Recomended to clients just 2 days back.
Scripscan:Jaiprakash Associates
Return expected:40%
Duration:4-6 months
Story:The company has been hammered in the the past 40 days.From a high of 500 in january the company has cracked by more than 50% and is presently quoting at 240 odd levels.The company is also probably getting in the Ganga Expressway.They have got the Taj Expressway project, which is a very large project and as part of that project, they will get to develop close to 6,250 acres of land, 5 points across this highway that joins Agra and Noida. This is not there in the valuation as of now currently, it is not reflected and but it is something that will evolve over a period of time.According to the sources, Jaiprakash Associates will shift 45% stake in the Taj Expressway project to another company namely JP Infratech.In explanation the company stated that JP Infratech continues to be a 100 per cent subsidiary of the group.There was a need to boost the authorized capital of JP Infratech from Rs 200 crore to Rs 1,000 crore and Jaiprakash Associates subscribed the additional 35 crore shares at Rs 10 each, which represented 55 per cent of the capital.The company also clarified that it would go ahead with the initial public offering of its power subsidiary JP Power.
There lies no confusion at all and Jp associates should quote at a much higher price in the days to come.The company is also planning to double its cement capacity from 7 million tonnes to 14 million tonnes to become one of the largest players in the cement sector.Investors have panciked and exited the company compltely,buy at low sell at high mantra or even but when others are selling and sell when others are buying may work in these case now.Accumulate the counter as much as u can for limited downside but lot of upsides.
I can be reached at:[email protected]