Python Tutorial for Traders


Hodrick Prescott Filter (HP Filter) Analysis – Python

Hodrick Prescott Filter (HP Filter) does Time series decomposition which involves separating a time series into several distinct components(Cycle component and...
Rajandran R
2 min read

Fetch Intraday Data from Google and Plot using Python

Here is an yet another interesting python tutorial to fetch intraday data using Google Finance API , , store the...
Rajandran R
50 sec read

Compute Cointegration using NsePy, Pandas Library

Here is a simple example to compute Cointegration between two stock pairs using python libraries like NSEpy, Pandas, statmodels, matplotlib
Rajandran R
1 min read

How to Compute Cointegration using Amibroker and Python

Cointegration is used in Statistical Arbitrage to find best Pair of Stocks (Pair Trading) to go long in one stock and...
Rajandran R
3 min read

How to Install Quantopian Zipline in Windows

Quantopian, is a Boston-based algorithmic trading platform and Zipline is a Pythonic algorithmic trading library(Open Source). Zipline is currently used in...
Rajandran R
1 min read

How to Get Realtime Stock Data From Google

Sometime back we discussed about how to get Intraday backfill data from Google and this short article focus on how to...
Rajandran R
1 min read

Integrating Amibroker with Python COM Server

This tutorial aims to elucidate the process of integrating Amibroker with Python COM server to build intricate trading systems. Python, an...
Rajandran R
3 min read

Beautiful Soup: Understanding Web Scraping Capabilities to Extract Data from Screener – Python Tutorial

just want to parse an HTML page especially nseindia website containing a table and import it into a MySQL table...
Rajandran R
2 min read