Here is an intresting Lecture by CA M.R. Venkatesh, Chennai Part of INDIA RE-DISCOVERED A Seminar on Global Economy By SWADESHI JAGARAN MANCH and VISION INDIA TRUST. I recommend my member to go through this 57 min video.
This video informs people on M3 number, oil bourse, inflation and the way the world economy works. It is true that these things are not discussed in the media nor is it taught in schools. The end result is that everyone is ignorant when it comes to talking about the global economy. M.R. Venkatesh does an outstanding job to discuss these points, and every economist & reporter should be discussing this plain and simply for the benefit of the people rather than telling people coverup stories. If anyone has intelligence and wants to know what is going on, go and look up M3, iranian oil bourse, inflation and try to understand yourself, its easy!