Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

Butterworth Trend Trading System – Amibroker AFL code

34 sec read

Nifty EOD Chart with Butterworth Trend Trading System


The core idea behind the butterworth trend trading system is to produce distance signal with fair amount of winning ratio to invest in stocks. And this system is the custom version of Two Pole Butterworth Filter. Though this trading system doesnt suits for Intraday trading its better to try out with stocks for delivery (Long only Trades). Always use 3-4% stop loss for your long trades/investments.

Download Butterworth Trending System – Amibroker AFL code

Note :
1)Code is open source to the general public for educational purpose to test the code and come up with newer ideas.
2)Dont try to monetize it.
3)Analyse the trading system and understand the nature of the trading system before involving in any kind of trades based on these trading system rather taking the trades directly by looking into the buy and sell arrows.

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

32 Replies to “Butterworth Trend Trading System – Amibroker AFL code”

  1. Dear mr.Rajendran,
    I have seen ur blog, and it is really useful for me>I hve earned a lot thro’ ur site. thanks once again

  2. Hi,

    I have tested this AFL for ACC, Piramal Health & Lupin, where I am sure we can go long.

    For ACC & Piramal Health it’s working fine, but for Lupin it still showing to go short.

    Can you please clarify on the same.

  3. .I used this nww AFL code Butterworth Trend Trading System…….its good. But sir can’t it show signal exactly at high / low or somewher around there, with same setting Butterworth 29. Please help me in that and try to make modify in that.

    or else can any1 will help…….is ther any other afl codes.

  4. I tested non repainting…… pls try to make modify in earlier once code only……so as to give signals around or near high and low points as shown in d image……..so tht get benefited from it.

  5. @Samartha

    Pls read article above. Code is designed purely for EOD charts and not for intraday timeframe. And also trading system is adviced to trade only Long only signals and not to take shorts at current scenario.

  6. I knew tht…… if u made few changes as I stated……it could be a good afl code. I don’t knw how to make afl codes and abt formulas I’m nt good in tht…..I tried a lot to make changes in rsi and rsv but no proper outcome…so i’m requesting U to make changes or provide me any other code which suits., I hope U’ll come up with…….

  7. How to get usdinr data from google in the data downloader utility for amibroker. Tried but could not get it. am able to get all stocks though

  8. For swing trade one dont need indicators at all that too with 3 – 4 % stop size just a naked chart will tell whole story, using this system is waste of time

    1. @sharan

      The Strategy is not even for swing traders even. Its only for those who are taking deliveries in stocks as strategy is for Long only Strategy

  9. Dear Rajandran Sir,

    I use XTB MT4 platform as u suggested earlier in ur post.

    I use some Custome Indicators to Trade with it.

    Sir, is there Any Provides PAID MetaTrader 4 for Our Indian Markets( NSE & MCX )…?

    Thanx in Advance.


  10. Sir……Pls make any afl code which shows Buy n Sell Signal around or near to the Low & High point. and or anything for Intraday traders……..also nt in a way of zig zag……with some certain intervals of time in between signals. pls help sir…. really in need of it.

  11. Two systems looking nearest, whether true or different don’t know.
    this butterworth system and vince kd system from mudraa.

  12. sir checked out the Holy Grail of prasadrao’s but signals r nt trust worthy as Butterworth…….. In tht I changed no’s of bars to 23 & 33…. it given signals but later disappears. Sir make any code or modify little more accurate at High / Low point in Butterworth with setting 29……..

  13. First charting offer MT 4 too i think but it is available only on request or referals at moment

  14. Rajandran R Sir ji, I am a new comer in this market and closely just watching the market. Trying to gain idea about trading. Regularly follow you. I watching FXCENTRAL MT5 PLATFORM, but can,t get any data from 4;30pm today. Pls kindly help me how i can get it again. I thin k it realy nice tool.Pls sir ji help me

  15. hey…. ur site provides lot of info , very useful , thanks for that , and I am new to trading , which afl would u prefer for a trader like me ,,,, thanks in advance …

  16. Hi !
    I want to trade in Silver , pl. advise me which trading system should I follow
    Vivek Kapoor

  17. Sir, the code when scanned with Old automatic analysis in Ami – 5.60 shows no signals on the same day but when you scan it for yesterday on next day then it shows the signal, HOW SO ???

  18. hello

    getting syntax verfication error of “Currently Selected symbol has no quotes. At least one quote is required to verify”

    1. It means your charts doesnt has enough data. Make sure that you have enough data. May be this bug is solved in 5.82 and above version.

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