TXActionBot is a free digital assistant for Telegram App users to help with latest Indian stock market information. Telegram is a messaging service app similar to whatsapp which is widely being used by trading and investors. Traders/Investors can interact with that intelligent chat bot via commands and can get the latest stock market information.
TxActionBot can do the following:
Monitor stock quotes
Monitor Market Breadth (FIIDII, FIIFNO, PCR)
Live SGX Nifty Price
Stocks in FNO Ban List
Live Stock Alerts
Steps and Commands to Integrate the Bot with your Telegram App
1)Open Telegram App in your Android/IOS Mobile Phone
2)Use the Search option to look for the bot with the keyword “@txactionbot”
3)Select the Bot from the search option
4)Press the Start button to listen to the bot
5)Now you will able to access the commands. Type /quote |stock name| to get latest stock quotes as shown below. You type /sgxnifty to get live sgx nifty update
6)Type /fiidii data. /fiifno to retrieve FII/FPI equity derivatives turnover and /fnoban to know the list of stocks in ban period.
7)you can also type /indices to know more about the current index information.
Overall a simple and handy tool to retrieve market information at the press of few keywords.
Amazing how fast the world is improving on technology. Stock market information on the press of the button.
Interesting bot though i loved it. Is it possible to get alerts on earning results automatically? Does any bots provides such solution?
Love this bot. made my life easier.
Amazing Bot, Thanks to the creator! Received automatic alerts as well. Interesting Stuff!
Quite simple to use.
Thank You
How to get quotes for FNO stocks, and what is the command to set alert?
wow, i want to make something like this , to request chart from telegram to amibroker. Would you share to me , how to do that? thank You sir…really appreciate
Love this Bot