If you want to see Futures Series of Nifty for the month Jan 2014, you can enter symbol name as NIFTY15JANFUT. Not we are not providing Continuous contracts as of now. You can find symbols only related to contract-wise data.
Index and Stock Options start with the name of the underlying (in capital letters), followed by year (2 digits), month (3 characters), strike price and type (2 characters) – EXACTLY in this sequence. See examples below.
Options Symbols (Index and Stock Options) :
Example 1: NIFTY15FEB8500CE means Index Option of symbol NIFTY, for the year 15 (i.e. 2015), for the month February (FEB), for the strike price 8500 and the type is Call European.
Example 2 : BANKNIFTY15JAN17500PE means Index Option of symbol BANKNIFTY, for the year 15 (i.e. 2015), for the month January (JAN), for the strike price 17500 and the type is Put European.
Example 3 : INFY15JAN2000CE means Stock Option of Symbol INFY, for the year 15 (i.e. 2015), for the month January (JAN), for the strike price 2000 and the type is call European.
Example 4 : GMRINFRA15JAN17.5PE means Stock Option of Symbol GMRINFRA, for the year 15 (i.e. 2015), for the month January (JAN), for the strike price 17.50 and the type is Put European.
Open Beta : Watch NSE 5min Futures and Options charts with Technical Indicators. Currently we are testing with limited set of data. If you noticed any bugs kindly post it in marketcalls community. Would love to help you out. Watch this space and send your feedback/comments to [email protected] #openbeta