Rajandran R FollowCreator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in
Complete NSE EOD Database for Amibroker upto – 28th Dec 2011
22 sec read
Download Complete EOD database for Amibroker since the starting of NSE upto 28th Dec 2011
Steps to Setup the EOD database
1) Download the database from the above mentioned link
2)Extract the Zip file and Save it to the folder c:Program FilesAmibroker
3)Open Amibroker v5.3 and above(Database doesnt supports lower version)
4)Select Open Database from the Menu Bar
5)Select the NSE EOD Folder from the folder c:Program FilesAmibroker
Bingo! you are done
One can further update the day to day EOD Database using GetBhavcopy Software
For Nifty and other realtime charts vist @ Nifty Realtime Charts
Rajandran R FollowCreator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in
9 Replies to “Complete NSE EOD Database for Amibroker upto – 28th…”
Dear Mr.Rajendran,
nowadays i am aregular visitor of this website after being introduced few days back by a friend.I really like your regular updates.Ihave downloaade your latest post on NSE EOD data,but i mam not able to extract the file.please guide me how to do it.
Another major problemi am facing is downloading MANSHI RT server from the link provided .It always says INVALID link.kindly solve my problem
Manshi RT download data link is updated with the new link. The NSE EOD database is for Amibroker 5.3 and higher version. And the steps i have given is more than sufficent to import the data into amibroker database. Let me know where you are facing the difficulties
Thank you,
My trading software gives an option for “n” minutes intraday with an option to save it as .txt.
Now here is the problem, the tabs displayed are…..
Vwap Value,Open Rate,Close Rate,High Rate,Low Rate,Start Time,End Time,Differential Vol,Cumulative Vol,Cumulative Open Interest,Differential Open Interest
4784.92,4789.00,4782.80,4791.55,4780.15,01:49:41 AM,01:54:41 AM,438800,17104300,22259000,24250
and goes on…….
PROBLEM: how to import via impot wizard i.e what parameters should I set in coloumn bars (1-8)?
any help will be appriciated. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hi Rajandran,
I have downloaded the “Hakija-v0.80” designed by you and i tried to download the data and I am able to download it but i don’t no how to import the data to amibroker(as i am a new user of this software), so can you please guide me in this..?
Hi Rajandran,
Do you have simillar EOD data of BSE Ami & compitable with downloadable data through Get Bhavcopy..??!!
If yes, can you provide me the link..??!!
Thanks in advance.
Is this adjusted for split & bonus?
No sunny part of the stocks are adjusted for split & bonus not the entire pack
I’m having Amibroker 5.2 in my PC. Looking for the updated database.
If this database is only for 5.3 or above, please help me to get the database for 5.2 version.
getbhavcopy 2.1.5a is not working….any body know what is the problem
Dear Mr.Rajendran,
nowadays i am aregular visitor of this website after being introduced few days back by a friend.I really like your regular updates.Ihave downloaade your latest post on NSE EOD data,but i mam not able to extract the file.please guide me how to do it.
Another major problemi am facing is downloading MANSHI RT server from the link provided .It always says INVALID link.kindly solve my problem
Manshi RT download data link is updated with the new link. The NSE EOD database is for Amibroker 5.3 and higher version. And the steps i have given is more than sufficent to import the data into amibroker database. Let me know where you are facing the difficulties
Thank you,
My trading software gives an option for “n” minutes intraday with an option to save it as .txt.
Now here is the problem, the tabs displayed are…..
Vwap Value,Open Rate,Close Rate,High Rate,Low Rate,Start Time,End Time,Differential Vol,Cumulative Vol,Cumulative Open Interest,Differential Open Interest
4777.73,4782.80,4776.80,4783.00,4775.05,01:54:41 AM,01:59:41 AM,955800,18060100,21956400,-302600
4784.92,4789.00,4782.80,4791.55,4780.15,01:49:41 AM,01:54:41 AM,438800,17104300,22259000,24250
and goes on…….
PROBLEM: how to import via impot wizard i.e what parameters should I set in coloumn bars (1-8)?
any help will be appriciated. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hi Rajandran,
I have downloaded the “Hakija-v0.80” designed by you and i tried to download the data and I am able to download it but i don’t no how to import the data to amibroker(as i am a new user of this software), so can you please guide me in this..?
Hi Rajandran,
Do you have simillar EOD data of BSE Ami & compitable with downloadable data through Get Bhavcopy..??!!
If yes, can you provide me the link..??!!
Thanks in advance.
Is this adjusted for split & bonus?
No sunny part of the stocks are adjusted for split & bonus not the entire pack
I’m having Amibroker 5.2 in my PC. Looking for the updated database.
If this database is only for 5.3 or above, please help me to get the database for 5.2 version.
getbhavcopy 2.1.5a is not working….any body know what is the problem