Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

PlaceOrder – Multi Broker Exectuion Code Snippets for Amibroker

10 min read

This tutorial explains how to build a button trading right from scratch and with a click of a button how you can send orders simultaneously to 4 brokers.

This tutorial explores the requirements for building a multi-broker execution module using Amibroker. Algomojo Multi-Broker Bridge is required to send orders to multiple brokers simultaneously.

Here are the Building Blocks of Multi Broker Execution Module


RequestTimedRefresh(1, False); // Send orders even if Amibroker is minimized or Chart is not active

2)Get API Key and API Secret Key of Multiple Brokers with Short Code

. use the ParamStr function to receive the inputs of User API Key, User API secret key, Broker Short code. Broker Short code is used to identify which broker you are sending the order.

ab – Aliceblue , tj – Tradejini , zb – Zebu, en – enrich

Pass the Version of the API used. Currently, version 1.0 is used as the default version. In the future if Algomojo is getting upgraded to a higher version then this parameter will be helpful to migrate to newer versions without much of a coding change.

Algomojo API and Trading Bridges are designed with backward compatibility. This means even if the future if newer Algomojo API versions are released still the traders can make use of the older versions.

//Broker Authentication Parameters
user_apikey1 = ParamStr("user_apikey1","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey1 = ParamStr("api_secretkey1","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here
user_apikey2 = ParamStr("user_apikey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey2 = ParamStr("api_secretkey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here
user_apikey3 = ParamStr("user_apikey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey3 = ParamStr("api_secretkey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here
user_apikey4 = ParamStr("user_apikey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey4 = ParamStr("api_secretkey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here

broker1 = ParamStr("Broker Code1","tj"); //Broker Short code for Tradejini - tj
broker2 = ParamStr("Broker Code2","ab"); //Broker Short code for Aliceblue - ab
broker3 = ParamStr("Broker Code3","zb"); //Broker Short code for Zebu - zb
broker4 = ParamStr("Broker Code4","en"); //Broker Short code for Enrich - en
ver = ParamStr("version","1.0"); //Enter your API secret key here

3)Trading Parameters

The trading parameter section explains the list of parameters users have to send to their broker for example Exchange Type(NSE, NFO, BSE, MCX), Trading Symbol, order type(MKT, LMT,SL-MKT, SL-LMT), Order Retention Type, Product Code(NRML,MIS,BO,CO), Order Quantity, Order Disclosed Quantity, AMO Orders..etc

//Trading Parameters
s_prdt_ali = ParamList("product alias","BO:BO|CNC:CNC|CO:CO|MIS:MIS|NRML:NRML",3); //Product Alias
Tsym = ParamStr("Trading Symbol","RELIANCE-EQ"); //Symbol Name
exch = ParamList("Exchange","NFO|NSE|BSE|CDS|MCX|NCDEX|BFO|MCXSXFO|MCXSX",1); //Exchange
Ret = ParamList("Ret","DAY|IOC",0); //Retention
prctyp = ParamList("prctyp","MKT|L|SL|SL-M",0); // Pricetype
Pcode = ParamList("Product code","NRML|BO|CNC|CO|MIS",4); // Product Code
qty = Param("Quantity",40,0,100000,1); // Quantity
AMO = ParamList("AMO Order","NO|YES",0); //AMO Order
placeordertype = ParamList("Place Order On","Realtime|CandleCompletion",0); // Place Order Type
EnableAlgo = ParamList("Algo Mode","Disable|Enable|LongOnly|ShortOnly",0); // Algo Mode
stgy_name = ParamStr("Strategy Name","Test Strategy Chart"); // Strategy Name

4)Log Section and Static Variables declaration

static_name_ = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name;
static_name_algo = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name+"algostatus";
//StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, -1); 
GfxSelectFont( "BOOK ANTIQUA", 14, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
if(EnableAlgo == "Enable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Enabled";
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus+" ChartID = "+GetChartID() , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Enabled"+" ChartID = "+GetChartID());
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 1);
if(EnableAlgo == "Disable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Disabled"+" ChartID = "+GetChartID();
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus+" ChartID = "+GetChartID() , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Disabled"+" ChartID = "+GetChartID());
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 0);
if(EnableAlgo == "LongOnly")
AlgoStatus = "Long Only";
GfxSetTextColor( colorYellow ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus+" ChartID = "+GetChartID() , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Long Only");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 2);
if(EnableAlgo == "ShortOnly")
AlgoStatus = "Short Only";
GfxSetTextColor( colorYellow ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus+" ChartID = "+GetChartID() , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Short Only");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 3);

resp1 = "";
resp2 = "";
resp3 = "";
resp4 = "";

5)Creating a Function for Buy Order with Voice Alert

function Buyorder()
    api_data ="{\"stgy_name\":\""+stgy_name+"\",\"s_prdt_ali\":\""+s_prdt_ali+"\",\"Tsym\":\""+Tsym+"\",\"exch\":\""+exch+"\",\"Ttranstype\":\""+"B"+"\",\"Ret\":\""+Ret+"\",\"prctyp\":\""+prctyp+"\",\"qty\":\""+qty+"\",\"discqty\":\""+"0"+"\",\"MktPro\":\""+"NA"+"\",\"Price\":\""+"0"+"\",\"TrigPrice\":\""+"0"+"\",\"Pcode\":\""+Pcode+"\",\"AMO\":\""+AMO+"\"}";
    resp1=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey1, api_secretkey1,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker1,ver);
    resp2=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey2, api_secretkey2,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker2,ver);
    resp3=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey3, api_secretkey3,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker3,ver);
    resp4=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey4, api_secretkey4,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker4,ver);
    StaticVarSet(static_name_+"buyCoverAlgo",1); //Algo Order was triggered, no more order on this bar
    _TRACE("Broker 1 : Tradejini , Strategy : "+ stgy_name +"AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo +"Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +"  Trading Symbol : "+  Tsym +"  Quantity : "+ qty +"  Signal : Buy Signal  TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+"  Response : "+ resp1 +"  ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " Latest Price : "+LastValue(C));
    _TRACE("Broker 2 : Aliceblue , Strategy : "+ stgy_name +"AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo +"Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +"  Trading Symbol : "+  Tsym +"  Quantity : "+ qty +"  Signal : Buy Signal  TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+"  Response : "+ resp2 +"  ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " Latest Price : "+LastValue(C));
	Say( "Order Placed" ); 

6)Creating a Function for Sell Order with Voice Alert

function Sellorder()
    api_data ="{\"stgy_name\":\""+stgy_name+"\",\"s_prdt_ali\":\""+s_prdt_ali+"\",\"Tsym\":\""+Tsym+"\",\"exch\":\""+exch+"\",\"Ttranstype\":\""+"S"+"\",\"Ret\":\""+Ret+"\",\"prctyp\":\""+prctyp+"\",\"qty\":\""+qty+"\",\"discqty\":\""+"0"+"\",\"MktPro\":\""+"NA"+"\",\"Price\":\""+"0"+"\",\"TrigPrice\":\""+"0"+"\",\"Pcode\":\""+Pcode+"\",\"AMO\":\""+AMO+"\"}";
    resp1=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey1, api_secretkey1,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker1,ver);
    resp2=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey2, api_secretkey2,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker2,ver);
    resp3=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey3, api_secretkey3,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker3,ver);
    resp4=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey4, api_secretkey4,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker4,ver);
    StaticVarSet(static_name_+"buyCoverAlgo",1); //Algo Order was triggered, no more order on this bar
    _TRACE("Broker 1 : Tradejini , Strategy : "+ stgy_name +"AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo +"Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +"  Trading Symbol : "+  Tsym +"  Quantity : "+ qty +"  Signal : Sell Signal  TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+"  Response : "+ resp1 +"  ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " Latest Price : "+LastValue(C));
    _TRACE("Broker 2 : Aliceblue , Strategy : "+ stgy_name +"AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo +"Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +"  Trading Symbol : "+  Tsym +"  Quantity : "+ qty +"  Signal : Sell Signal  TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+"  Response : "+ resp2 +"  ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " Latest Price : "+LastValue(C));
    Say( "Order Placed" );

7)Create Button Functions (Supports both old and new Amibroker Versions)

X0 = 20;
Y0 = 100;
X1 = 100;

LBClick = GetCursorMouseButtons() == 9;	// Click
MouseX  = Nz(GetCursorXPosition(1));		// 
MouseY  = Nz(GetCursorYPosition(1));		//

procedure DrawButton (Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo)
	GfxSelectFont("Verdana", 9, 700);
	GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
	GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32|1|4|16);

8)Configure the Buy and Sell Buttons for Multi Broker Execution

if(EnableAlgo == "Enable")

	DrawButton("Buy", X0, Y0, X0+X1, Y0+30, colorGreen, colorGreen);
	CursorInBuyButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0 AND MouseY <= Y0+30;
	BuyButtonClick = CursorInBuyButton AND LBClick;
	DrawButton("Sell", X0, Y0+40, X0+X1, Y0+70, colorRed, colorRed);
	CursorInSellButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+40 AND MouseY <= Y0+70;
	SellButtonClick = CursorInSellButton AND LBClick;
	if( BuyButtonClick AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlgo")==0 ) 
	if( SellButtonClick AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlgo")==0 ) 



_N(Title = "");
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

Here is the fully functional Amibroker AFL code for button trading module with multi-broker execution.

Title = " ";

_SECTION_BEGIN("Button Trading For Old Amibroker Versions");

RequestTimedRefresh(1, False); // Send orders even if Amibroker is minimized or Chart is not active

//Broker Authentication Parameters
user_apikey1 = ParamStr("user_apikey1","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey1 = ParamStr("api_secretkey1","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here
user_apikey2 = ParamStr("user_apikey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey2 = ParamStr("api_secretkey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here
user_apikey3 = ParamStr("user_apikey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey3 = ParamStr("api_secretkey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here
user_apikey4 = ParamStr("user_apikey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey4 = ParamStr("api_secretkey2","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here

broker1 = ParamStr("Broker Code1","tj"); //Broker Short code for Tradejini - tj
broker2 = ParamStr("Broker Code2","ab"); //Broker Short code for Aliceblue - ab
broker3 = ParamStr("Broker Code3","zb"); //Broker Short code for Zebu - zb
broker4 = ParamStr("Broker Code4","en"); //Broker Short code for Enrich - en
ver = ParamStr("version","1.0"); //Enter your API secret key here

//Trading Parameters
s_prdt_ali = ParamList("product alias","BO:BO|CNC:CNC|CO:CO|MIS:MIS|NRML:NRML",3); //Product Alias
Tsym = ParamStr("Trading Symbol","RELIANCE-EQ"); //Symbol Name
exch = ParamList("Exchange","NFO|NSE|BSE|CDS|MCX|NCDEX|BFO|MCXSXFO|MCXSX",1); //Exchange
Ret = ParamList("Ret","DAY|IOC",0); //Retention
prctyp = ParamList("prctyp","MKT|L|SL|SL-M",0); // Pricetype
Pcode = ParamList("Product code","NRML|BO|CNC|CO|MIS",4); // Product Code
qty = Param("Quantity",40,0,100000,1); // Quantity
AMO = ParamList("AMO Order","NO|YES",0); //AMO Order
placeordertype = ParamList("Place Order On","Realtime|CandleCompletion",0); // Place Order Type
EnableAlgo = ParamList("Algo Mode","Disable|Enable|LongOnly|ShortOnly",0); // Algo Mode
stgy_name = ParamStr("Strategy Name","Test Strategy Chart"); // Strategy Name

static_name_ = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name;
static_name_algo = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name+"algostatus";
//StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, -1); 
GfxSelectFont( "BOOK ANTIQUA", 14, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
if(EnableAlgo == "Enable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Enabled";
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus+" ChartID = "+GetChartID() , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Enabled"+" ChartID = "+GetChartID());
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 1);
if(EnableAlgo == "Disable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Disabled"+" ChartID = "+GetChartID();
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus+" ChartID = "+GetChartID() , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Disabled"+" ChartID = "+GetChartID());
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 0);
if(EnableAlgo == "LongOnly")
AlgoStatus = "Long Only";
GfxSetTextColor( colorYellow ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus+" ChartID = "+GetChartID() , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Long Only");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 2);
if(EnableAlgo == "ShortOnly")
AlgoStatus = "Short Only";
GfxSetTextColor( colorYellow ); 
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus+" ChartID = "+GetChartID() , 20, 40); 
_TRACE("Algo Status : Short Only");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 3);

resp1 = "";
resp2 = "";
resp3 = "";
resp4 = "";

function Buyorder()
    api_data ="{\"stgy_name\":\""+stgy_name+"\",\"s_prdt_ali\":\""+s_prdt_ali+"\",\"Tsym\":\""+Tsym+"\",\"exch\":\""+exch+"\",\"Ttranstype\":\""+"B"+"\",\"Ret\":\""+Ret+"\",\"prctyp\":\""+prctyp+"\",\"qty\":\""+qty+"\",\"discqty\":\""+"0"+"\",\"MktPro\":\""+"NA"+"\",\"Price\":\""+"0"+"\",\"TrigPrice\":\""+"0"+"\",\"Pcode\":\""+Pcode+"\",\"AMO\":\""+AMO+"\"}";
    resp1=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey1, api_secretkey1,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker1,ver);
    resp2=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey2, api_secretkey2,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker2,ver);
    resp3=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey3, api_secretkey3,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker3,ver);
    resp4=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey4, api_secretkey4,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker4,ver);
    StaticVarSet(static_name_+"buyCoverAlgo",1); //Algo Order was triggered, no more order on this bar
    _TRACE("Broker 1 : Tradejini , Strategy : "+ stgy_name +"AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo +"Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +"  Trading Symbol : "+  Tsym +"  Quantity : "+ qty +"  Signal : Buy Signal  TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+"  Response : "+ resp1 +"  ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " Latest Price : "+LastValue(C));
    _TRACE("Broker 2 : Aliceblue , Strategy : "+ stgy_name +"AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo +"Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +"  Trading Symbol : "+  Tsym +"  Quantity : "+ qty +"  Signal : Buy Signal  TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+"  Response : "+ resp2 +"  ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " Latest Price : "+LastValue(C));
	Say( "Order Placed" ); 

function Sellorder()
    api_data ="{\"stgy_name\":\""+stgy_name+"\",\"s_prdt_ali\":\""+s_prdt_ali+"\",\"Tsym\":\""+Tsym+"\",\"exch\":\""+exch+"\",\"Ttranstype\":\""+"S"+"\",\"Ret\":\""+Ret+"\",\"prctyp\":\""+prctyp+"\",\"qty\":\""+qty+"\",\"discqty\":\""+"0"+"\",\"MktPro\":\""+"NA"+"\",\"Price\":\""+"0"+"\",\"TrigPrice\":\""+"0"+"\",\"Pcode\":\""+Pcode+"\",\"AMO\":\""+AMO+"\"}";
    resp1=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey1, api_secretkey1,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker1,ver);
    resp2=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey2, api_secretkey2,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker2,ver);
    resp3=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey3, api_secretkey3,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker3,ver);
    resp4=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey4, api_secretkey4,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker4,ver);
    StaticVarSet(static_name_+"buyCoverAlgo",1); //Algo Order was triggered, no more order on this bar
    _TRACE("Broker 1 : Tradejini , Strategy : "+ stgy_name +"AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo +"Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +"  Trading Symbol : "+  Tsym +"  Quantity : "+ qty +"  Signal : Sell Signal  TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+"  Response : "+ resp1 +"  ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " Latest Price : "+LastValue(C));
    _TRACE("Broker 2 : Aliceblue , Strategy : "+ stgy_name +"AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo +"Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +"  Trading Symbol : "+  Tsym +"  Quantity : "+ qty +"  Signal : Sell Signal  TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+"  Response : "+ resp2 +"  ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " Latest Price : "+LastValue(C));
    Say( "Order Placed" );

X0 = 20;
Y0 = 100;
X1 = 100;

LBClick = GetCursorMouseButtons() == 9;	// Click
MouseX  = Nz(GetCursorXPosition(1));		// 
MouseY  = Nz(GetCursorYPosition(1));		//

procedure DrawButton (Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo)
	GfxSelectFont("Verdana", 9, 700);
	GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
	GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32|1|4|16);

if(EnableAlgo == "Enable")

	DrawButton("Buy", X0, Y0, X0+X1, Y0+30, colorGreen, colorGreen);
	CursorInBuyButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0 AND MouseY <= Y0+30;
	BuyButtonClick = CursorInBuyButton AND LBClick;
	DrawButton("Sell", X0, Y0+40, X0+X1, Y0+70, colorRed, colorRed);
	CursorInSellButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+40 AND MouseY <= Y0+70;
	SellButtonClick = CursorInSellButton AND LBClick;
	if( BuyButtonClick AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlgo")==0 ) 
	if( SellButtonClick AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlgo")==0 ) 



_N(Title = "");
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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7 Replies to “PlaceOrder – Multi Broker Exectuion Code Snippets for Amibroker”

  1. #execution module for some reason nothing is working. i have give the API for Aliceblue in algomojo and applied in Amibroker . But nothing is happening.

    1. If you are getting this error that means the registration of the bridge is not done properly after installation. Kindly go through the Installation guidelines.

      1. sir i have taken the API from algomojo. registration of the bridge exactly means what. Help me by explaining clearly. i have cleaned my system more than twice and rerun the installation and followed the steps exactly. Still the error persists

      2. All is finally working great. I.am able to send orders to multi brokers. Just a quick Q. Since u added upstox what is abbreviations to be used for it to be added in the broker list?;

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