We had enabled a couple of features/facilities in Marketcalls very recently to allow our readers and subscribers to take extra advantage of getting instant support from Marketcalls. And planning to enable more services for traders/investors in the future. If you are very new to these services its good to go through it.
Lanunched Customer Support team
We had launched our own customer support team to provide instant phone/remove assistance to our globaldatafeeds customers. New clients if you are interested in taking subscription can contact our customer support team. If you are interested in try out 3 day demo for NSE FNO, NSE Currencies or MCX Futures by fill out the demo form.
Launched Your Broker
Your Broker is a Marketcalls Initiative to Choose your Best Broker and Know your broker and his offerings better than anyone else. We started this project 2 months back and done multiple design iteration to make it help you to provide as much information as possible about a broker.
Launched Marketcalls Community
Marketcalls Community is a financial communications platform for Indian traders and Investors. People share ideas, links, charts and other important financial data information about stocks,commodities and currency markets.
This week community activity : Creating Amibroker Scanners and Exploration. Put your requirements and get it done. Join the community and get benefited.
Livecharts update
In our Live charting section now you can see both current month and next month contract for both Nifty futures and Bank Nifty futures. soon the same will be extended to MCX Contracts too. And Added CNXIT futures charts in our live charting section
Other tools
Other tools like Live Nifty Open Interest Tracker, Marketcalls Library, SGX Nifty future charts, Marketcalls Social moved under the menu Tools
If you are facing any difficulties with any of the services you can write a mail to [email protected]
great work always
There was a plan earlier to replace the Supertrend with Intratrend, any updates on the same…..
Feels like people are not interested in newer one. Adaptability for the existing users is a big challenge. So planning to come up with IEOD charts with intratrend shortly