-(d1*d1) / 2) / sqrt(2 * Pi);
result = 0.01 * S * sqrt(T) * nd1;
return result;
function OptionRho(isCallFlag,S, X, T, r, iv,d)
local d1, d2, nd1,Pi,result;
Pi = 3.14159265358979;
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - d + (iv * iv * 0.5)) * T) / (iv * sqrt(T));
d2 = d1 - iv * sqrt(T);
nd1 = exp(-(d1*d1) / 2) / sqrt(2 * Pi);
result = 0.01 * X * T * exp(-r * T) * NormDist(d2);
result = - 0.01 * X * T * exp(-r * T) * (1 -NormDist(d2));
function OptionIV(isCallFlag, S, X, T, r,mp,d)
local hval,lval,result;
hval = 3;
lval = 0;
if(OptionPrice(isCallFlag,S,X,T,r,(hval+lval) / 2 ,d) > mp)
hval = (hval + lval) / 2;
lval = (hval + lval) / 2;
} while ((hval - lval) > 0.0001);
if(OptionPrice(isCallFlag,S,X,T,r,(hval+lval) / 2 ,d) > mp)
hval = (hval + lval) / 2;
lval = (hval + lval) / 2;
} while ((hval - lval) > 0.0001) ;
result = (hval + lval) / 2;
return result;
IV[i] = OptionIV(isCallFlag, S[i], X, T[i], r[i],mp[i],d[i]);
function OptionGreeks(Greeks)
result = Null;
result = IV*100;
Delta[i] = OptionDelta(isCallFlag, S[i], X , T[i], r[i], IV[i],d[i]) ;
Delta = round(prec(Delta, 5) *10000)/10000; //rounding of to the nearest 4 digits
result = Delta;
Gamma[i] = OptionGamma(S[i], X , T[i], r[i], IV[i],d[i]) ;
gamma = round(prec(Gamma, 5) *10000)/10000; //rounding of to the nearest 4 digits
result = gamma;
Theta[i] = OptionTheta(isCallFlag, S[i], X , T[i], r[i], IV[i],d[i]) ;
Theta = round(prec(Theta, 5) *10000)/10000; //rounding of to the nearest 4 digits
result = Theta;
Vega[i] = OptionVega( S[i], X , T[i], r[i], IV[i],d[i]) ;
Vega = round(prec(Vega, 5) *10000)/10000; //rounding of to the nearest 4 digits
result = Vega;
return result;
_SECTION_BEGIN("Option Greeks");
list = ParamList("Option Greeks","delta|gamma|theta|gamma|vega|IV",0);
Plot( OptionGreeks(list),"Option Greeks - "+list,colorYellow,styleThick);
//Option Greeks Exploration Module
Filter = 1;
AddColumn(Close,"Premium LTP",1.2);
AddColumn(OptionGreeks("IV"),"Implied Volatility",1.2);