Pin Bar Detector – (Amibroker Indicator) is pin bar pattern detection system inspired for Earnforex – Pin Bar Detecor mql4 code. Pin Bar is a bar with a long upper or lower “tail”, “wick” or “shadow” and a much smaller “body” or “real body”, you can find pin bars on any plain candlestick chart. The Pinbar (also known as “Pin-bar” or “Pin bar”) pattern was first introduced by Martin Pring in his Pring on Price Patterns.

It is a pure price action based indicator and in this indicator marks the bullish pin bar and bearish pin bar on the charts and also one scan use the exploration to find out the pin bar patterns from the list of stocks.
Recommended Timeframe
Higher timeframes like Hourly, 4 hourly, Daily, Weekly timeframes

Bullish Reversal Pin Bar Formation
In a bullish pin bar reversal setup, the pin bar’s tail points down because it shows rejection of lower prices or a level of support. This setup very often leads to a rise in price.
Bearish Reversal Pin Bar Formation
In a bearish pin bar reversal setup, the pin bar’s tail points up because it shows rejection of higher prices or a level of resistance. This setup very often leads to a drop in price.
Pin Bar Patterns in Gold Daily Charts
Input Parameters for Pin Bar
MaxNoseBodySize (default = 0.33) — maximum allowed body/length ratio for the Nose bar.
NoseBodyPosition (default = 0.4) — Nose body should be position in top (bottom for bearish pattern) part of the Nose bar.
LeftEyeOppositeDirection (default = true) — tells the indicator that the Left Eye bar should be bearish for bullish Pinbar, and bullish for bearish Pinbar.
NoseSameDirection (default = true) — tells the indicator that the Nose bar should be of the same direction as the pattern itself.
NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody (default = false) — tells the indicator that the Nose body should be inside the Left Eye body.
LeftEyeMinBodySize (default = 0.1) — minimum size of the Left Eye body relative to the bar length.
NoseProtruding (default = 0.5) — minimum protrusion of the Nose bar relative to the bar length.
NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody (default = 1) — the maximum size of the Nose body relative to the Left eye body.
NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength (default = 0) — minimum Nose length relative to the Left Eye length.
LeftEyeDepth (default = 0.2) — minimum depth of the Left Eye relative to its length. Depth is the length of the part of the bar behind the Nose.
Note: This strategy doesn’t detects a perfect pin bar however some manual intervention is necessary to spot pin bar patterns accurately
/* Done by Rajandran R */
/* Author of */
/* Code Completion Date : 14th July 2014 */
GraphXSpace = 15;
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("bkcolor",ColorRGB(0,0, 0)));
SetBarFillColor(IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Candle UP Color", colorGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Candle Down Color", colorRed),colorLightGrey)));
Plot(C,"\nPrice",IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Wick UP Color", colorDarkGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Wick Down Color", colorDarkRed),colorLightGrey)),64,0,0,0,0);
dec = (Param("Decimals",2,0,7,1)/10)+1;
Title = EncodeColor(55)+ Title = Name() + " " + EncodeColor(32) + Date() +
" " + EncodeColor(5) + "{{INTERVAL}} " +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Open = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(O,dec) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " High = "+ EncodeColor(5) + WriteVal(H,dec) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Low = "+ EncodeColor(32)+ WriteVal(L,dec) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Close = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(C,dec)+
EncodeColor(55)+ " Volume = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(V,1);
MaxNoseBodySize = 0.33; // Max. Body / Candle length ratio of the Nose Bar
NoseBodyPosition = 0.4; // Body position in Nose Bar (e.g. top/bottom 40%)
LeftEyeOppositeDirection = True; // true = Direction of Left Eye Bar should be opposite to pattern (bearish bar for bullish Pinbar pattern and vice versa)
NoseSameDirection = False; // true = Direction of Nose Bar should be the same as of pattern (bullish bar for bullish Pinbar pattern and vice versa)
NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody = False; // true = Nose Body should be contained inside Left Eye Body
LeftEyeMinBodySize = 0.1; // Min. Body / Candle length ratio of the Left Eye Bar
NoseProtruding = 0.5; // Minmum protrusion of Nose Bar compared to Nose Bar length
NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody = 1; // Maximum relative size of the Nose Bar Body to Left Eye Bar Body
NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength = 0; // Minimum relative size of the Nose Bar Length to Left Eye Bar Length
LeftEyeDepth = 0.2; // Minimum relative depth of the Left Eye to its length; depth is difference with Nose's back
up=down =0;
point = 0.1;
NoseLength = High[i] - Low[i];
if (NoseLength == 0) NoseLength = Point;
LeftEyeLength = High[i - 1] - Low[i - 1];
if (LeftEyeLength == 0) LeftEyeLength = Point;
NoseBody = abs(Open[i] - Close[i]);
if (NoseBody == 0) NoseBody = point;
LeftEyeBody = abs(Open[i - 1] - Close[i - 1]);
if (LeftEyeBody == 0) LeftEyeBody = point;
// Bearish Pinbar
if (High[i] - High[i - 1] >= NoseLength * NoseProtruding) // Nose protrusion
if (NoseBody / NoseLength <= MaxNoseBodySize) // Nose body to candle length ratio
if (1 - (High[i] - Max(Open[i], Close[i])) / NoseLength < NoseBodyPosition) // Nose body position in bottom part of the bar
if ((!LeftEyeOppositeDirection) || (Close[i - 1] > Open[i - 1])) // Left Eye bullish if required
if ((!NoseSameDirection) || (Close[i] < Open[i])) // Nose bearish if required
if (LeftEyeBody / LeftEyeLength >= LeftEyeMinBodySize) // Left eye body to candle length ratio
if ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= High[i - 1]) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Low[i - 1])) // Nose body inside Left Eye bar
if (NoseBody / LeftEyeBody <= NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody) // Nose body to Left Eye body ratio
if (NoseLength / LeftEyeLength >= NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength) // Nose length to Left Eye length ratio
if (Low[i] - Low[i - 1] >= LeftEyeLength * LeftEyeDepth) // Left Eye low is low enough
if ((!NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody) || ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= Max(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Min(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])))) // Nose body inside Left Eye body if required
Down[i] = High[i] + 5 * Point + NoseLength / 5;
// Bullish Pinbar
if (Low[i - 1] - Low[i] >= NoseLength * NoseProtruding) // Nose protrusion
if (NoseBody / NoseLength <= MaxNoseBodySize) // Nose body to candle length ratio
if (1 - (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) - Low[i]) / NoseLength < NoseBodyPosition) // Nose body position in top part of the bar
if ((!LeftEyeOppositeDirection) || (Close[i - 1] < Open[i - 1])) // Left Eye bearish if required
if ((!NoseSameDirection) || (Close[i] > Open[i])) // Nose bullish if required
if (LeftEyeBody / LeftEyeLength >= LeftEyeMinBodySize) // Left eye body to candle length ratio
if ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= High[i - 1]) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Low[i - 1])) // Nose body inside Left Eye bar
if (NoseBody / LeftEyeBody <= NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody) // Nose body to Left Eye body ratio
if (NoseLength / LeftEyeLength >= NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength) // Nose length to Left Eye length ratio
if (High[i - 1] - High[i] >= LeftEyeLength * LeftEyeDepth) // Left Eye high is high enough
if ((!NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody) || ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= Max(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Min(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])))) // Nose body inside Left Eye body if required
Up[i] = Low[i] - 5 * Point - NoseLength / 5;
for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
if(blpin[i] ) PlotText( " " , i, L[ i ]-2.5, colorLime );
if(brpin[i] ) PlotText( " bear pin" , i, H[ i ]+2.5, colorOrange );
PlotShapes(shapeHollowSmallSquare*brpin,4,0,H ,5);
PlotShapes(shapeHollowSmallSquare*blpin,5,0,L ,-5);
Filter=brpin OR blpin;
AddColumn(brpin,"Bearish Pin",1.2);
AddColumn(blpin,"Bullish Pin",1.2);
Steps to Install Pin Bar Detector Afl Code
1)Copy PIN Bar file to \program files\amibroker\formula\basic folder
2)Open Amibroker and Open a New Blank Chart
3)Goto Charts->Basic Charts and apply/drag-and-drop the Pin Bar detector code into the blank chart
4)Bingo you are done. Now you will be able to see the Pin Bar Detector indicator with Buy and Sell signals.
Pin Bar Trading System – Earnforex
Characteristic of Pin Bar formation – Learn to Trade the Market
thanks for the pin bar afl .
i have selected 20 stocks in my favourite list.
how to scan these 20 stocks in real time with pin bar afl in multi time frames. or in single time frame. and a popup notification shud be there even while i m writing mails .surfing etc .
please also note that i keep only nifty chart open with 5 min tf open
is it possible in amibroker. ?
1)Make a Watchlist of 20 Symbols
2)Enable Realtime Scan and set the scan frequency
3)Now Run Multiple Scans/Exploration for different timeframes.
sir how to enable realtime scan
Nice AFL 🙂
hello can you put a video for how to scan on you tube or the website ?
Sure will try to put a video shortly.
நாளை மார்க்கெட் நேரத்தில் பயன்படுத்தும் போதுதான் தெரியும் எப்படி இருக்கிறது என்று. நன்றாக இருக்கும் என்று நினைக்கிறேன். நன்றி ராஜேந்திரன் சார்.
Its only for higher timeframes and mostly involved human subjective decision to identify the correct pin bar even though the system provides the information.
sir i think this afl is suitable for position trade. ?
Respected Rajandran R
i am vikram patel from ahmedabad i am senior citizzen i have talked with you several times ago regarding swing high and swing low
i have tried to contact lot of expert but they werw not able to prepare afl as per my calculation
you are on top of experts of ami broker as you talked you do not have time and donot write afl for personal people
i have one request to suggest name of expert who can prepare afl on swing high and swing low.
as you mention that swing high and swing low of spider software is repainting ,even though it is useful to me please help me in this matter do not dissappointme
vikram patel
mobile no–9137741905
Some of the Amibroker Freelancers name are mentioned here in the PPT embedded in this article
Respected Rajandran R,
I am a Commodity Trader last 5 years, now 2 years I am very disappointed about Commodity Market because can’t earn of this market. Now some days ago I think leave this market.
Can you suggest me, what should I do and what is right market EQUITY & COMMODITY? Your PINBAR afl which market is suitable like stocks or commodity.
I hope once I try with your PINBAR afl (position trading) but which market EQ & COM.
Naveen Kumar Murthy
When I verified syntax in formula editor of Amibroker, I got syntax error at Ln:22, Col: 149; Error 16. Too many arguments.
Please help.
Make sure you have enough candlesticks. It worked for many other people. Also make sure you are using the recent version of Amibroker.
I am using Amibroker 5.2 with EOD 3 years. Will this work?
Not sure about Amibroker 5.2 it is a way old version and lot of new functions has came up in recent versions with new features.
is there a way to get EW labels in Amibroker for easy labeling?
Nope Amibroker currently doesnt have Elliot Wave Indicators. Advance Get and Motive Wave are the high professional options but comes with greater price.