Rajandran R FollowCreator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in
Optimized Ichimoku AFL code to catch Early Buy or Sell Signals
24 sec read
Ichimoku Cloud Charts along with Buy or Sell Signal are shown for Nifty Daily Charts. Little Bit Parameter Optimisation has been done to reduce noise and to catch Earlier Signals in any kind of trade. Buy or Sell Signal added to the code as many of them still confused about the simple Ichimoku logic rule about the trading signals.
Old Set of Parameters 3,13,16 Changed to 3,12,18…. tried changing after trial and error(Traditional Human Method 🙂 )….. Code feels like little bit noise free when compared to to older parameters
Waiting for your feedback….from you people..
Rajandran R FollowCreator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in
41 Replies to “Optimized Ichimoku AFL code to catch Early Buy or…”
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your time and efforts in posting the above.
As suggested above, using Chart Nexus I have set the parameters
as follows:
(1) Conversion period — 3
(2) Base period —- 12
(3) Span leading period —- 12
(4) Span B period — 18
(5) Lagging line — 12
Please correct me if I am wrong in applying the logic of 3,12,18 to the parameters.
Yes! Kindly verify the similarity with your Nifty Charts with mine… If both the charts resembles same…. Then your settings are perfect
can this afl work with trial ami and where to paste the afl code sir.
sud it be insert as overlay method.
@Kalyan… I think it should work in a trail Amibroker
1)Save this file as .afl format ( e.g Ichimoku.afl
2)Place it inside the amibroker path c:\program files\amibroker\formulas\custom\Ichimoku.afl
3)Now Open Amibroker – > Open New Blank Chart
4)From the View Menu–> Select Chart–> goto Custom-> Select Ichimoku AFL
5)Chart will Display along with Buy or Sell signal
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your response.
I have checked and found that the my nifty chart (chartnexus) and your above nifty chart (amibroker) are almost similar barring few very minor dissimilarities.
However the one major dissimilarity is that there are no green and red arrows in my nifty chart (chartnexus) as in your chart.
How to get these green or red arrows which I understand reversal of trend.
Green and Red arrows are nothing but the Buy/Sell Signal which can be done throw AFL codes by converting your rules into AFL codes…. and just a few funtions to plot those arrows… That it
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your response.
As I do no have Ami-broker, I understand the arrows will not be available in chartnexus.
Further while exploring your website, I came across the link NMA charts with last update on 15.Sept.2010.
After comparing the nifty charts, I understand the logic of NMA charts is similar to Optimized Ichimoku.
Similarly the logic of Optimized Ichimoku can be applied to stocks as well.
@CT Exactly… But the stop loss levels in NMA are far good when compared to Ichimoku.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your response.
I must admit your blog is definitely helping me develop a trade plan (a plan with logic and purpose) and execute it properly rather than taking positions randomly.
Is it possible for non-amibroker traders like me to use the NMA technique using excel format with EOD data and generate buy/sell signals with proper stop loss ?
i downloaded it as text and save as notepad now so if i paste it in analysis>formula editer then tool>apply indicater.
i cant succed it to save it as afl file. wud u help
hello sir i have saved the ichimoku afl as txt file in notepad and paste it in analysis>formula editer and then apply indicater.
i am using trail ami. its a success but what about tinkensen and kijunsen amd chiku span.they r not found. pls help
hello sir i have saved the ichimoku afl as txt file in notepad and paste it in analysis>formula editer and then apply indicater.
i am using trail ami. its a success but what about tinkensen and kijunsen amd chiku span.they r not found. pls help
@Kalyan…. We are concerned with the clouds only. No More additional Filters are included in our Ichimoku Cloud
this is for ur information . when inserted ichimoku as overlay.In parameter function the hidden function do not work, i have to use the delete function to delete ichimoku but its ok with insert function.
so in overlay method ,if i delete ichimoku it leave a fault as more than one black recent price display in the left scale pane.
1.I like to know how to modify these formulas of NMA and have the analysis of scan come on daily time wise basis instead of the method now with A to Z in that order ichimoku Hayo kinyo and also when it get refreshes the date time close high low column gets reduced so that always one has to modify.
2. can you guide me how to fix the colors for fibin amibroker as one it get erased it goes back to the default.
Hi Raj,
Can I get this new Ichimoku AFL without Buy/Sell Signals…??
I figured it out… 🙂
In the new optimized AFL, at the time when the green/red arrow appears,the delayed condition is not getting ok. (both in daily and lower time frames like 5 min and 15 min).
And those buy/sell chances with delayed conditions not ok are not working in 5 min time frame
Dear sir
prds = Param(“Standard Line Periods?”, 12,5,26,1);
prds1 = Param(“Turning Line Periods?”, 3,3,10,1);
prds2 = Param(“Delayed Line Periods?”, 11,4,25,1);
prds3 = Param(“Spans Periods?”, 18,10,52,1);
These are the parameters in the AFL with default value 12/3/11/18 of respective variables
my chart doesnt resembleyours..can you please help
Dear Sir
Excellent job sir amazing
Dear Sir,
Appreciate your efforts and sharing.
I have loaded the afl file in amibroker.
As I new to trading and learining slowly from your efforts could you plese guide on the tf for positional trades and the sl & Targets.
Also if we need to supplement trades with other indicators
I am using now a trail version of Amibroker but i need to have a full version of any charting software which i need not to pay so i have chosen chartnexus. So, Please sir will u also provide formulas for chartnexus so that people like me can use it.
great work
Dear Sir ,
Is there any afl-formula to plot actual trades on amibroker chart and export / link the same to excell spreadsheet to monitor portfolio ( closing rates , profit .loss ) . I am aware of export / report parameter in amibroker can it be used for this purpose ?
Best Regards ,
Hi Chandan,
Chartnexus has EOD, click and use indicators and oscillators. It does not seem to have AFL kind of code implementation of Intraday.
Dear Sir,
How to add a human voice or any SOUND in the AFL, so no need to stick with PC in market hour.
When a buy or Sell signal appears it should play a sound apart from that is it possible to add SL and TARGETS ??
Thinks Rajandran R for all what do you do…
please i need your help to modifie my ichimoku AFL…
IF U R agree i paste it here…
thinks a lot.
hello sir, the ichimoku cloud in METASTOCK doesnt plot properly. The kumo cloud ends with the latest bar and doesnt project into the future 26 periods. i will be grateful if you could provide with the correct coding of ichimoku in metastock as i dont use amibroker.
Hello sir,
I have very little knowledge about charting.I have Amobroker 5.4 with my system running..Can I use ichimoku with my Ami to trade intraday nifty index options?. Or can you advice me the one which most suitable to nifty index options intraday.
Thanks in advance.
hi can i use this afl code in commodity trading ??
will it work ??
please give afl formula for ichimoku buy /sell arrow scanner to find out which stock buy/ sell came recently so that e can enter the trade accordingly
I´d like to thank you for providing us with the cutting edge trade systems.
I´m trying to implement you system in corn and cofee markets but with a different stop loss strategy — which is stop if the prices break the max / min of the candle that generated the signal. I know it´s quite simple strategy nut it can make you more confortable in the commodity market . I´ll keep you informed about the progress.
Best regards
Hello Sir
I am a regular reader of marketcalls. Thanks for such a great website that educates investors and keeps us updated with latest updates.
I was reading ur post on ICHIMOKU, are the settings (3,12,18) latest or has there been an update on the ichimoku settings to be used.
Yes that’s the latest one.
Rajandran, Can I use this scan formula with stockcharts.com to catch early buy or sell signals with defined price between as example 10 to 15 ? If not do you have any other that type of scan formula to catch early buy or sell signals that I could use with stockcharts.com? I appreciate your replay to my questions. MF
Hello..Good day!
Could you please suggest me any system to catch up some 5 to 10 points in intraday nifty options with 5 point or less trailing SL.
Your help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!
dear rajendran ji
can we early buy sell signals for nifty supertrend v3 . i mean i have loaded your new afl supertrend v3 but i want early buy sell signal in that only no other formula . please tell me if i use ichimoku afl then can i get same trends and signals as in your supertrend v3 . kindly tell as it will be much better for a new trader like me
No it is not possible. You cannot tweak a system just like that to bring early signals in it.
Dear Sir Rajendran,
thank you very much for ur reply. i want to know two things
1 . As today nifty closed @ 8953 and the day is Expiry of contracts . The super trend showed gave a buy signal @ 8903 still the signal is on buy mode but the Feb Nifty is trading on 8981.30 . So my humble question is this that how it will be calculated in Backtest as there is a already diffrnc of almost 30 points .
2 You mentioned in a comment that its charming to see supertrend in auto trading . Kindly tell when a buy signal generated in Super Trend and it place by order but what will happen if its shows sell ..Means how it will make the double qty for sell signal . If same qty taken in buy signal then surely it will sell same qty then how possible to make fresh sell automaticly.
please dont mind as i am a new trader and loving your Super Trend Formula
Dear Sir Rajendran,
Thank you very much for ur postings in’ marketcalls.in’, please dont mind as i am a new trader, and i want to know, how to modify in buy sell afl code ( stop lose levels) and back testing with add some new columns to back test. pls,. help me.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your time and efforts in posting the above.
As suggested above, using Chart Nexus I have set the parameters
as follows:
(1) Conversion period — 3
(2) Base period —- 12
(3) Span leading period —- 12
(4) Span B period — 18
(5) Lagging line — 12
Please correct me if I am wrong in applying the logic of 3,12,18 to the parameters.
Best regards,
[email protected]
Yes! Kindly verify the similarity with your Nifty Charts with mine… If both the charts resembles same…. Then your settings are perfect
can this afl work with trial ami and where to paste the afl code sir.
sud it be insert as overlay method.
@Kalyan… I think it should work in a trail Amibroker
1)Save this file as .afl format ( e.g Ichimoku.afl
2)Place it inside the amibroker path c:\program files\amibroker\formulas\custom\Ichimoku.afl
3)Now Open Amibroker – > Open New Blank Chart
4)From the View Menu–> Select Chart–> goto Custom-> Select Ichimoku AFL
5)Chart will Display along with Buy or Sell signal
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your response.
I have checked and found that the my nifty chart (chartnexus) and your above nifty chart (amibroker) are almost similar barring few very minor dissimilarities.
However the one major dissimilarity is that there are no green and red arrows in my nifty chart (chartnexus) as in your chart.
How to get these green or red arrows which I understand reversal of trend.
Appreciate your time and efforts.
Best regards,
[email protected]
Green and Red arrows are nothing but the Buy/Sell Signal which can be done throw AFL codes by converting your rules into AFL codes…. and just a few funtions to plot those arrows… That it
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your response.
As I do no have Ami-broker, I understand the arrows will not be available in chartnexus.
Further while exploring your website, I came across the link NMA charts with last update on 15.Sept.2010.
After comparing the nifty charts, I understand the logic of NMA charts is similar to Optimized Ichimoku.
Similarly the logic of Optimized Ichimoku can be applied to stocks as well.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Best regards,
[email protected]
@CT Exactly… But the stop loss levels in NMA are far good when compared to Ichimoku.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your response.
I must admit your blog is definitely helping me develop a trade plan (a plan with logic and purpose) and execute it properly rather than taking positions randomly.
Is it possible for non-amibroker traders like me to use the NMA technique using excel format with EOD data and generate buy/sell signals with proper stop loss ?
Once again appreciate your time and efforts.
Best regards,
[email protected]
i downloaded it as text and save as notepad now so if i paste it in analysis>formula editer then tool>apply indicater.
i cant succed it to save it as afl file. wud u help
hello sir i have saved the ichimoku afl as txt file in notepad and paste it in analysis>formula editer and then apply indicater.
i am using trail ami. its a success but what about tinkensen and kijunsen amd chiku span.they r not found. pls help
hello sir i have saved the ichimoku afl as txt file in notepad and paste it in analysis>formula editer and then apply indicater.
i am using trail ami. its a success but what about tinkensen and kijunsen amd chiku span.they r not found. pls help
@Kalyan…. We are concerned with the clouds only. No More additional Filters are included in our Ichimoku Cloud
this is for ur information . when inserted ichimoku as overlay.In parameter function the hidden function do not work, i have to use the delete function to delete ichimoku but its ok with insert function.
so in overlay method ,if i delete ichimoku it leave a fault as more than one black recent price display in the left scale pane.
1.I like to know how to modify these formulas of NMA and have the analysis of scan come on daily time wise basis instead of the method now with A to Z in that order ichimoku Hayo kinyo and also when it get refreshes the date time close high low column gets reduced so that always one has to modify.
2. can you guide me how to fix the colors for fibin amibroker as one it get erased it goes back to the default.
Hi Raj,
Can I get this new Ichimoku AFL without Buy/Sell Signals…??
I figured it out… 🙂
In the new optimized AFL, at the time when the green/red arrow appears,the delayed condition is not getting ok. (both in daily and lower time frames like 5 min and 15 min).
And those buy/sell chances with delayed conditions not ok are not working in 5 min time frame
Dear sir
prds = Param(“Standard Line Periods?”, 12,5,26,1);
prds1 = Param(“Turning Line Periods?”, 3,3,10,1);
prds2 = Param(“Delayed Line Periods?”, 11,4,25,1);
prds3 = Param(“Spans Periods?”, 18,10,52,1);
These are the parameters in the AFL with default value 12/3/11/18 of respective variables
my chart doesnt resembleyours..can you please help
Dear Sir
Excellent job sir amazing
Dear Sir,
Appreciate your efforts and sharing.
I have loaded the afl file in amibroker.
As I new to trading and learining slowly from your efforts could you plese guide on the tf for positional trades and the sl & Targets.
Also if we need to supplement trades with other indicators
Thanks sir
New version Ichimoku Cloud Scanner 2.0 updated
I am using now a trail version of Amibroker but i need to have a full version of any charting software which i need not to pay so i have chosen chartnexus. So, Please sir will u also provide formulas for chartnexus so that people like me can use it.
great work
Dear Sir ,
Is there any afl-formula to plot actual trades on amibroker chart and export / link the same to excell spreadsheet to monitor portfolio ( closing rates , profit .loss ) . I am aware of export / report parameter in amibroker can it be used for this purpose ?
Best Regards ,
Hi Chandan,
Chartnexus has EOD, click and use indicators and oscillators. It does not seem to have AFL kind of code implementation of Intraday.
Dear Sir,
How to add a human voice or any SOUND in the AFL, so no need to stick with PC in market hour.
When a buy or Sell signal appears it should play a sound apart from that is it possible to add SL and TARGETS ??
Thinks Rajandran R for all what do you do…
please i need your help to modifie my ichimoku AFL…
IF U R agree i paste it here…
thinks a lot.
hello sir, the ichimoku cloud in METASTOCK doesnt plot properly. The kumo cloud ends with the latest bar and doesnt project into the future 26 periods. i will be grateful if you could provide with the correct coding of ichimoku in metastock as i dont use amibroker.
Hello sir,
I have very little knowledge about charting.I have Amobroker 5.4 with my system running..Can I use ichimoku with my Ami to trade intraday nifty index options?. Or can you advice me the one which most suitable to nifty index options intraday.
Thanks in advance.
hi can i use this afl code in commodity trading ??
will it work ??
please give afl formula for ichimoku buy /sell arrow scanner to find out which stock buy/ sell came recently so that e can enter the trade accordingly
I´d like to thank you for providing us with the cutting edge trade systems.
I´m trying to implement you system in corn and cofee markets but with a different stop loss strategy — which is stop if the prices break the max / min of the candle that generated the signal. I know it´s quite simple strategy nut it can make you more confortable in the commodity market . I´ll keep you informed about the progress.
Best regards
Hello Sir
I am a regular reader of marketcalls. Thanks for such a great website that educates investors and keeps us updated with latest updates.
I was reading ur post on ICHIMOKU, are the settings (3,12,18) latest or has there been an update on the ichimoku settings to be used.
Yes that’s the latest one.
Rajandran, Can I use this scan formula with stockcharts.com to catch early buy or sell signals with defined price between as example 10 to 15 ? If not do you have any other that type of scan formula to catch early buy or sell signals that I could use with stockcharts.com? I appreciate your replay to my questions. MF
Hello..Good day!
Could you please suggest me any system to catch up some 5 to 10 points in intraday nifty options with 5 point or less trailing SL.
Your help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!
dear rajendran ji
can we early buy sell signals for nifty supertrend v3 . i mean i have loaded your new afl supertrend v3 but i want early buy sell signal in that only no other formula . please tell me if i use ichimoku afl then can i get same trends and signals as in your supertrend v3 . kindly tell as it will be much better for a new trader like me
No it is not possible. You cannot tweak a system just like that to bring early signals in it.
Dear Sir Rajendran,
thank you very much for ur reply. i want to know two things
1 . As today nifty closed @ 8953 and the day is Expiry of contracts . The super trend showed gave a buy signal @ 8903 still the signal is on buy mode but the Feb Nifty is trading on 8981.30 . So my humble question is this that how it will be calculated in Backtest as there is a already diffrnc of almost 30 points .
2 You mentioned in a comment that its charming to see supertrend in auto trading . Kindly tell when a buy signal generated in Super Trend and it place by order but what will happen if its shows sell ..Means how it will make the double qty for sell signal . If same qty taken in buy signal then surely it will sell same qty then how possible to make fresh sell automaticly.
please dont mind as i am a new trader and loving your Super Trend Formula
Dear Sir Rajendran,
Thank you very much for ur postings in’ marketcalls.in’, please dont mind as i am a new trader, and i want to know, how to modify in buy sell afl code ( stop lose levels) and back testing with add some new columns to back test. pls,. help me.