Thought of brining weather data into Amibroker. Googled for free weather api data. OpenWeathermap came to my notice. Using Openweathermap one can get weather data for any location on the globe immediately.
Sample Weather Output
{"coord":{"lon":77.6,"lat":12.98},"weather":[{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"broken clouds","icon":"04n"}],"base":"stations","main":
Amibroker AFL Code to get the Weather Dashboard
Code requires Amibroker 6.17 as some of the new AFL functions like InternetClose( handle ) , InternetOpenURL( “url” ) , InternetReadString( handle ) – which is essential to read from internet resource/http api is available from v6.17 or higher version.
// Coder - Rajandran R
// Founder -
// Algomojo Provides Free API + Free Trading Bridge for API Based Automated Trading
// Creation Date : 15th Oct 2020
// Weather Display Dashboard
_SECTION_BEGIN("Weather Display Dashboard");
Version(6.17); //Code is Compatible with 6.17 and Higher
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", colorDefault, styleNoTitle | styleCandle | GetPriceStyle() );
city = ParamStr("City","Bangalore");
ih = InternetOpenURL( ""+city+"&appid=1f082c296a4b6013f8976bdf820147c2" );
if( ih )
while( ( str = InternetReadString( ih ) ) != "" )
//printf( "%s", str );
for( item = -1; ( sym = StrExtract( str, item,'{' )) != ""; item-- )
if(item == -4)
//printf( "%s", sym );
for( jitem = -1; ( temp = StrExtract( sym, jitem,',' )) != ""; jitem-- )
printf( "\n%s", temp );
temp1 = StrExtract(temp,1,':');
temp1 = StrTrim(temp1,"\"");
//_TRACE("\nTemperature : "+NumToStr(StrToNum(temp1)-273.15) +" Degree Celsious");
fl = StrExtract(temp,1,':');
fl = StrTrim(fl,"\"");
//_TRACE("\nFeels Like : "+NumToStr(StrToNum(fl)-273.15)+" Degree Celsious");
hm = StrExtract(temp,1,':');
hm = StrTrim(hm,"\"");
hm = StrTrim(hm,"}");
//_TRACE("\nHumidity : "+hm);
pr = StrExtract(temp,1,':');
pr = StrTrim(pr,"\"");
//_TRACE("\nPressure : "+pr);
InternetClose( ih );
//Display Weather Dashboard
GfxSetBkMode( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 2 );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorgreen );
GfxRectangle( 10, 20, 250, 180 );
GfxTextOut( "City : "+city,23,23);
GfxTextOut( "Temperature : " +NumToStr(StrToNum(temp1)-273.15) +" °C" ,23,48);
GfxTextOut( "Feels Like : " +NumToStr(StrToNum(fl)-273.15) +" °C",23,73);
GfxTextOut( "Humidity : " + hm+"%",23,98);
GfxTextOut( "Pressure : " + pr+"hPa",23,123);
Now I nevermind to short Nifty Futures if Bangalore weather is crossing 30 degree Celsius!