
Understanding Discount Brokers in India

Full-service stock brokers and discount brokers are two types of brokerage firms that offer different levels of service and fees to clients who want...
Rajandran R
3 min read

How to Build your First Execution Module and Cover…

This tutorial explores how to build your very first execution module in Amibroker and How to transmit orders from Amibroker to Algomojo trading platoform.
Rajandran R
2 min read

AlgoAction Now Supports Bracket Order and Multi Orders

AlgoAction - a web-based algotrading application now supports Bracket order, Multi Orders and Multi Bracket Orders. Multi-Order facility helps traders in sending basket orders, pair...
Rajandran R
58 sec read

Marketcalls – Tradejini New Year 2014 Giveaway

New Year Festive season is about to kick-start and I hope everyone is eagerly awaiting to welcome this New Year 2014. To celebrate...
Rajandran R
43 sec read