This tutorial demonstrates how to send orders from Amibroker to Algoaction using Simple GUI buttons. GUI buttons are newer functions in Amibroker 6.21 version onwards. This utilize this afl code requires Amibroker 6.21 version or higher and access to Algoaction + Tradejini arrow API.
Currently, Amibroker version 6.22 features preliminary support for native chart GUI (buttons and edits at the moment). Voice alerts are added to the code. Voice alerts automatically gets triggered whenever buy or sell button is pressed.
Button Trading in Amibroker – AFL Code
Marketcalls Financial Services Pvt Ltd.
Created By : Rajandran R(Founder - Marketcalls.
Created on : 01 Dec 2018.
Website :
_SECTION_BEGIN("Button Trading - Algoaction");
//This afl code works only on Amibroker 6.22 and higher version
//Requires + Tradejini Arrow API to place orders from button
//Replace the API Key and API Secrety key with yours
user_apikey = ParamStr("user_apikey","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
user_apisecrete = ParamStr("user_apisecret","yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy");
stcode = ParamList("statergy CODE","S1|S2|S3|S4|S5|S6",0);
s_prdt_ali = ParamList("s_prdt_ali","NRML:NRML|BO:BO|CNC:CNC|CO:CO|MIS:MIS",0);
Tsym = ParamStr("Symbol","BANKNIFTY18DECFUT");
exch = ParamList("Exchange","NFO|NSE|BSE|CDS|MCX|NCDEX|BFO|MCXSXFO|MCXSX",0);
qty = Param("Quatity",40,0,50000,1);
Ret = ParamList("Ret","DAY|IOC",0);
prctyp = ParamList("prctyp","MKT|L|SL|SL-M",0);
TokenNo =ParamStr("TokenNo","12345");
Pcode = ParamList("Pcode","NRML|BO|CNC|CO|MIS",0);
AMO = ParamList("AMO","NO|YES",0);
placeordertype = ParamList("Place Order On","Realtime|CandleCompletion",0);
function Buyorder()
a = algoaction.PlaceOrder(user_apikey,user_apisecrete,stcode,s_prdt_ali,Tsym,exch,"B",Ret,prctyp,qty,0,TokenNo,"NA",0,0,Pcode,AMO);
Say( "Order Placed" );
function Sellorder()
a = algoaction.PlaceOrder(user_apikey,user_apisecrete,stcode,s_prdt_ali,Tsym,exch,"S",Ret,prctyp,qty,0,TokenNo,"NA",0,0,Pcode,AMO);
Say( "Order Placed" );
function GuiButtonTrigger( ButtonName, x, y, width, Height ) {
/// @link
/// by beaver & fxshrat
/// version 1.1
global IDset;
local id, event, clickeven;
if( typeof( IDset ) == "undefined" ) IDset = 0;
//_TRACEF( "IDset before: %g", IDset );
GuiButton( ButtonName, ++IDset, x, y, width, height, 7 );
//_TRACEF( "IDset after: %g", IDset );
result = 0;
id = GuiGetEvent( 0, 0 );// receiving button id
event = GuiGetEvent( 0, 1 );// receiving notifyflag
clickevent = event == 1;
BuyClicked = id == 1 && clickevent;
SellClicked = id == 2 && clickevent;
if( BuyClicked AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlgo")==0 )
result = 1;
if( SellClicked AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlgo")==0 )
result = -1;
return result;
BuyTrigger = GuiButtonTrigger( "Buy "+qty+" Shares", 0, 50, 200, 30 );
SellTrigger = GuiButtonTrigger( "Sell "+qty+" Shares", 200, 50, 200, 30 );
GuiSetColors( 1, 3, 2, colorRed, colorBlack, colorRed, colorWhite, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorRed, colorBlack, colorYellow );
Title = "Trigger: " + WriteIf(BuyTrigger==1,"Buy Triggered",WriteIf(BuyTrigger==-1,"Sell Triggered","0"));
SetChartOptions(0 , chartShowArrows | chartShowDates);
Plot(Close,"Candle", colorDefault, styleCandle);