Option Action
The most important thing is taking a view and riding with options strategy is the breakeven level. Faster the breakeven levels...
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to reduce the risk in a bearish strategy at the same time...
While trading the debit strategies measuring the risk-reward ratio matters a lot for the options trader. Though you might have a...
Here is a tutorial on Option Analysis Tool - Option Action which helps options traders to Design, Create & Monitor Option...
Bullish Diagonal Call spread is neutral to a bullish strategy which is executed by buying long-dated in the money call option...
Bearish Diagonal Call spread is neutral to a bearish strategy which is executed by buying long-dated in the money put option...
This is an Introductory webinar series for those who want to get their expertise in Options Trading using Market Profile. It...
Cash Secured Puts is a simple way to acquire stocks for investment at a lower price than the current Market Price....
OptionAction (OAWeb) is a web based Option Analysis tool which lets you to build and analyze option strategies for Indian Stock...
Just upgraded Option Action Beta Version from to and the new interface is cool and interesting filled with...
In this video tutorial we will explore the basic features and functionalities of Option Action, How to create option strategies and...
We know that Open Interest is nothing but the total number of outstanding contracts. And for Options we have Open Interest...