Intraday traders often rely on quick decision-making supported by robust analytics. Tracking intraday profit and loss (PNL) in real-time can provide traders with essential insight into how their strategy is performing during the trading day. In this blog post, we will discuss an Amibroker AFL (AmiBroker Formula Language) code that visualizes intraday PNL while running a simple moving average crossover strategy as a prototype. The strategy itself can be replaced or enhanced as needed—our main focus is on the techniques used to visualize intraday equity changes and PNL.
Key Features of This Prototype
- Uses a basic EMA crossover strategy as a placeholder.
- Computes intraday PNL by comparing current equity to the day’s starting equity.
- Plots intraday PNL as a colored area chart (green when positive, red when negative).
- Allows user-defined parameters and times (signal start time, end time, and square-off time).
- Can be extended or modified to reflect your own strategy logic.
Amibroker AFL Code with Intraday PNL Dashboard
//Rajandran R - Creator of OpenAlgo
//website - /
//Intraday PNL Visualizer - Trading Module v1.0
//Date - 10/12/2024
_SECTION_BEGIN("Intraday Strategy with MTM Stoploss and Target");
//Initial Parameters
SetOption( "InitialEquity", 400000);
SetOption("FuturesMode" ,True);
//Position Sizing
MALength1 = param("MALength1",10,1,5,1);
MALength2 = param("MALength2",20,1,5,1);
starttime = ParamTime("Signal Start Time", "09:30");
endtime = ParamTime("Signal End Time", "15:00");
squareofftime = ParamTime("Squareoff Time", "15:15");
// Calculate EMAs
EMA1 = EMA(C, MALength1);
EMA2 = EMA(C, MALength2);
// Plot EMA1 and EMA2
Plot(EMA1, "EMA " + MALength1, colorBlue, styleThick);
Plot(EMA2, "EMA " + MALength2, colorRed, styleThick);
//Buy-Sell Logic
Buy = Cross(ema( C, MALength1 ),ema( C, MALength2 )) AND TimeNum()>=starttime AND TimeNum()<=endtime ;
Sell =Cross( ema( C, MALength2 ), ema( C, MALength1 )) OR TimeNum()>=squareofftime;
Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );
Short = Cross( ema( C, MALength2 ), ema( C, MALength1 )) AND TimeNum()>=starttime AND TimeNum()<=endtime ;
Cover = Cross(ema( C, MALength1 ),ema( C, MALength2 )) OR TimeNum()>=squareofftime;
Short = ExRem(Short,Cover);
Cover = ExRem(Cover,Short);
BuyPrice = ValueWhen(Buy,Close);
SellPrice = ValueWhen(Sell,Close);
ShortPrice = ValueWhen(Short,Close);
CoverPrice = ValueWhen(Cover,Close);
//start = ParamDate( "Start Date", "2024-01-01" );
//end=ParamDate( "End Date", "2024-12-31" );
//e=Equity(1,3,start,end); //Calculates for the Date Specific Quotes
e = Equity();
//Plot(e, "Equity", colorYellow, styleArea);
newday = Day() != Ref(Day(),-1);
daystartequity = ValueWhen(newday,e); //Start of the day take the equity value as reference
intradaypnl = e - daystartequity; //Todays aka intraday PNL
_SECTION_BEGIN("Candlestick Charts with Date & Time Axis");
//Enable the Date & Time Axis
SetChartOptions(0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates);
//Plotting Candlestick charts
_SECTION_BEGIN("Trading Dashboard");
dashboard = ParamToggle("Trading Dashboard","Show|Hide",1);
// Parameter for UpColor
UpColor = ParamColor("UpColor", colorGreen);
// Parameter for DownColor
DownColor = ParamColor("DownColor", colorRed);
buycontinue = Flip(Buy,Sell);
shortcontinue =Flip(Short,Cover);
//Show Dashboard
//Setting the font and font size
GfxSelectFont("BOOK ANTIQUA",14);
//set the background mode
GfxSetBkMode(1); //Transparent mode
//Set the Text Color
dashboardcolor = IIf(buycontinue,upcolor, IIf(shortcontinue, downcolor, colorGrey40));
width = Status("pxwidth");
height = Status("pxheight");
x1 = 5;
y1 = height-200;
x2 = 400;
y2 = height-50;
//Draw the rectangle
GfxRectangle( x1, y1 , x2, y2);
//Draw the text inside the rectage
GfxTextOut("Intraday - Trading System",x1+20,y1+20);
//Get the Trading Signal Status - "Buy Signal" or "Short Signal"
sigstatus = WriteIf(buycontinue, "Buy Signal", WriteIf(shortcontinue, "Short Signal", "No Signal"));
pnl =IIf(buycontinue,Close - BuyPrice, IIf(shortcontinue, ShortPrice - Close, Null));
//Accepts only string -> PNL is array
GfxTextOut("Profit/Loss : "+Prec(SelectedValue(pnl),2),x1+20,y1+80);
GfxTextOut("Intraday PNL : "+Prec(SelectedValue(intradaypnl),2),x1+20,y1+110);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Trading Signals");
/* Plot Buy and Sell Signal Arrows */
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-45);
PlotShapes(Sell * shapestar, colorBrightGreen, 0, High, 12);
PlotShapes(Cover * shapestar, colorRed, 0, Low, -12);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Top Dashboard");
X0 = 10;
Y0 = 20;
//defining the procedures
procedure DrawData (Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo)
GfxSelectFont("Verdana", 8.5, 700);
GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32|1|4|16);
DrawData (Name(), X0, Y0, X0+150, Y0+20, colorGrey40, colorblack);
//DrawData (Date(), X0+155, Y0, X0+320, Y0+20, colorGrey40, colorblack);
DrawData ("Open : " + Open, X0+155, Y0, X0+320, Y0+20, colorGrey40, colorblack);
DrawData ("Close : " + Close, X0+325, Y0, X0+450, Y0+20, colorGrey40, colorblack);
DrawData ("High : " + High, X0+455, Y0, X0+580, Y0+20, colorGrey40, colorblack);
DrawData ("Low : " + Low, X0+585, Y0, X0+710, Y0+20, colorGrey40, colorblack);
//DrawData ("Timeframe : " + "5-Minute" , X0+845, Y0, X0+1050, Y0+20, colorGrey40, colorblack);
//DrawData ("Smooth Osc : " + RSI(14), X0+1055, Y0, X0+1225, Y0+20, colorGrey40, colorblack);
This function is used to configure various environment settings. For instance:
SetOption("InitialEquity", 400000)
sets the starting capital.SetOption("FuturesMode", True)
indicates that we are trading in futures mode.SetOption("CommissionMode", 1)
andSetOption("CommissionAmount", 0.02)
define how commissions are calculated.
The Equity()
function calculates the equity curve based on the trading logic defined by Buy/Sell/Short/Cover signals. It helps us track how the strategy’s hypothetical capital grows or shrinks over time.
Intraday PNL Calculation:
With Equity()
calculated, we determine the intraday PNL as:
newday = Day() != Ref(Day(), -1); // True when a new day starts
daystartequity = ValueWhen(newday, e); // Captures the equity at start of day
intradaypnl = e - daystartequity; // Current equity minus day's start equity
Intraday PNL Visualizer – Amibroker AFL Code
//Rajandran R - Creator of OpenAlgo
//website - /
//Intraday PNL Visualizer - Trading Module v1.0
//Date - 10/12/2024
_SECTION_BEGIN("Intraday Strategy with MTM Stoploss and Target");
//Initial Parameters
SetOption( "InitialEquity", 400000);
SetOption("FuturesMode" ,True);
//Position Sizing
MALength1 = param("MALength1",10,1,5,1);
MALength2 = param("MALength2",20,1,5,1);
starttime = ParamTime("Signal Start Time", "09:30");
endtime = ParamTime("Signal End Time", "15:00");
squareofftime = ParamTime("Squareoff Time", "15:15");
// Calculate EMAs
EMA1 = EMA(C, MALength1);
EMA2 = EMA(C, MALength2);
//Buy-Sell Logic
Buy = Cross(ema( C, MALength1 ),ema( C, MALength2 )) AND TimeNum()>=starttime AND TimeNum()<=endtime ;
Sell =Cross( ema( C, MALength2 ), ema( C, MALength1 )) OR TimeNum()>=squareofftime;
Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );
Short = Cross( ema( C, MALength2 ), ema( C, MALength1 )) AND TimeNum()>=starttime AND TimeNum()<=endtime ;
Cover = Cross(ema( C, MALength1 ),ema( C, MALength2 )) OR TimeNum()>=squareofftime;
Short = ExRem(Short,Cover);
Cover = ExRem(Cover,Short);
BuyPrice = ValueWhen(Buy,Close);
SellPrice = ValueWhen(Sell,Close);
ShortPrice = ValueWhen(Short,Close);
CoverPrice = ValueWhen(Cover,Close);
//start = ParamDate( "Start Date", "2024-01-01" );
//end=ParamDate( "End Date", "2024-12-31" );
//e=Equity(1,3,start,end); //Calculates for the Date Specific Quotes
e = Equity();
//Plot(e, "Equity", colorYellow, styleArea);
newday = Day() != Ref(Day(),-1);
daystartequity = ValueWhen(newday,e); //Start of the day take the equity value as reference
intradaypnl = e - daystartequity; //Todays aka intraday PNL
color = IIf(intradaypnl>0, colorGreen, colorRed);
Plot(intradaypnl, "Intraday PNL", color, styleThick | styleArea);
This AFL code demonstrates a straightforward approach to visualizing your intraday PNL while executing a prototype trading strategy. The key takeaway is not the strategy itself—feel free to plug in your preferred signals, overlays, and filters—but rather the use of crucial AFL functions like Equity()
, ValueWhen()
, and ExRem()
to manage signals and compute real-time intraday results.
You can further enhance this by:
- Implementing your preferred entry and exit logic.
- Adding more sophisticated risk management rules.
- Incorporating advanced analytics like volatility filters or higher timeframe confirmations.
By understanding these building blocks, you open the door to creating more informed and data-driven intraday trading tactics in Amibroker.