Here is simple trick to get Fundamental Screener ( information into Amibroker using Web Research feature. Web Research window in Amibroker allows you to view on-line news, research, profiles, statistics and all kind of information related to currently selected symbol available over the Internet (World Wide Web). Integration of Screener is quite simple and with few steps of instructions you can bring fundamental information into Amibroker.
1)Amibroker v4.9 or above
1)Realtime/EOD Amibroker Database which supports NSEIndia symbols.
How to Integrate Screener with Amibroker?
1)Open Amibroker and Goto Tools Menu ->Customize
2)From the Customize Dialog box goto the tab Web Pages
3)Now press the New button Type the url and description as shown below
URL :{t}/
Description : Screener Fundamentals
where {t} represents the ticker symbol
4)Now goto File->New->Web Research
5)And Select Screener Fundamentals from the Address dropdown menu
6)Bingo! you are done. Now select any NSE Stock Symbol and you will get access to fundamental data of the selected stock inside your amibroker. Now a Techno – Fundamental Analysts no need to jump back and forth between Amibroker to Fundamental Screeners.
Is there any way to extract data like P/E from the web screener for using it in afl ?
Yes it is possible if you have PE Ratio in a CSV/Txt format.
I have 2 questions.
1– How to get registration done for Amibroker .
2- how to download Metatrader & link with Indian stocks.
This is very useful… Thanks Rajendran