Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

Recent Ichimoku Signals in Nifty 50 Stocks

23 sec read

Here is a sample exploration done for Nifty 50 stocks using Ichimoku indicator. The exploration is done for the recent two trading days looking for a recent buy/sell signal in nifty 50 stocks based on the condition


Buy : If Stock closes above the Ichimoku Cloud
Sell : If Stock Closes below the Ichimoku Cloud

Recent Ichimoku Cloud Buy/Sell Signals


The Sample TCS Daily Charts is shown which indicates the recent buy signal as it decisively above the
cloud with cloud supports coming near Rs.810

Mode of Signal and Recent Ichimoku Cloud Supports and Resistance for Nifty 50 Stocks

TickerDate/TimeCloseUpper CloudLower CloudMode of Signal
ABB4/13/2010841.5836.75827BUY MODE
ACC4/13/2010940.65968.3966.95SELL MODE
AMBUJACEM4/13/2010118.85115.762112.95BUY MODE
AXISBANK4/13/20101157.61122.2251110BUY MODE
BHARTIARTL4/13/2010307307.25300.5NO SIGNAL
BHEL4/13/20102562.852380.6252399.25BUY MODE
BPCL4/13/2010507.8522.825536.625SELL MODE
CAIRN4/13/2010302.95285.125280.925BUY MODE
CIPLA4/13/2010334.8335.675331.4NO SIGNAL
DLF4/13/2010334.7304.225306.5BUY MODE
GAIL4/13/2010410.15411.138407.825NO SIGNAL
HCLTECH4/13/2010356.75368.45368.275SELL MODE
HDFC4/13/20102748.32641.9622627.475BUY MODE
HDFCBANK4/13/20101951.71846.9751818BUY MODE
HEROHONDA4/13/20101977.151958.751919BUY MODE
HINDALCO4/13/2010178.35171.563169.075BUY MODE
HINDUNILVR4/13/2010223.55230.675231.35SELL MODE
ICICIBANK4/13/2010942.2921.775912.75BUY MODE
IDEA4/13/201067.7565.53864.15BUY MODE
IDFC4/13/2010167.25161.725162.5BUY MODE
INFOSYSTCH4/13/20102781.92773.9872737BUY MODE
ITC4/13/2010268.6258.025250.725BUY MODE
JINDALSTEL4/13/2010723.6688.537674.7BUY MODE
JPASSOCIAT4/13/2010149.6137.875138.725BUY MODE
KOTAKBANK4/13/2010767.95754.1771BUY MODE
LT4/13/20101598.251608.2881597.4NO SIGNAL
M&M4/13/2010508.3535.744543.237SELL MODE
MARUTI4/13/20101363.31415.91439.9SELL MODE
NTPC4/13/2010209.3202.087203.2BUY MODE
ONGC4/13/20101040.351068.951091.875SELL MODE
PNB4/13/2010999.95955.3955.3BUY MODE
POWERGRID4/13/2010107.75106.988106.425BUY MODE
RANBAXY4/13/2010459.75460.538458.625NO SIGNAL
RELIANCE4/13/20101120.91062.0121039.2BUY MODE
RELINFRA4/13/20101118.91035.8251035.825BUY MODE
RPOWER4/13/2010159.05144.45144.2BUY MODE
SAIL4/13/2010229.85240.425233.725SELL MODE
SBIN4/13/20102093.952048.5252043.35BUY MODE
SIEMENS4/13/2010739.45739.025718.275BUY MODE
STER4/13/2010847.5817.213817.375BUY MODE
SUNPHARMA4/13/20101778.951696.5881650.025BUY MODE
SUZLON4/13/201073.175.72577.35SELL MODE
TATAMOTORS4/13/2010774.7757.438771.975BUY MODE
TATAPOWER4/13/20101340.451353.251296.15NO SIGNAL
TATASTEEL4/13/2010691.95612.438590.75BUY MODE
TCS4/13/2010820.85812.213800.45BUY MODE
UNITECH4/13/201077.573.51275.275BUY MODE
WIPRO4/13/2010719.75719.488712.5BUY MODE
Rajandran R Creator of OpenAlgo - OpenSource Algo Trading framework for Indian Traders. Building GenAI Applications. Telecom Engineer turned Full-time Derivative Trader. Mostly Trading Nifty, Banknifty, High Liquid Stock Derivatives. Trading the Markets Since 2006 onwards. Using Market Profile and Orderflow for more than a decade. Designed and published 100+ open source trading systems on various trading tools. Strongly believe that market understanding and robust trading frameworks are the key to the trading success. Building Algo Platforms, Writing about Markets, Trading System Design, Market Sentiment, Trading Softwares & Trading Nuances since 2007 onwards. Author of Marketcalls.in

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4 Replies to “Recent Ichimoku Signals in Nifty 50 Stocks”

  1. Thanks Rajendran for putting this list of Ichimoku signals on all NIFTY stock. Good to see that 33 stocks are in Buy Mode, 9 are in Sell Mode. Obviously, telling the story behind current bullish sentiment.

    Just an observation – your list of nifty stock is short by 2 stocks. It does not have RCOM and RELCAPITAL included.

    Happy Trading

  2. Dear Rajendran kindly give me a suggession how to install ichimoku trading software.

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