Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

Marketcalls – Counter Trend Reversal System

40 sec read


Here is a simple afl code which is the modified version of EMAavg afl code, which finds the near bottom most of time and can be trade for reversal with mimimal stop loss. Trading system suits EOD timeframe and delivery based buying. Exit signals are not yet coded as of now and currently the system suits only Buy Signals on EOD timeframe. One need to preplan his/her Exit manually. Code has its own advantages and Disadvantages, so try to interpret the signal manually before entering into any sort of trade.

Note: Code is open source, free to distribute, and sharing and feedback recommended. Code currently supports Scanning and Exploration functions with Buy indications on the chart. Currently it doesn’t supports trailing stop loss indications and exit point of the trade. Also the code currently doesn’t supports lower time frames.

Download Marketcalls – Counter Trend Reversal System

Updated Version

Download Counter Trend Reversal System v1.01

Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Rajandran R
Author – www.marketcalls.in

Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

39 Replies to “Marketcalls – Counter Trend Reversal System”





  2. Kindly give me code for Counter Trend Reversal System applicable to Meta Stock Platform and also not in afl extension as am unable to open it.

  3. Hi RR,

    Wish You and Family a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

    wow, already another system …
    will come back and look it up, thanks RR, you are super 🙂

  4. @moh

    we can catch the exact bottom if Buy=c>EMAavg but to filter few more noise signals i added c>EMA(c,10)but this misses the exact bottom. Any suggestions for better filters?

  5. @Illango, Anuj, Market Hypothesis, Salil, Kalyan and to all the readers of Marketcalls wishing you a very happy and prosperous New Year.

    Another 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 52,600 minutes 3,153,600 seconds of fun, smiles and epic-ness combined with excitement

    I’m ready for 2011.

    Its 1-1-11 the first day of excitement starts with fancy number 🙂

  6. Sir,
    To this counter trend reversal system , we should have a re-counter trend reversal system , which gives only sell signals near the top . 🙂 tx.

  7. wanted to know how to smooth out the chart in amibroker when there is a stocksplit? thankyou

  8. afl coders,
    we need a better filter aka buy condition to reduce the amount of noise in the system. If you have a better strategy kindy help it out

  9. Hi RR,

    When i loaded and saw, what you have done looks done well as such.
    If tightened, the whipsaws,
    If let loose, the bottom misses.

    Can try the WMA which hugs price closer.
    Can try the shorter averages, with High and Low concept as a filter band for the whipsaws.
    But would still miss on the whipsaws or price, it looks like.

  10. Yeh Moh… If i tried to apply any sort of filter it fails to get the bottom… thinking of making a filter different from the traditional one.

    @Kalyan thanks for the rcom charts

  11. @Kalyan i mostly prefer a chart where the first signals fails or more than the two successive failures in a row…then the next signal is mostly preferable for buy decision and better select better grade stocks with good amount of volume…. but this is not a thumb rule.

  12. Hi Rajendran sir…

    If you can forgive me for coming up with a petty question, I would like to request you to help to understand these codes and all hat.

    I have just downloaded metatrader from GCI. How to use the above system of yours in meta trader ? Am totally new to this concept of codes. Plz guide as to how to insert your system code in that.

    Is Amibroker free of cost ? Whats the subscription ? which one is better, ami or meta ?

    Also, i’d be very grateful if you can help me to learn to write codes.

    Apologies again for series of questions.


  13. Hi rajendran,
    Have same query here as above , m new to this website,i m using metastock 10.1 version (EOD),want to know how i can use ur study as i m new to all this concepts and codes,can i insert ur codes in metastock and how.hope to hear from u soon.

  14. Can any one provide me details analysis on gann positional and swing trading calculator in a excel format of it ????


  15. Can you please explain the logic of this system? As i cannot open the AFL and work in Metastock. Thanks

  16. Hello Rajandran -Thank you for the code. When I try to back-test however it says that it is missing its buy/sell variable assignments. Any suggestions? – Mike

  17. Hi RR

    I have just used this AFL, it’s really awesome giving buy signals.

    Can i have same counter trend reversal system for Sell signals?

    you are really great on this formulas, I must admire it.

    Thank you

      1. Thanks for you reply RR

        Please suggest other way out to get sell signal in this counter trend reversal system in latest version.

        I badly need this, please help out to get good exist point or to get fresh sell call.

        Thank you

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