[Bangalore Workshop] Trading Strategies for Active Traders

2 min read

Learn the nuances of trading/investing strategies, the art of chart reading and picking up high probability trades. It is an educational workshop for active traders focused on how to pick low-risk, high potential entry points for your trade.

What you will learn?

1)High Probability Positional Trades using Traders Behavior.
2)Learn to Identify potential short covering rally/Long Liquidation setups.
3)Lean when to use supertrend and when not to use supertrend.
4)Lintra – Intraday and Positional Trading System for Bank Nifty.
5)Vlintra – Positional Trading System for Bank Nifty and High Beta Stocks.
5)Vlintra – Ultimate – Intraday Portfolio Trading System and How to Automate it.
6)How to understand the emotions behind gaps and how to trade gaps.
7)When to trade – before the event / post the event.
8)Managing the Risk with Heding Positions.
9)Potential Market Top/Bottom Setups using Market Profile.
10)Money Management Practices, When to Scale in/Scale Out.
11)How to setup professional charting desk/ required software tools/accessories.
12)How to Identify sideways markets using Expected Value.
13)How to Identify Trading Range for Nifty using PCR charts.
14)How to Identify where most of the traders keep their stoploss.
15)How to Identify the Market Confidence using Market Confidence Indicator.
16)How to Identify Trend Cycles using Turbo RSI.
17)Learn to do Top Down Analysis and How to build a successful day trading plan.

Where do I attend the course?

Trading Strategies for Active Traders
09 Sep 2018

3rd Floor, Vasavi Square, 4th Block, 10th Main, Jayanagar, Bangalore 560011

09.00a.m – 6p.m

Contact : 9535133445 / 9611786519

Book Tickets

About the Mentor

Rajandran is a Full time trader and founder of Marketcalls and co-founder of Traderscafe, hugely interested in building timing models, algos , discretionary trading concepts and Trading Sentimental analysis. He now instructs users all over the world, from experienced traders, professional traders to individual traders.
Rajandran attended college in the Chennai where he earned a BE in Electronics and Communications. Rajandran has a broad understanding of trading software like Amibroker, Ninjatrader, Esignal, Metastock, Motivewave, Market Analyst(Optuma), Metatrader, Tradingivew, Python and understands individual needs of traders and investors utilizing a wide range of methodologies.

Benifits of Attending the Workshop

1)Lifetime Access to Marketcalls Private & professional trading community
2)Access to Recorded Webinars on Amibroker, Ninjatrader, Options Studies, Market Profile , Harmonics & Volume Analysis
with more than 100+ hours of recorded webinars
3)Access to Tradestudio ( Marketcalls Proprietery Trading Systems/Indicators/Scanners/Algos/Trading Alerts)

Knowledge about Futures and Options Trading Concepts, Basics of Technical Analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I attend the programme?

The course suits for day timeframe traders, positional traders and a mix of traders looking for active investing/active trading strategies.

What are the Software Tools used in the Workshop
Technical Analysis Softwares like Amibroker and Ninjatrader will be used predominantly.

What is Trade Studio?
TradeStudio is a Amibroker Plugin Worth Rs20,000/- which gives access to set of Marketcalls Proprietary Custom Indicators, Trading Strategies (Intraday & Positional) & Scanners from Marketcalls. All the attendees will get the privilege of accessing in Trade Studio in Amibroker up to 1 Year.

How do I contact the Instructor post the course?
Lifetime Slack Access will be provided to our private trading community where we will be discussing algo trading, trading strategies, trading api and best practices.

Do you Provide Wifi Facilities at the Venue?
No, Participants are requested to bring their own 3G/4G dongle.

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11 Replies to “[Bangalore Workshop] Trading Strategies for Active Traders”

  1. Plz conduct a similar workshop on trading strategies online as well.
    Have been waiting for such an online workshop from you.

  2. Plz conduct an online workshop on directional (intraday and positional) strategies.
    Just focused on researching and creating systematic trading strategies.

    1. Most of our trading strategies are based on research and live experiments. Most of our webinars rely on how to research and how to explore the edge.

  3. If you are conduct this type workshop, get advantage some trader only who live near by,
    so that online webinar is must. I am interested specially on your T-studio tool, i am already subscriber of this, but still
    I dont know how to use.

  4. i want to attend but i will be in india in third week of september from sydney australia i have three years experience of trading cash and future market
    will i qualify for same course if not qualify what to do.
    please note that i have determine to do your course if i have to take any basic course i am ready to do that basic course please let me know how it is possible
    i am ready to do online or live training at banglore or mumbai after 24 septmber 2018

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