Whether you’re an advertising agency, a small business owner, a multinational corporation, or an academic researcher, Insights for Search can help you gauge interest in pertinent search terms.
Insights can be used to determine seasonality for example the Tax related searches are increasing during the Jan-Apr Season and it is a cyclic behavior(Check out the Charts from google Insight).
Insigts also helpful in determining the Geographical Area of Interest. For example If you are interested in finding out which state in india is mostly interested in searching for the keyword Nifty , then google insight provides you the list of states in india where the search density for the term Nifty is very high
Regional Interest for the Keyword Nifty
Here are few sample charts for you to show the popular keywords of Interest over time
Floppy Disc
sir ,
where can i find a real time intraday chart like this nifty 50 stocks—
plz help .
thanks in advance.
For Realtime you need an amibroker software+South Wind AFL code+ Real time Feed Software
Hi Rajandran
How are you.
Traders love chart…very interesting link and charts
Facebook and floppy drive…most interesting
Keep up the good work
Anuj there are lots of seasonal factors to show. But due to time constraint i hadnt posted yet. Check for the term youtube,twitter,Avatar, Fifa in Google Insight. People are really mad on searching on their favorite topics!