Rajandran R FollowCreator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in
Laguerre PPO Oscillator for Amibroker
28 sec read
Laguerre PPO Oscillator is just the translated Tradingview Pinescript indicator from theLark’s Laguerre PPO. We very well know that Lauggerre RSI is from the John Ehlers library and Price Percentage Oscillator (PPO) is a classical momentum oscillator. So Laguerre PPO is nothing but a fusion between Laugerre RSI and PPO Oscillator.
Laugerre Oscillator is a momentum oscillator contains a singal line,centre line and histogram. And it quite resembles the shape of MACD as PPO Oscillator and MACD have the same basic shapes but different values. This indicator is posted based on marketcalls visitors request.
Rajandran R FollowCreator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in
Its nothing but you need to compute percentile rank for the above ppo value. Thats it
Hir Mr Ragendran,
Sir I tried to do it, but i could not do it. That’s why i asked. I don’t know how to code for compute percentile rank and how to plot it. It would be very helpful if you can do it,please.
Thank you
hello sir i am regular reader and follower of your AFL and POSTs lot of thanks
sir my humble Request sir please prepaire this
S P mony + alerts 1.01.mq4
MQL4 IN TO Amibroker AFL IT IS possible or not sir ??
thanks in advance sir ……………. link is given below sir
Hello there, Mr Rajandran! Thank you for this post! I know this may seem a little archaic to you, but I am attempting to put together an excel spreadsheet to both track my portfolio and to also use as an strategy entry/exit signal generator. I have put together a semi-decent sheet and would love to add the Laguerre PPO to it. I’ve been using Chris Moody’s adaptation (https://www.tradingview.com/script/jVe9imdO-CM-Laguerre-PPO-PercentileRank-Markets-Topping/) on TradingView and works well enough. I was wondering if perhaps you would know if its possible to translate that to excel functions, and/or if you could lend a hand doing it! Thank you in advance for any comment!
sure will try out!
Awesome! I have already gone through the process of getting a Laguerre SMA and Laguerre RSI calculated in Excel. Would you mind if we got in touch through another medium so I cand send you the file and we can collaborate on it? Cheers mate!
Can you convert Guppy CBL Metastock Indicator to Amibroker
Hello mr Rajendran
Given below code is CM_LAGUERRE PPO PERCENTILERANK, Can this code be converted into afl
//Created by ChrisMoody on 10/28/2014…Original PPO Code Created by TheLark
//Great for Spotting Tops.
study(title = “CM_Laguerre PPO PercentileRank”, overlay=false)
pctile = input(90, title=”Percentile Threshold Extreme Value, Exceeding Creates Colored Histogram”)
wrnpctile = input(70, title=”Percentile Threshold Warning Value, Exceeding Creates Colored Histogram”)
Short = input(0.4, title=”PPO Setting”)
Long = input(0.8, title=”PPO Setting”)
lkb = input(200,title=”Look Back Period Percent Rank is based off of?”)
sl=input(true,title=”Show Threshold Line?”)
swl=input(true,title=”Show Warning Threshold Line?”)
//Laguerre PPO Code from TheLark
lag(g, p) =>
L0 = (1 – g)*p+g*nz(L0[1])
L1 = -g*L0+nz(L0[1])+g*nz(L1[1])
L2 = -g*L1+nz(L1[1])+g*nz(L2[1])
L3 = -g*L2+nz(L2[1])+g*nz(L3[1])
f = (L0 + 2*L1 + 2*L2 + L3)/6
lmas = lag(Short, hl2)
lmal = lag(Long, hl2)
//PPO Plot
ppo = (lmas – lmal)/lmal*100
//PercentRank of PPO
pctRank = percentrank(ppo, lkb)
//Color Definition of Columns
col = pctRank >= pctile ? red : pctRank >= wrnpctile and pctRank < pctile ? orange : gray
//Plot Statements.
plot(pctRank,title="Percentile Rank Columns", color=col,style=columns,linewidth=2)
plot(sl and pctile ? pctile : na, title="Extreme Move Percentile Threshold Line", color=red, style=linebr, linewidth=4)
plot(swl and wrnpctile ? wrnpctile : na, title="Warning Percentile Threshold Line", color=orange, style=line, linewidth=4)
Its nothing but you need to compute percentile rank for the above ppo value. Thats it
Hir Mr Ragendran,
Sir I tried to do it, but i could not do it. That’s why i asked. I don’t know how to code for compute percentile rank and how to plot it. It would be very helpful if you can do it,please.
Thank you
hello sir i am regular reader and follower of your AFL and POSTs lot of thanks
sir my humble Request sir please prepaire this
S P mony + alerts 1.01.mq4
MQL4 IN TO Amibroker AFL IT IS possible or not sir ??
thanks in advance sir ……………. link is given below sir
Dear sir,
pl. post the LinTRA afl and LinPOS afl.
Hello there, Mr Rajandran! Thank you for this post! I know this may seem a little archaic to you, but I am attempting to put together an excel spreadsheet to both track my portfolio and to also use as an strategy entry/exit signal generator. I have put together a semi-decent sheet and would love to add the Laguerre PPO to it. I’ve been using Chris Moody’s adaptation (https://www.tradingview.com/script/jVe9imdO-CM-Laguerre-PPO-PercentileRank-Markets-Topping/) on TradingView and works well enough. I was wondering if perhaps you would know if its possible to translate that to excel functions, and/or if you could lend a hand doing it! Thank you in advance for any comment!
sure will try out!
Awesome! I have already gone through the process of getting a Laguerre SMA and Laguerre RSI calculated in Excel. Would you mind if we got in touch through another medium so I cand send you the file and we can collaborate on it? Cheers mate!
Can you convert Guppy CBL Metastock Indicator to Amibroker